有關apply usa visa - 請問我要帶咩去同佢地會問我咩問題架, 難唔難呢?

  • You need to bring the following :
    <br>1) Company Letter - Proving that you are taking holiday from when to when. Then when report to job.
    <br>2) Name Card (if have)
    <br>3) Passbook - At least with HK$30,000 (but not essential)
    <br>4) Properities prove - If have
    <br>5) Photo - As same as USA Council request. If no, they will not let you enter.
    <br>About their questions, if you know english, you will get the Visa in 30 seconds (like me).

  • If you are not joinning any tour.
    <br>You MUST fill an any hotel name on your application form.
    <br>Very important - Remember to ask where to line up.
    <br>Because in USA council, have 2 lines :
    <br>1) One line for FORM/PHOTO/PASSPORT/(HK$800) RECEIPT COLLECTION, then they will give you a ticket number.
    <br>2) One line for entry to the council for interview. You need to have the ticket then you can go inside.

  • check the flwg website for the details la

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