
  • 小米,

    夜d 先再覆你la... 有野做緊...

    我們局外人就好似係池塘上睇你地局中人游玩禧戲, 可能會睇得清楚一d, 但係你贈返我一句 "子非魚, 安知魚之樂" 我亦冇話可說... hehehe~

    螳螂捕蟬, 黃雀在後... 螳螂同蟬都唔知後面有大危機, 只有局外的人才看得清楚明白, 但對局外人泥講, 螳螂, 蟬, 黃雀誰生誰死誰得益同佢一d 關係都冇... 相反, 蟬的由然自得, 螳螂如箭在弦的緊張, 黃雀的愜意獲利唯有他們本身才會感受得到如此的快慰...

    局外人會羨慕局中人的甜美感覺, 局中人卻又羨慕局外人的暸如指掌...

    hahaha~~ 又來了, 小米, Make your choice...

  • hehe∼∼ 我又浮上水面喇:P



  • JJ


  • JJ,

    螳螂捕蟬,黃雀在後....haha, ur Chinese is very good!


    hello, how r u?


    悶係因為he does the same thing every time when we go out, i thought he'd brought me to some special or exciting place (not necessary to be expensive) but.....

    and actaully he is quite 長氣 ga....

  • 小米

    only one month, u have already felt bored? oh my god! haha

    I wont felt bored if I can see my lover.

    you can bring him to some special or exciting place. Actually, he doesnt mind to go anywhere with u. how about him? I guess he will feel bored too if u r boring girl.

    He is not 長氣 , just gemini guy likes speaking.

    by the way, I dont agree u force him to make a choice now. If he doesnt want to make a decision now, then he may run away. Then you want to see him again? no way!

    Dont forget that he is gemini.

    等佢習慣了有妳在他身邊後, 才攤牌啦! 但妳覺得妳可以,,, anyway, 搏一搏囉! 之前我就搏唔到, so good luck! :)

    "曖昧關係" 只是拍拖的前傳吧! 大家都需要時間去了解對方, 明嗎?

  • hihi,

    nice to hear from u again!

    haha, of course i'm not a boring gal la, just i think i should give him the control in the 1st stage of our dates. however, i will start to give him some suggestions coz i can't stand doing the same thing anymore!

    besides, i'm wondering why he doesn't speak sweetly at all, aren't they used to be 口甜舌滑? O.o

  • 小米

    are u really love a guy who like口甜舌滑? If he can 口甜舌滑 u, he also can 口甜舌滑 other girls, right?

    My gemini guy who isnt to be口甜舌滑. At first, I told him that I liked him said some sweet words to me. haha However, at last, I understood that 當佢同我一起時, 佢好像給我看穿. 佢越亂講野, 就越給我看穿. 因我唔受他的甜言蜜語. 妳應該知天蠍女望人時的眼神喇! ><

    只要我眼定定望住佢, 笑笑口, 他巳經開始胡言亂語, 佢仲點敢口甜舌滑呀? 哈哈!

    妳有的疑惑及問題, 我都曾經有過. 當成為局外人時, 有些問題就很簡單了!

  • 不過果個人唔係gemini..

  • tee,

    原來你果個唔係Gemini ga??? 咁你入錯廟拜錯神 la woo~~~

    盡量都幫你諗下la~~ �I唔�I使你自己汁生la...

    你有冇�捆L人而家佢係咩狀態先? 搞唔清楚就冇得諗落去ga bor...


    原來係厭佢講得甜言蜜語太小....咁又係慘d ge... 就算佢唔識�宵野同你去玩都起碼講返d好聽ge 野�@下你開心ar... 咁當初你又係點同佢fd 左ga? 唔通唔係佢口花花�@到你同佢做gf (good friend) 咩~~~?

  • JJ

    講出尼我諗你都係會叫我放棄ga la.. 所以都諗過好唔好再post.

    佢而家有gf,我都好小見到佢,無乜機會同到佢chat佢要同我chat其實係有方法的.不過.. 如msn等等..



  • tee,

    係人聽到你咁講都會勸你放棄la~ 擺咁多精神係佢身上不如諗下其他可以做ge 野仲實際la~

    佢有gf la wor~ 你唔放棄的話就要做第三者介入ga la~ 問題係比你爭到又點先? 而且你自問係唔係個種咁aggressive ge 人先? 佢而家咁你唔出手佢自己識返泥真係好難lu...

    再講, 放棄左又點? 放棄唔拍拖唔代表冇朋友做je~~~ 比返d空間自己唔好咩?

    如果佢拍緊拖都唔放棄你, 咁你都係唔好要好D la~ 正所謂: 坐這山望那山, 一事冇成

    good luck...

  • Hello !!! 其實無論係雙子男定唔係雙子男,都總有個o岩你o架!


    完全免費o既交友網,唔駛VIP都可以Send email,仲可以知道有咩人留意過你個profile啊。

  • 小米,

    我bf都好少甜言蜜語ga wor,亦好少主動話掛住我之類,有時候要我問佢佢先講,咁佢就一定要話好掛住我啦!哈哈!佢地係比較中意用心交流。


  • hello everyone!!!

