今個星期1、睇左一個香港電台節目、講人民幣升値。 突然想、今年人工加吾到3-5%嘅話、極有可能変相減人工?香港大部分入口都係来自大陸、人民幣升値、入口都加曬価、日常用品不能不用、不能不買、到時真係可能患上荷包乾硬症。

  • I think it depends the real impact of RMB revaluation to your expenditure, and how much you will spend every month.

    Say, if you only spend 10% of your monthly income for 日常用品 & food , which come from mainland, then the real impact to you may be limited.

    For me, I spend most of my monthly expense on dinner out, but the major cost of most restaurants is for rent but not food.

  • 香港大部份物資都由大陸來.我地變相減人工(less purchasing power).

  • 但在外面食飯又好、他用的材料都係来自大陸、到最後都係需要出自羊身上,我自己昨日出差去Lowu, 發現對換率只有0.982。

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