
  • 現在社會愈來愈亂七八糟, 我見到隔離的甚麼秘密徵友廣場, 心裡就很想吐, Tulip, 好一句他朝君體也相同, 我總覺得亂攪感情生活的人, 根本就不知道甚麼是真愛.

  • 原來行動比想像中無咁難... -> BINGO!

    don't focus on the 3rd party, or even the husband, focus on YOURSELF!

    Moral standards are dropping, and it's not that shameful to be a 3rd party or to have an affair.

    But really, we can't control what others do. So, we can only make sure we live a happy, meaningful life!

    Tell u gals something more...

    I have a bf now (>1.5 years). He treats me well and we are happy together. (Fingers-crossed.)

    But deep down, I have my worst case scenerio... if i really have no companion, i'll either adopt a kid or many dogs and live a meaningful, happy life by myself!

  • nic


    3角關係, 3個都係輸家. no doubt.

    如果我果件個女人係win, 佢就唔使看得佢咁緊啦~


    我做咗亞媽之後先發覺, 原來真愛只有母愛做得到, 不斷付出, 無條件, 生生世世...

  • jojo

    我都係只問自己得到乜嘢, 不問他人有乜嘢

    如果要比較, 自己會唔開心

    我都學識點樣喺苦中作樂, 學識咗, 感覺一流....好開心~

  • I dont think I can be that strong, I am such a fragile girl, I get sick easily so I need to be in good mood, otherwise my body will feel very sick.

  • nic


    我由一個刁蠻小公主, 咩都好依賴, 到依家一個人咩都渣到主意, 打理成頭家

    唔好低估自己. 逼虎跳wall就係咁囉~ 嘻嘻!

  • jojo, 很高興得知道你有一個要好的男朋友,希望你們可以繼續下去.

    Tulip, 做媽媽很偉大, 眠乾睡濕地養育兒女, 所以我覺得要孝順母親.

    Nic, 雖然發生了不愉快的事情, 但是感覺你每天都會好一點, 講出來比較開心.

  • There had been many times that I wanted to leave this home with my babies. But I had not. Too many things to consider and upset too many other people. Still wondering if leaving an empty home would make him clear what he really wants.

    The third party and I know each other. Believe it or not, I have an instinct that this woman would challenge me by stealing my husband at first sight of her. It was her sights that told me that she was going to win him from me and took away every good deeds of him from me. This kind of people are obviously immoral and out of their mind.

  • He still hopes that I will give him the chance but I tell myself dont think of our future as I just seize the day, the day we can spend together happily. I hope God will hear my prayers.

  • 講出來比較開心.

    >>> 嗯, 我當初成日講, 講到好似人哋既故事咁時, 就無哂眼淚lu~

    唔好屈埋喺心, 好辛苦

  • miiiiii

    Yes, we have our basic instincts as proved from psychological point of view, we can feel the threats around us like the animals.

    Try to do something from the bottom of your heart to get back his love from you if you really hopes he can return to you.

  • jojo, very glad to know you have a good boyfriend now. How old are you?

    I am wondering if I could have another chance because I know no man except my husband. And I am 38.5 carrying 2 babies.

    tulip, how to bring up children without father?

    nic, I am a very dependent person. Yet, like Tulip, I have to pluck up courage and learn to be strong.

  • miiiii

    From your message, I still find that you have anger or hatred in your heart, when did you find out this? Do you know it's very important to have peace in our heart so that we know what we really want from our inner core.

    Actually I found out at the beginning of May but I didnt move out or do anything to destroy the relationship. Of course, I do express my anger and pain to him.

  • 對呀, 當年我就是憑直覺查出他的不忠, 也許女人比較觀人於微, 在細節上看到異樣, 不曉得是否反射作用, 所以任性地不看九點半的無線電視劇, PTU的郭羨妮, 憎死她.

  • 呢個對我都係難題

    先唔講仔女點同daddy相處(離開都要相處/見面), 因為呢樣唔係你可以控制, 個爸爸唔做, 你忟死都無用

    我當初同大孩子講(當時佢2.x歲), 爸爸媽媽如果繼續相處就好易嗌交, 所以選擇離婚(我咩都唔怕同佢哋講, 我覺得照直講好過等佢哋有假像).

    初期, 亞"爸爸"都有每周一次探望, 細路好鍾意同佢玩(除咗玩, 仲可以做咩?)

