跟你遇上,是我的福氣. 我不知道我倆何時會終結....但跟你開始過的, 現在經歷中的,我都希望能一一記下.只因為你....

  • wing 話時話,他又是很忙,對白都一樣,人有無咁似呀,不用天天見,心中掛著便可以,林林下,車可以換.希望不是他,祝你幸福.晚安∼

  • 那種"見到你好似見到自己"那份感覺, 很impress, 很窩心.
    <br>當晚我當夜班, 你說你去了和朋友飲野, 我叮囑你不要飲太多, 亦半講笑式地說等我放工後找你飲早茶. 你一口應承了我.....

  • 之後,你又再一次失踪了,
    <br>我電郵給你, 告訴你自己的不安,
    <br>我說: 我很擔心, 不知何時會失去你,
    <br>我很擔心你根本沒有真正愛我, 而只是騎牛搵馬.
    <br>你沒有覆我, 我想我的直覺真的靈驗了嗎?

  • lulu,

  • jc:
    <br>真的, 找到了跟自己"一樣" 的人, 感覺真的很窩心. :-)

  • 我和我的Sl隔幾日通電,無msn and sms,一個月見一次,好苦,我會懷疑他真的很忙嗎?情人節,聖誕節無禮物,有當我是情人嗎?天呀!我要點做?

  • lulu,
    <br>by w

  • 有些緊張,希望不是他,想想,是他又如何,開心大過天,知小d開心d

  • 我當時都不太傷心,只有驚訝,因為網上識人已有最壞打算,遊戲規則.

  • 當然又一次只是自己的悲觀感作崇,
    <br>他沒有覆我,只因他之前沒有check mail.
    <br>剛想send sms給他,他就打電給我了,
    <br>他現在跟囡囡一起, 他們去逛花市,
    <br>真的很巧啊, 我也是啊!
    <br>你知道嗎? 這是我們第一次煲電話粥,
    <br>之前每一次通電話,你都只是百忙中抽小小空檔時間找我, 但今次我們的通話時間超過了半小時呀!
    <br>我說: 很想見你呀? 唔知幾時先見到你呢?
    <br>你說: 你這幾日會有什麼節目嗎?
    <br>你說你有邀請咭,可以帶我進場, 但你會跟囡囡去,問我會不會介意.
    <br>傻瓜,只要見到你, 我會介意嗎?

  • lulu:
    <br>你可以放心了, 不用緊張, 因為我的他不是. :-)

  • 傻朱朱 :
    <br>答唔到你, 我的疑心也很重.我想我也要克服.

  • 當天零晨五時許, 我駕車到了你家樓下, 與你通電, 你說你在家樓下等我, 但我卻一個人也看不見. 原來你在另一個門口! 我連忙say了sorry然口兜了一個圈到了你門口. 第一次見面便這樣特別, 我也被你主動的作風打動了....

  • 2月18日, 又可以跟你相見了,
    <br>你知道嗎? 我特別買了一盒糖預備送給你囡囡的,首次見面嘛,一定要有小小心意的. 但最終我卻沒有勇氣送出, 因為我覺得如果我送給她, 自己就好似是要籠絡她似的, 但我並不是嘛,所以糖果, 我今天吃了, 哈哈.
    <br>很開心啊, 本來要跟人迫迫地在街上看花車,
    <br>但偶然回頭,跟你忽忽一撇的眼神接觸, 我心醉了.
    <br>完結後, 跟隨著人龍離開,
    <br>因為太多人的關係, 我們的身體終於能靠得近近的,
    <br>偶然,在你囡囡不在意時, 你的手會放到我腰後,
    <br>又有時, 你會把頭側側的靠在我的頭頂,
    <br>還有, 你偷吻了我一下.
    <br>還有, 我們籍著人迫迫, 偷偷地拖了一下手.
    <br>這些點點滴滴, 我都會記得, 很浪漫吧.
    <br>~ 其實我也有多次想偷偷地 "giu" 著你的手臂,但怕給她發現,最後此終沒有勇氣去做.
    <br>~ 其實我很想這擠迫的時間可以再長一點, 我倆便可再繼續這親蜜的接觸.
    <br>餐後,你俏俏地跟我說: 今晚去我果度?
    <br>你突然說: 今晚不用睡了.
    <br>我呆了, 什麼?
    <br>聽到你這樣說, 我的心很痛,
    <br>車被人偷了, 你一定很不開心,
    <br>我也一樣, 很不開心, 以致我應該說些什麼安慰你的, 但卻沒有想到可以說什麼..
    <br>很想擁著你,藉著身體語言去安慰你, 但當然不可以啦,

