
  • 今日睇報紙見到果個眼鏡牌子alain mikli有個眼鏡設計比賽,贏咗可以去法國一星期,好似幾正~本身好鍾意呢個brand,d款好特別,所以唔係好識design都會試下參加~~有興趣既可以去呢個網址睇下:<br /><a href="http://www.msaward.com">www.msaward.com</a>

  • I have seen that on Today's (30th Jul) Appledaily, it is really nice, the color is so attractive......it really looks like CANDY.>.<
    <br>I have been to the website and have a look, the winner of this competition can go to France to learn and practice to make a real glasses....this sounds cool!!
    <br>And if you have time, take a look of www.mikli.com, this website is really great, many information can be found, may be it can help you to make your design.

  • 可吾可以打中文,因為吾明,thanks

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