跟你遇上,是我的福氣. 我不知道我倆何時會終結....但跟你開始過的, 現在經歷中的,我都希望能一一記下.只因為你....

  • w,
    <br>night too, thanks again for your story!
    <br>sweet dream to u too, keep yr pretty face la haha!
    <br>hope we can chat more later!

  • haha~ yes, u said right, i'm falling and falling.....but i won't control (or can't control) my feeling, i would control my thinking towards him only.
    <br>once u think she need to have some excuse that means u're loving "too much",and this is out of expectation.mind your step too. ;-)
    <br>missing will make some one lost control. :-)
    <br>"enjoy the moment" u too!

  • w,

  • w, u are right! i did fall but i stop now, i start waking up!
    <br>will u e-mail me? i like to chat with u more later in a friend bases, i seldom log in here!

  • is it that easy to find sl here? i wonder...
    <br>by xxxhehexxx007 - 02/20/07 03:45

  • man is always like this

  • W,
    <br>Sounds very sweet when you are with him. Hope it will come to a happy ending. But why he wants a SL? Not a proper girlfriend? Dont think he is serious with you.
    <br>But Good Luck. So long you are happy, I guess that's all matters.

  • AC:
    <br>for the reason that why he wants a SL, because he has a gf already.
    <br>although i can't proof that he's serious or not, i wants a SL too and i'm serious.
    <br>thanks for your wishes and remind. in fact, when i can't find him, i think like that always..

  • 韋晴:
    <br>簡單就是美....got it! :-) i'll do my best.

  • 繼續...
    <br>那天早上, 整個酒樓都是公公婆婆, 以帶點奇怪的眼神望著我倆. 我們選擇了一個卡位, 跟你喝著談著, 像有數之不盡的話題, 你給我的感覺總是那麼優雅, 突然我問你, 你是否喜歡茉莉花? 你答是, 還問我怎知道, 我說, "我聞到". 你的眼神像想起了什麼似的...

  • 那個早上雖然我們都有點累, 但這個早茶卻是個快樂的開始. 不知何時開始, 我們開始被對方吸引了, 那天離別你的一刻, 我們都強忍了那份不捨之情. 我送到你家樓下, 輕輕的一聲再見, 到底我們會否再見? 心裡就是這樣十五十六, 卻是興奮, 喜悅的...

  • w,
    <br>簡單就是美, 我倆一開始時也這樣想, 不希望將我們的關係變得那麼複雜, 我也深信, 只要一起時開心, 其他不用想太多. 但當我們更認識對方時, 那份貪心卻會助長, 那種不能安份的感覺很自然會出現...

  • 簡單就是美, 我倆一開始時也這樣想, 不希望將我們的關係變得那麼複雜, 我也深信, 只要一起時開心, 其他不用想太多. 但當我們更認識對方時, 那份貪心卻會助長, 那種不能安份的感覺很自然會出現...
    <br>這完全是我的心聲..... 我更擔心, 害怕我的不安會破壞我跟他的相處...

  • jc:

  • w
    <br>I just read all the message. I can feel how happy you are. Cheer up^^

  • shannon:
    <br>thanks. 看完所有? 眼睛一定很累了. ;-)
    <br>yes,i'm really happy that i can meet him, he is the best.

  • 你知道嗎?
    <br>沒有你的sms, 也沒有你的來電,
    <br>(但我不會打電話給你, 因為99% 找不著你! 而且怕你說我煩. :P)

  • 你會介意我寫這thread嗎?

  • W,
    <br>Why do you want a SP? Falling in love is such a good feeling but only if the 2 persons are both available. I am married and so as my bf. We fell for each other quickly after spending hours chatting with each other. Now, I am seeking a divorce since I no longer wish to be with my husband any more.
    <br>His status will stay the same. I am silly, I know and know very well. But he is so nice. 7 months only but is as if he knows me very well. I will never regret loving him.

  • 我更擔心, 害怕我的不安會破壞我跟他的相處...
    <br>by w - 02/20/07 15:07
    <br>有時想得太多確實會破壞你們之間的信任, 做sl有時要懂得在某些事上禁制自己, 唔好比自己亂諗野.....

  • sometimes life is just going on that way, we cannot do what we are willing to do. We do own have our own burden to bear, sometimes it would be sth unfair to ur lover, but as what she always said, our love can bear anything, including some dissatisfaction among us....

  • sorry, the above should be to AC

  • 你跟她的開始也頗特別啊~
    <br>by w - 02/20/07 15:09
    <br>聞到她的香水味, 但然後她反問我既然估到為何不替她沖一壺香片...hehe

  • hi all, recently i've found a guy (via online) whom i can talk and share a lot of things, he is a married man, and i am really really afraid that the same thing will happen to me. I won't to avoid that, cuz' i know i can't play 'fire', i will get hurt and need a lot of time to recover.