  • wow, suddenly have so many story..

  • W,
    <br>So, u went to his place?? did his little gal knw u stay there too?? wow!

  • 終於你跟警察一起回家了,
    <br>我哄著你女兒入了房,跟她傾傾計, 看著她睡,
    <br>看見你心痛的樣子, 我也一樣心痛,
    <br>我只能傻傻的說, 放心吧,車子會找回的.
    <br>你反而說, 沒用的, 車子一定找不回的了.
    <br>期間, 你又說我傻, 說我常常想歪了,
    <br>我問: 真的很傻嗎? 我成日問你這些,你會覺得我煩嗎?
    <br>你沒有答我, 只裝作暈了..
    <br>你裝暈的樣子,很可愛吧! 忍不住又吻了你一下.
    <br>我又問你: 你是真的鍾意我嗎?
    <br>你答: 我鍾意你.
    <br>原來pillow talk 真的可以很sweet,
    <br>我倆還說了很多, 很多,
    <br>但我記不起了, 只記得
    <br>你抱著我, 拖著我,

  • jc:
    <br>情人眼裡出西施, 無論她做什麼,也是可愛的. :-)

  • W, so, how come u dont stay there tonight lei?? yes, pillow talk is good..i miss that too.....

  • xxxhehexxx007:
    <br>yes, 昨日早上才從他的家偷偷地溜走...

  • xxxhehexxx007 :
    <br>對我,對他而言, 一夜的溫馨, 已夠回味了.
    <br>此終是sl 吧.

  • i guess i should move on and find another sl...
    <br>W, u are lucky, same as yr Mr. SL too, u guys are so sweet....

  • W,
    <br>I hope my next sl will just like u... u know...maybe i just need those 回味 moments...i miss that, i really miss that! just too bad that my sl is not passion on us anymore...

  • 不知你昨天忙了些什麼,
    <br>我不相信的, 是我哪有這份福氣.
    <br>一定是你, 你一定有一些缺點的,

  • xxxhehexxx007 :
    <br>there are many ppl's story which are better than me, no need to compare,.
    <br>just find the way that suit u.
    <br>Best wishes! :-)

  • W, dont think like that, the key of SL relationship is "enjoy the moment", dont think too much...it wont help! i envy u and yr sl, truly, truly ...envy....

  • well, i am not compare, just ...envy u and him share those sweet and romantic moments!...
    <br>but, i am happy for u!

  • miss u soooooo much!
    <br>write down our story is for my memory, and want to let u know some words form my heart. hope u won't mind that what i'm writing.

  • wow, so sweet!
    <br>i wish my sl and i have those moments which i could write down and share with others!

  • xxxhehexxx007 :
    <br>thanks. i know i should not think that too much. but missing make me lost control.
    <br>as i said to my sl, he is not my first sl,i didn't act like that b4.
    <br>i can accept we meet once a month or even longer, i can accept no msn, email, even phone call. but here and now, i just think too much when i can't find him.
    <br>in fact, he is the most best sl that i
    <br>ve met, but i think too much to blame him. it's so unfair to him, i'll try my best to keep myself "enjoy the moment".

  • w,
    <br>u still here?

  • xxxhehexxx007:
    <br>唔需要妒忌, 我兜兜轉轉都搵左成2年,先遇到現在的他, :-)
    <br>i believe that u'll meet her finally, since u're willing to treat your sl relationship sincerely.

