Business trip with boss..

  • agreed. dun go
    <br>u still not ready to negotiate with him

  • 由佢等啦, 唔好落去
    <br>仲夜晚添, 一見佢面你就甩唔到身架啦
    <br>如果佢真係想見你, 叫佢兩個月後先來搵你啦

  • ~~ 唔知點好

  • 我怕佢會來我屋企搵我...

  • u live by yourself?

  • don't open the door...
    <br>just say you are not at home...
    <br>if you see him again, he would think he has chance to do it with you again

  • vibrate,

  • yes, pretend u're not at home
    <br>otherwise, i think u must have sex with him again lar

  • 你25架lar 要strong d...發生左件今既事..係呢個situation 一定唔可以給佢去你家架...唔通你想後悔多一次?? 如果我係你我都會resign..請唸清楚!!!

  • 咁你約佢兩個月後先見啦
    <br>如果唔係, 你同佢的關係

  • i am not going to let him come to my home..

  • jackie,
    <br>did u give gave ur boss blow job.

  • sam,
    <br>yes.. but just short time

  • 記住..今次係佢對你唔住..要"很"心d 唔好去見佢.馬上send 封resign letter 去佢公司email.

  • jackie,
    <br>did he cum in ur mouth.
    <br>did ur boss spread ur legs wide open to let him see n play with ur pussy.

  • 女仔25,

  • sam,

  • jackie,
    <br>did he make u cum, did u enjoy the way he ml with u.

  • sam,
    <br>how can i cum? i am a girl~~

  • sorry...did u hv orgasm.

  • sam,
    <br>sorry.. this question is so embarrassing...

  • don't b embarassass in cyber world.
    <br>tell us pls.

  • sorry i dont want to tell abt this..

    <br>過一排等你平伏 D 先再算啦
    <br>計劃去旅行, 係最佳選擇

  • 隨風
    <br>next week i will go back to work la..

  • 如果你想繼續做呢份工
    <br>不過, 我 FEEL 到你可以接受你老細

  • Hi Jackie,
    <br>Just pass-by and read your story. I would like to tell you that you are having a very bad concept inside your mind:
    <br>"件事發生後 我覺得自己好似變左壞的女人"
    <br>Why do you think in this way? No point!
    <br>妳在半自願的情況之下與男人有Sex, 當中不牽涉事先要求的財富交易, 妳並沒有出賣自尊丫!
    <br>妳已經跟bf分手半年, 責任上唔背叛過任何人.
    <br>唔好覺得同男人做愛係被男人佔左便宜, 被男人玩左. 呢D係男人自大的思想. 妳同妳boss做愛果個moment, 有無一點點的性滿足呢? 如果有就OK囉!
    <br>唔需要當咩事都無發生過, 咁係逃避. 妳必須說服自己, 果次係人生入面尋找快樂的一次放縱, 無須後悔, 也無損失.

  • 隨風,

  • Bill Clinton,

  • i think jackie needs money, n she doesn't really mind hving an affair with her boss.
    <br>its a win win situation coz most likely, her boss wl give her some bonus or a raise, n in return, jackie wl sell her body, which in this case is not bad, coz jackie can enjoy her sex life in stead of diy when she needed.

  • rr,
    <br>no, i am not a chicken..
    <br>but i dont need extra money like u said

  • i think jackie doesn't know what she is doing.
    <br>first make up your mind. quit or not. if you want to stay, then just write an email to your boss and ask him to stay away from you. but you have to face your boss.
    <br>if quit, then just quit.
    <br>it is ok that you enjoy the sex that night. don't be ashame.
    <br>but you cannot be like this, so weak and not decisive. you make the decision and don't think other irrelavent things

  • eric,
    <br>i made up my mind la..
    <br>that nite.. i really feel shameful..

  • jackie, 簡單啲.
    <br>你老細驚你揚開件事, 或者搞大件事啫.
    <br>如果佢知道你唔會追究, 亦當無事發生過.
    <br>你估佢重會唔會繼續搵你 話補償你呢.
    <br>如果你諗住繼續係公司做, 你要有心理預備將來點面對佢同佢既目光噃.
    <br>同埋佢都可能會心思思再搵你, 同埋將來再要出trip, 又點呢 ?

    <br>你要繼續工作, 就要堅持自己的立場

  • Jackie,
    <br>其實事情已經發生左, 接受唔到都要接受, 最緊要係唔好將自己睇到成個罪人咁.
    <br>妳可以繼續思想保守係, 唔比自己將來再做同樣的事. 但做人係唔可以後悔的, 無論點後悔點唔開心都唔會改變事實, 反而影響當下的正常生活. 如果原本應該有的好心情, 就純粹被一件過去左的事情打壓著, 係咪對自己好唔公平? 損失更大?

  • jackie,
    <br>no, i don't mean anything like a chicken, but like a mistress to ur boss.
    <br>i think nothing wrong with it, as long as he is good to u n as his mistress, he should pay n take gd care of u.

  • dog,
    <br>actually no..

  • there are a lot of things in our lives, we may regret it, we may hope it was different. but keep on thinking back is no use.
    <br>just treat it as lesson, don't do it again. and know how to avoid it.
    <br>so you decided not to quit?
    <br>then may be you should email your boss. saying that you don't need extra money, you can treat it has never happened, but just don't try to do it again, you will quit if he attempt to do so.
    <br>i know you need money, but you shouldn't stay because of that. try to find a new job and change.

  • rr,
    <br>i really think mistress is more or less similar to chicken...

  • eric,
    <br>i'll think abt it.. but i cant quite now..
    <br>i will talk to my boss

  • jackie,
    <br>based on i have read so far, I think you did like your boss, otherwise you would not have done it with him. admit it and accept it, you will feel much better. no need to blame yourself cos you didn't do anything wrong. it is quite alright to have and enjoy consenting sex between mature adults.

  • 咁佢結婚未 ? 係公司老細 ?
    <br>anyway you take care la.
    <br>or as they said, find some fds to shopping or having dinner la ....

  • dog,
    <br>i guess he's not married, i am not sure
    <br>he's my boss.. not the owner
    <br>i am very confused..

  • jackie,
    <br>chicken n mistress is two different things.
    <br>i think u r too old fashion, hving sex with someone u like is not a sin, love n sex r two different things.
    <br>u should b glad ur boss find u attractive.

  • in the first place, why do a man make love to a girl who's not his wife or girlfriend??

  • rr,
    <br>god.. should i thank him for that.....

  • why you said he dun afraid it, he is famous on this b4 ?
    <br>what is yr relationship with him b4 ? always causal talk and make joking ?
    <br>btw, do accept and admit the thing happened and learn the lesson and feeling. You should grow up and mature enough to hanle it.
    <br>anyway, many ppl here support you and like to share with you ....
    <br>always smile la ...

  • rr..
    <br>可能我真係太old fashioned..
    <br>maybe i should thank him for having sex with me..
    <br>and i should be glad that he didnt cum inside

  • jackie,
    <br>well, at least u should not blame him, coz u did not resist.
    <br>btw, ur boss had sex with u doesn't mean he loves u, make no mistake. its only sex.
    <br>men can hv as many sex affairs as he wants wtihout any emotional attachments.

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