  • AC:
    <br>hehe~ i just want a SL, but not SP!
    <br>u both can have such decision while your relationship lasted for 7 mths only? so amazing...
    <br>for us, we have compromised that our relationship will be SL only, we won't have any expection that we may replace our another half. and it's my pleasure to be his SL.

  • jc,
    <br>yup, 我經常提自己不要亂諗, 現在當我一亂諗, 我便會叫自己想想跟他一起時的快樂, it's work!

  • kk:
    <br> if u are sure that u are not suitable in this "game" (actually i don't think it's a game), u'd better don't think too much or even stop the chatting now.
    <br>once u keep on, u should bear in mind that u should get ready to take the risk.
    <br>good luck!

  • send 了sms給你,告訴你我做了一件傻事,但你沒有回覆.
    <br>是你沒有奇心? 還是什麼原因呢?
    <br>唉~~ 又亂諗了...

  • w
    <br>I do not feel tire to read your message. I just feel like reading your blog. Please keep continue if you do not mind to share with us.
    <br>Please do think of positive, I think he will reply sms to you once he get a chance. Good night : )

  • shannon:
    <br>thanks. i've just finished my copy work. i did a blog as i'm afraid this thread will be deleted somedays.
    <br>i hope so. thanks again. :-)

  • 每一次見完面都總有數天找不著你....
    <br>miss u...
    <br>are u missing me too?

  • 這裡會見証到我失戀吧~~

  • w,
    <br>其實也很想與你分享和sl的點點適適, 有多個人比意見都好, 不過又好似在你的thread寫自己的野不太好, 我想我將自己的經歷寫在別處吧. 但我可否瀏覽你的blog? 如果可以請email 我 [email protected], 如不方便就算了, 謝.

  • w, 無論結果點樣, 我們有sl的人都有一種"視死如歸"的心態 :p, 找到了愛, 還有什麼可以懼怕呢? 我支持你地架!
    <br>kk, AC, shannon,共勉之.

  • jc:
    <br>何需介意? 我相信我們都需要一個地方讓我們分享或分擔.如果你覺得此處合適的話, 多謝你的嘗面. 隨便吧.. :-)
    <br>好一句視死如歸.. 哈哈~

  • 告訴你,
    <br>哼! 我決定不再理你,不再找你,不再記掛你....直至你再找我..... :-)

  • w, may i know how old are you? I have a very similar situation as u.....but my concern is that i dn know how to face my bf if he finds this out!

  • i'm 28,
    <br>but is it the matter about age?
    <br>as i said before, if u involved in sl relationship, u'd ready to take the risk too.

  • 外面下著大雨呢,,
    <br>出街了, 有街街去就不會這樣記掛你, bye~

  • update 下先..
    <br>很快會忘記你的樣貎了. 哈哈~
    <br>男人, 你的心態是什麼?

  • 記得嗎? 我以前在電郵曾對你說: 如果我想見我的sl而又見不到他時, 我會變得對我的bf更好,因為在這個時候,我會發覺只有bf才可以時常在我身邊.
    <br>而你卻說: 其實我也會經常在我的sl身邊, 因為我愛佢.
    <br>還有,我嚷著要他跟我說: 我愛你!
    <br>昨夜, 他要我搬到他那兒長住,
    <br>看來, 我們的故事該是時候完結了.

  • how are u? haven't hear u for a few days la. :(

  • 秘密情人關係可以長久有幾多人得?

  • thanks!
    <br>我一向都是如此天真的! 謝謝你!

  • 有時女人的直覺真的很恐佈,
    <br>所以想寫下來, 讓自己有個開心的回憶,
    <br>幸好, 我的心情不太差, 尚算平靜,

  • 唉~ 忍不了, 還是再send了一個sms給他, 說我很掛念他, 可否再聽到他的聲音,還是要緣盡於此. 但他仍未回覆.
    <br>見這裡的有情人常說, 即使是sl關係, 因為愛對方,都會保持頻繁的聯繫,一天一個sms已經算小了, 但我卻多天沒有收到你的消息.
    <br>enjoy the moment! got it!
    <br>how about the moment that we can't meet? just forgot it? sorry, i really can't do that easily.

  • w,恕我直言你愛的男人不再值得你愛了,讓雙方帶著愛和思念離開吧。

  • w, 你的故事很傷感, 他真的不理你了嗎? 希望跟你繼續聯絡, 亦不想這個thread就此完結.

  • w, 熱情會冷卻, 新鮮感會退去, 但愛是沒有辦法呃到別人, 他有多愛你? 我真的想知....

  • W
    <br>well, you have met a First Grade 'Mix' Girl guy, I know friend can do the same thing, I can do 70% too. He will use the same plan to find another girl. So it is good you forget him and back to ur bf again!!

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