    漸漸佢自己都有新bb時, 依家1年見3次. 我忍痛講好多嘢俾小朋友聽, 等佢哋唔好期望"爸爸"會成日出現

    我話, 如果佢黎, 你哋就同佢玩得開心d啦. 如果唔黎, 我哋一家3口自己都可以好開心. 無所謂

    其實, 大人擺幾多時間落小朋友度, 小朋友會知架, 基本上佢哋唔會問"爸爸", 因為生活上都無呢個人.

    至於其他小朋友, 可能仲細, 暫時未有小朋友因為"無爸爸"而排濟佢哋

    不過, 我成日陪佢哋, 帶佢哋周圍去, 當然我娘家都幫助好大忙, 無佢哋, 我今天都仲會成籮crab.

    整體上, 我兩個細路都好開心. 你愛佢哋, 佢哋真係知架~

  • 千其唔好幫一個唔盡責既爸爸掩飾, 我聽過有case, 媽唔想傷個仔(10歲)諗住唔講爸爸有女人, 點知到真係要離婚果刻, 個仔唔肯跟媽, 因為爸話媽出面有男人...

    唔係要佢哋憎daddy, 唔係想佢哋明事理.

    知道件事後, 仔女點對個daddy, 係佢哋既緣份, 與我無尤

  • ---只---係想佢哋明事理

  • Tulip - you are so strong, I am proud of you even though I dont know you. I wish I could be that strong becos even when I saw them, I didnt have the strength to confront him. I just cried and cried.

  • nic

    我唔強架, 不過我承認我好盡責, 生得佢哋出, 點辛苦我都捱落去

    我曾經愛呢個人比自己條命要緊, 曾經以為無咗呢個人我會死

    但日子耐咗, 睇清楚個人後, 你自會知道點做,


    I just cried and cried

    >>>> 我初初分居, 佢黎親我屋企, 我都會眼濕濕, 你知佢同我講咩呀? 佢話"如果我黎你就係咁既樣, 我唔黎喇"


  • Tulip, 母兼父職, 有很多很多的日子是咬緊牙關地過, 你跟孩子講出事實, 我覺得是應該的, 因為爸爸早已經不在這頭家裡, 與其隱瞞,倒不如落落大方說出來.

  • Tulip: 佢老哥諗住我可以笑四萬咁燒炮仗招呼佢~

    You make me laugh ah, I havent laughed for so long, you must be a funny lady. I cant stop now.

  • Tulip,

    You are such a strong and courageous mother. I must learn from you.

    Meanwhile, I have to take good care of babies. It will be a long long road for me.

    Now then, it is his side of family helping me taking care of children because we live near.

    Once i decide to leave, grandparents and uncles will be really upset.

    But I know I would leave one day, otherwise I cant start my life again.

  • 我好粗魯架, hahaha

    唔負責任既男人總以為一切都係理所當然, 佢唔明白我可以面對佢係我本領高, 我為細路而見佢, 我無鬧佢係因為我明事理

    唔係個個都可以咁清晰, 對個負心人笑笑口

    我做得到佢以為我真係原諒佢, 佢以為佢真係無錯...ridiculous!

  • 當初我丈夫跟我說, 給他一年時間, 讓他搬離這裡,然後他會回到我的身邊, 我說你要是離開這頭家, 我再也不會讓你回來.

  • 你有無笑死?!

    我等你出去happy完, 人哋嫌你老時, 你就僕返黎?!!

    你同佢講, 唔好~ 你3年先返, 我都想玩多2年



  • miiiii, do you think he will come back becos it seems that he still cares about you & the babies. Tell him that he must be the luckiest guy in the world cos the probability of having a twin baby boy & girl is low, he has everything that he needs - he has you & twins.

  • 男人為了他的激情, 可以如此自私, 一張紙怎麼可以包著火團, 跟你們聊下聊下, 時間過得很快.

  • yes, time flies when we talk overhere, I finish work in half an hour later.

  • Do you guys think that I should forgive him and give him the 2nd chance like 程亮 in the TV show?

  • nic

    呢個問題, 我唔敢答你.

    以前我會揀包容原諒, 依家我會答一次不忠, 百次不用

    我唔係你, 唔識揀, 問吓你個心既感受最真

  • Just finished meeting.

    I'm 34, but i look quite young. (coz i do spend time taking good care of myself!)

    Tulip, u r a really wonderful woman! Yes, my ex also told me loads of shxt before. I wonder if he finds himself rediculous! When I suggested divorce, he actually refused and said I am the BEST WIFE!!! Hahahaaa!!!!!!!!