  • w,
    <br>that is good! good for u! in fact, i can tell u know how to play this game well enough! i just wonder, do u have any other chaser? or other guys aproach u?

  • u know...actually i m new here..., so, i dont know if i can find the right sl here...

  • hahaha~ yes,
    <br>u know, in our 2nd gathering,
    <br>he said: once i find u, i won't find any other, i have one sl is enought.
    <br>and i said: but i'm not, i'm greedy.
    <br>that's he remind me last last night, and i tell him, i've already reject all of them, he's my only sl now. :-)
    <br>in fact, i'm really sure that i know the rule of this game, and i said that my ex-sls who don't know the rule so bring me some trouble, so i'm impressed that he write such words in his thread,

  • w,

  • well, i know how to limit the troubles too...i guess to find the right sl to know how to play the game right is very very important! yr sl is lucky to have u..or maybe vice versa!

  • can find your right sl or not, not depends on the time period, some meet their right in the first searching, but some are still searching that rigth guy after serval mths or years, the most important is the fate and the heart.

  • 韋晴,
    <br>u also have sl or is yr real relationship?

  • w,
    <br>ooh, dont get me wrong, i believe in fate too, i hope one day the time will come, and frankly, i also agree with 韋晴's point..good reference point..maybe u should consider!

  • 韋晴,
    <br>thanks, 我都係你跟戀小姐的讀者. :-)
    <br>我明白你所講的, 其實每次 "越界" 我都會問他, 真的可以嗎?
    <br>過往我只會想到會為他帶來不便嗎?但我卻沒有想過會對自己帶來影響. 或者我要開想想吧!
    <br>我都祝你跟她每日都是你們的 "情人節"! :-)

  • W,
    <br>thank you so much for your story tonight, lighten up my boring night tonight! hope we can chat more later or if u wnat to chat with me more (as friend) of course, please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] , i wont be log on to she.com that much but i like to chat with you more...so, please keep in touch if u want!
    <br>thanks again for your story!
    <br>good luck and "enjoy"!

  • xxxhehexxx007 :
    <br>mind to share your opinion about the rule?

  • xxxhehexxx007;
    <br>hey, don't say like that.
    <br>u're the one supporting me and reminding me. i'd say thanks to u too.

  • w,
    <br>my opinion about the rules...well, as what i said before, to me, "SL" is more on a balance bases, is finding what yr REAL partner DONT have...so, u wont got upset in yr own real relationship, because u can find and feel that from another relationship. of course, in the end of the day, there still "positioning" on who is the piority, however, from the begining of the SL relationship start, u guys should set the expectation right loh, otherwises, it wont last long and got what u want....
    <br>do u agree?

  • hummm~~ i don't know.
    <br>"SL" is more on a balance bases, is finding what yr REAL partner DONT have, i don't think like that, but i know he has the feeling of you.
    <br>i don't think like that because, if i can find those stuff from my SL but i can't that from my REAL. then i'm afraid that i'll love my SL more and more, hahaa~~
    <br>but on the same time, i'm totally agree that we should set and know our expectation, that's why i won't blame him why he don't find me somedays. (although i had bad thinking on him, i don't blame that :-) )

  • u also have sl or is yr real relationship?
    <br>by xxxhehexxx007 - 02/20/07 03:17

  • i'd better go to sleep now,
    <br>otherwise can't keep a pretty face, haha~ goodnight!
    <br>night night my sweet heart!

  • doesnt matter la, as long as.." u enjoying the moment" ma right haha!
    <br>i am sure u will love more and more to yr sl...so, control yrself wor haha!
    <br>expectation is really important...u know what, my sl just called me and tell me her "BF" is gone now n she want to see me but she afraid he will find out...if she really want to meet me, i am sure there lots and lots of reasonable excuses to come out and see me...but i dont blame her, i guess her passion is not that much now....poor me! but, i want to see her, hug her n kiss her...

  • 韋晴,
    <br>is it that easy to find sl here? i wonder...

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