Find Language Partner (English)

  • 28m, Master Degree, will be staying overseas later, want to know friends and have language partners (either native English speaker or English speakers with different acceents) to further familiarize with daily conversations using English. I can speak native Cantonese, fluent Madarin, good English, and intermediate in Japanese. Have car and can hang out to different places in HK easily (not only Lan Kwan Fong, but certainly it would be one of the good places) . Friends from different countries, male or female, who want to learn Chinese, know more about Hong Kong, or visit different Hong Kong local places, are welcomed. Interested party please send email or msn to [email protected]

  • so long message! wondering would anyone be interested in SHE.COM

  • 唔知架. 呢度好似識人好容易, 但正經d 想識d 朋友可以互相令大家進步下的 (好似language partner), 居然冇人應....

    其實唔一定要係外國人, 總之大家想令自己英文叻d, 講多d 用多d, 都可以一齊

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