    But whatever la, the past is the past. Better to have peace of mind myself.

    Believe me, with courage and a positive mindset, tomorrow will only be BETTER!

  • 如果你真是對他仍然有濃厚的感情,那麼再賭一局吧,真的沒有確實的答案.

  • He said he still loves me and he will use the rest of his days to compensate for his wrong doings. I told him action is more important than just talk, he said he understands.

  • 你話d男人出去玩之前有無帶個腦?

    一開始唔出去玩, 有咩問題坐低慢慢傾掂佢, 咪唔使好似依家咁囉~



    你出得去玩, 老奉預我要原諒你?!

  • In religion point of view is we have to forgive becos God also forgives our sins. When he said this to me, I have nothing to say back. Besides, from psychological point of view, it's human nature to do something wrong and everybody deserves a chance. That's why I am so confused now.

  • nic


    佢有責任幫你重拾信心, 如果你俾機會佢, 你亦有責任放低一d心結, 唔好搞到家嘈屋閉, 唔好下下拎出黎講, 由佢長埋黃土就算


    唔使同佢講係咪原諒佢. 模稜兩可就算. 講咗日後有咩arguments, 佢會反咬你

    同佢講係俾機會佢試吓大家仲可唔可以一齊生活, 喺佢未令到你無憂慮前, 你未決定原唔原諒佢. 請佢出點力~

    男人, 我只求一個唔使玩mind game的. 好煩~

  • Tulip - wow, you are so smart, I have never thought of that.

    But we werent quarrelled very often cos I am not that type of person, I dont like to spoil our relationship too, as I said before, I only enjoy the time we are together now, maybe I am a simple girl, I get satisfied so easily, if anyone does something for me even very small small things, I feel appreciation and thank God ga lah....

  • nic,

    Take your time. There are things that can't be rushed. See if you can "forgive and forget", and see if he really will make good use of his "chance".

    But again, don't push yourself too hard. Time will tell.

    Personally, I think he's very cheeky to argue that God also forgive our sins! Tell him that you ain't GOD!

    And from that psychological point of view, I think adults should be able to make sensible decision and take responsibility of the outcome.

    No matter what your deicision is, I wish you the best!

  • I need to go lah, talk to you guys tomorrow.

  • nic,

    everyone told him already that he is the luckiest guy la.

    We have finished mortage already tim.

    But he told me that all that he had now wasnt what he really wanted.

    He wants freedom as if he has not married.

  • He wants freedom as if he has not married.

    by miiiiii - 06/04/07 18:31


    大人真係點傷都無所謂, 至少自己可以承擔, 分手就分手, 起碼有機會復原

    點解要搵d細路仔黎玩? 人命黎架....

  • Nic,

    I found out somethings were wrong after I came home from hospitial (after delivery). I gradually felt that he didnt care much about me.

    He came home late. And easily lost temper on me which rarely happened before. He pulled up his face all the times. I asked him if he had a girl friend, he said that everyone knew he had me and 2 bbs, who would want him as a boyfriend? He was very suspicious, his phone never appeared at sight. I started checking on his things and bags and computer. I found a pair of silver earrings inside his bag but my ears were not pierced. So the earrings must be for another one. I was very upset.

  • miiiiii


  • Nic,

    I think you are very lucky because your husband knew that he was wrong and beg you to forgive him. I would definitely give him a chance if I were you.

    Actually, I loved my 'husband' very very much before, now then he had changed to another person that is stranger to me. He said that he had broken up with that woman...but I couldnt believe. This is also instinct. That's why he is still hanging outside home, he is now staying in a service apartment on his own.

  • tulip,

    yes. Actually, they are colleagues.

  • 第一次出去玩, 未識處理兩頭船, 所以返到屋企寧願唔出聲or睇你唔順眼

    第二次, 零破綻了

  • i really dont understand man.

    Actually, I am not that bad. Although I am 38.5 but I still look like a little girl as if I am not yet married and not yet delivered bbs. I had good achievement in my career but I quitted my job to have bbs. I am financially independent. I look good and dress good enough too. I dont understand why he still not satisfied with me.

  • 唔係你唔夠好, 你只係敵唔過"新鮮"啫

    男人如果唔識諗, 求呢樣, 你一世都追唔到

  • i am a 43 male, can i join the chat?

  • now then, I dont know what to decide. Actually, not decided by me. I am in the passive role.

    I am very sorry to have married such a man. He chose to abandon me while I have two bbs for him. How could he?

    I wish I could be as brave as you Tulip.

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