好想讖多D新朋友呀....係美國住好悶架 !!!

  • GG,
    <br>I just have Taco Bell for dinner..yummy^^
    <br>L.A. very dry, my skin is not good after I moved here. I have to do mask everyday la. I never been to 鯉魚門飲茶 in SF, as my friend said it's expensive. 而且L.A.有很多酒樓也ok. I feel Tiramisu is good in Cheesecake factory but I only can eat 1/2 pc each time cos too sweet. We go to Costco 2 times per month. it's 好扺!
    <br>I dislike Mexian too, L.A. 性罪犯Mexian佔大多數, D 光頭黨 Mexian 仲試過很多次在freeway亂開槍,正衰人.

  • GG,
    <br>咁你同你mother要報海外稅嗎? 其實移民唔知你走了如果冇報稅, right?

  • JJ﹐我口水流。。。

  • I feel Canada is much better cos seldom find homeless. But USA has a lot. I remember Washington has a lot of homeless living in the park which near white house ah... . ha ha
    <br>美國稅高但褔利就比鬼曬D Mexian, 因為佢地生很多個.又唔做野. 得閒就打劫D中國人. 真係嫁,我朋友比D mexian 入屋搬哂D野. 仲有個Hongkong小朋友玩滑版比D Mexian 搶走塊滑板, 真是吹漲!

  • jj, woh, u bad, taco bell, I am drooling now.
    <br>so you study or work there? i didn't really live in LA before but visit. i think SF is better for living.
    <br>i hate mexian! (although my cousins are 1/2 mexian)

  • GG, how long you back to HK ? No plan to come back US ? In your mom case....it's hard to say ....because if she enter US, immigration with ask your mom why she not return for so long, unless she got proof for sickness or other reason. Once US govement reject a green card holder, it's hard to re-apply ga la.
    <br>JJ, hai ya....US is much dry then HK. All my skin come off. God ~ do mask is no use for me hahaha
    <br> D 光頭黨 Mexian 仲試過很多次在freeway亂開槍 ??? waaa worst then NY wor, we don't have that here ....

  • may, i do report US tax. i want get benefit after retirement ga mah. haha

  • hi everyone

  • 其實唔只mexican﹐大陸人都貪福利﹐明明兩公婆有工做﹐但收CASH﹐所以生仔女有FREE奶粉等﹐都唔使自己養。另外學生咪拿FINACIAL AID囉﹐嘩﹐一個SEMESTER有千幾二千蚊﹐唔怪得美國要立重稅啦。加拿大一定好過美國﹐美國專收貧窮人﹐大陸個D﹐一個人可以申請成個家族黎美國﹐男人娶大陸妻﹐成個外家又黎曬﹗

  • ABC

  • YORKER你好

  • you all from usa ?

  • 我在HK﹐JJ在LA﹐ ABC 在NY

  • nice to meet you gg and abc

  • 你住邊度架﹖

  • oooh hi jj
    <br>i use to live in new york for a while . just moved to florida a year now .

  • oops

  • you woke up so early wor GG

  • 係呀﹐放大假﹐溫書。

  • yes i working.
    <br>how old are you lah gg ?

  • 我一定大過你三十啦

  • okay lah
    <br>we are about the same age g ma

  • sigh~ kept forgeting to use alias tim


  • i don't mind ge. just want to keep using one name in a thread . i hope i have no problom with my other name .
    <br>anyway, were you study in other country before ?

  • hi yorker, welcome to our thread. I been in FL 2 yr ago. Are you live in Orlando ? I was trying to relocate there b4 but I can't find job. hahaha
    <br>GG, you not old la compare to me, still very young ^^ our thread is only for casual chat no chasing & dating here -cause I made the rule here...hahaha we are only chat for life, hobbies, food, travel & some funny stuff ~

  • ABC, oh no what makes you misunderstand that I am coming for "chasing & dating"?!
    <br>didn't i talk to all girls?

  • GG, 唔係話妳呀 sorry, 我應該分開來寫..果段字係 mean 呢個 thread 只係傾下life, hobbies, food, travel & some funny stuff 咁解吖. 妳唔好 misunderstand 我指妳喎, 妳都無表示要揾人....hahaha

  • so where are you ABC?

  • hi, GG, ABC,
    <br>yes, yes, D 越南人都係, 他們做 nails, 收 cash, 冇報稅, 佢地擺出成疊 cash 去買車, D sales 看到都傻哂.
    <br>Hi, Yorker,
    <br>I have been to both NY n Florida, both are good but the weather in Florida seems much better.

  • hi friend, I'm live in NY

  • here seems not safe ><

  • hihi everyone..
    <br> sorry for the late reply... i've been soooooooo busy lately..
    <br> so wha'ts been up to, everyone?
    <br> a lot of food i miss from toronto.. the "shan wu shrimp" you mentioned.. what cuisine it is?.. and which restaurant ah?
    <br> sorry can't type chinese..

  • Welcome back test !!!
    <br>So miss you here ar , wow you must be working really hard huh ? Time to make big $ for vacation right ? hehehe
    <br>For those Toronto shrimp...I use to go to a old chinese restaurant in Scarebrough. the name is sliver star.... we order it with HK style cooking...( bay fong tom ) which is very tasty ^^

  • JJ
    <br>If you so worry living in L.A. why don't you plan move to other state or back to HK ?

