ipodsuffle charging problem

  • <p>有ÉN人可以?Ntilde;答?Uacute;呀?<br />?Uacute;部ipodsuffle 一插落電腦?oslash;?iacute;?acirc;燈就係ËÝ閃<br />?Uacute;見說?uacute;?Ntilde;?Uuml;正常?oslash;燈係?oslash;會閃架<br /><br />?Uacute;要ÂI?yacute;叉?igrave;電呢???<br />?Acirc;煩有ÉN人可以答?Uacute;呀?</p>

  • I Got a new ipodsuffle, but here is a charging problem
    <br>That is the orange light keeps blinking,
    <br>but the manual stated that the orange light should be stabled when charging.
    <br>how can I charge for it then?
    <br>Can anyone help me, thank you

  • 閃緊都會照叉電, don't worry.

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