  • GG, I want to know how's HK life & work now. Do you feel more comfortable live in US or HK ?

  • my family is here ma, but I plan to move back to HK later la...hee..hee.

  • JJ, so envy you can move back to HK. Do you think you will find a good job there ?

  • ABC, 呢個問題其實我都好confuse
    <br>HK係我既 motherland. 我既家人﹐最好朋友都0係HK﹐始終係我土生土長既地方﹐唔係寄人離下﹐好有安全感﹔不過工作的過長時間和工作的方式態度我就唔係甘buy﹐唔會有時間去享受生活和休息﹐生活真係好緊張﹐同埋香港人好多都唔真心﹐好多猜忌。
    <br>雖然美國唔係自己地方﹐有時又比人discriminate﹐但係生活環境好好﹐D人單純友善helpful好多﹐好有自覺性(除左某些群族)﹐工作上無乜stress﹐合理可觀既salary﹐sharp5﹕30就可以放工﹐holiday可以做自己喜歡既事﹐去short trip﹐生活簡簡單單﹐好平靜﹐好舒服﹐我行COSTCO都可以好快樂﹗

  • 我番黎差不多3年﹐先pick up番HK既生活咋。
    <br>HK market依家幾好﹐�M好工時機

  • GG, you not old la compare to me, still very young ^^ our thread is only for casual chat no chasing & dating here -cause I made the rule here...hahaha we are only chat for life, hobbies, food, travel & some funny stuff ~
    <br>by ABC
    <br>ABC, hahaha... ic.. but it liked to mention me. woh...

  • yes, yes, D 越南人都係, 他們做 nails, 收 cash, 冇報稅, 佢地擺出成疊 cash 去買車, D sales 看到都傻哂.
    <br>JJ, 哈哈﹐D sales 數錢都數到傻。

  • 其實east coast我去過Georgia﹐當初移民有2個choices﹐1係GA﹐2係SF﹐GA就有較親既舅父母﹐SF就一大班唔熟既relatives。我地飛去SF先﹐見到好多唐人﹐再去到GA真係悶到發慌﹐所以我同弟弟稔都唔稔就飛番去SF。
    <br>JJ & ABC

  • 一連氣留左幾個Messages。
    <br>Have a nice weekend everyone.

  • abc,
    <br>ai.... not a lot of $$ jah... but i do plan for vacation.. next week, i m going to VAncouver, and SEattle.. for a short trip.. finally i have been waiting for this vacation for sooooooo long~
    <br>one thing i can't agree no more w/ u is, HK ppl are much more complicated, 好多都唔真心﹐好多猜忌, and the pace is much faster,
    <br> i miss HK a lot, but i do agree that i am used to US style of living.. maybe b/c u haven't been to NY, NY is also a good place to live.. maybe due to its diversity of nationality, not much discrimination happen here..

  • GG, yes ! You completly point out the culture & life different btw NY & HK. I agree HK life is more faster but in fact NY style is not any slower too ( in office ) you also will work die ga & OT non-stop. But if you talk about character......American is more stright foward + self control lor. HK ppl is too smart to be cheat la & keep checking your out fit to guess your income hahaha maybe I'm wrong ~
    <br>So I plan to stay in NY for extra year since my new job is just starting, also wish our country stop war in Iraq asap then our goverment may rebuild our economy....
    <br>I been Hawaii but not SF or Alaska lor
    <br>test !!! welcome back ar, what a good new you can leave this city for vacation, Vancouver is 100% my dream place to go....I never been there b4. Wish you & your honey have a great trip & bring us back souvenir ar hehe

  • to me, it's an option whether u choose to get used to live in US or not..
    <br>if u keep telling yourself u r not used to US style of living, u will never get used to it.
    <br>but if u open yourself and learn to know the culture and or US style of living.. u might find some fun lei, who knows?
    <br>i like HK style a lot.. but i do open up myself to try to learn/know the different culture and or style of US, probably b/c i m in NY, ppl know the diversity of nationality here, and thus know to appreciate other ppl's culture.
    <br>souvenir? sure lah. what u like ah? let me know and i will get that for u~

  • agree with GG, I also feel冇安全感, 可能治安差啦. 在Canada就好安心,因治安好. Newspaper said in LA 華人是被Mexican打劫的對像, 而且華人又怕事,Mexican 就很團結.真係好有寄人離下的feeling.

  • ABC,
    <br>I may find a part-time n join some interesting course in HK first eg, beauty course, hair setting, 風水 or design etc... As when I was in HK, I dont have time to take those course n enjoy the life ma.

  • 吃,喝,玩,樂在HK 真係方便過美國很多. 在HKlong weekwend 會去Japan or Taiwan玩.現在只會去下SF or Las Vegas. 最遠咪Hawaii咯. Canada 就機票唔平,加多小小可以去HK 啦! 係亞,now行costco都巳開心啦...ha
    <br>其實我估回HK後只會掛念美國的居住環境同 Taco bell n fishing, 因fishing好好玩!

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