    JJ, hihi & michelle!

    thank you for all ur advices!!

    i think i really need to do something to boost up the situation coz i found that i miss him very much when he's away for biz trip!! haha :D

    it's so strange coz i won't hv such feeling when he's away b4, but this time i really wanna tell him that i miss him!

    he doesn't always call or sms me, only when he wanna ask me out or change the plan. he doesn't reply sms often as well..... however, he'd call every time when he promised to do so.

    so.....do u guys hv any idea for me to get it done? do u think i hv to ask him if he wanna go out with me? i'm thinking to call him more often and tell him more abt myself bcoz everytime when he calls, he seldom ask my stuffs, only tell me abt his things......

  • 小米

    Remember that men like freedom, especially gemini guys.

    Before he disappeared, he must replied my sms.

  • thx for ur comment..

    maybe i had better try to understand what is in his mind more..

    then i can learn to take care of him more rather than he takes care of me...

    i do love him so..

    i reali wanna protect him...

    i hope he will be come back soon...

    u dun dupport mr through, still thx for reply me...

    all the best to everyone here..

  • os .. u dun support me though..

  • Tee,

    I do understand your through. That's just out of our ability to help. We know nothing about your target, how can we plan?

    I understand you love him and willing to protect him. But who will protect yourself?

    This is a fair game between you 2. Take it easy and be happy is the most important. If you just feel unhappy, why keep going on?

  • yes its true tht if i keep protecting him, then i will be attacked by others... becoz they dun know the truth...

    hmm.. i cannot say a word...

    maybe jz becoz i love him.. so i still can undertake it...

    actually im much happier than b4.. i hv improvment..

    jz sometimes when i think of he be with his gf now.. blueee

    anyways.. thx...

  • i think its little bit difficult to explain here..

    he is clever & kind... i think he still wanna be with me, but there's many "external factors", such as other ppl's comment, he got a gf now, even or maybe some ppl may dislike us get together.. in short he may face many things...

    hmm.. bu he still hv visited my blog, i will write to him...

  • 小米,

    well, so he tell you a lot of his own stuff and I believe you should know him very well. To be fair, you should be told him sth about yourself but should be in a smarter way. So you think his is suitable you, but what is his thinking? You 2 just come up in a month.... it's still a very short period of time.

    Dating and getting out is a chance to know more about your partner. I believe that's could be welcomed either asked by you or him.

    By the way, did you add me already??

  • siu mi

    addoil or~~


    u little bit sound like a love expert..

  • hahaa

  • Tee,

    Well, tearing off my mask you will find such a so-called "love expert" just hollow, who has no actual experience of getting up with a girl (or fall in love) before... Let's just laugh at me together~~ 光說不練...

    While I would say, most of things are already in your own mind. You all know how to do and what to do, just lacking a people to tell you that's work... If it failure, someone you may blame of giving you wrong direction and avoid bear the responsible on yourself...

    I don't mind to be such a stupid guy (I don't feel unhappy with that)... as long as everyone feel happy...

  • hahaa

  • JJ,

    hey, how are u?

    i've added u already, just never see u get online......

    by the way, what is 'smarter way'?

    so, do u think it's still not the time to tell him yet?

    most of things are already in your own mind. You all know how to do and what to do, just lacking a people to tell you that's work... If it failure, someone you may blame of giving you wrong direction and avoid bear the responsible on yourself... ----> not apply to me, coz i'm a typical blind person in the circle!! haha

  • 小米,

    欲速則不逹, 而且你同佢都只不過係1個月左右ja bor~ 我諗你都有同人去過街掛~~?

    所謂"smarter way", 就係你係佢講自己d野個時話:e? 你都係咁ga~~ 我有時都係ga~~ 點點點......, 或者: o~ 我唔係咁ga~ 我會點點點..... ga lor~~~

    咁咪可以比佢知道你聽緊佢講野ge 同時, 你可以話到你自己d 野比佢知, 又唔會咁唐突lor~ 咁先係溝通ga ma~~~ 而且冇咁多dead air 得泥又仲可以增加話題tim~

    你點會唔識ar~~~? 咪玩la~~ hehe

  • 我係女


    好易對一樣野生厭= ="特別是歌





  • 唉....我都係 . 同左個雙子人一齊 , 仲要係Long Distance Love

    超癲 , LD Love已經難維繫 , 仲要用個雙子人.死得

  • Wa~~ 沉左成個月而家終於有人掉個水泡落泥la~~

    LD Love... 你地點識ga? kathyson? net-fd? 講d泥聽下ar~~ hehe

  • kathyson

    Long Distance Love ?���質岫�?! 雿W?靽��?摮�鈭�, 靽�撌�?? 雿���賜雁蝜�?����.

    ?�隞乩?暻潭?摨折��?��?靽? 撠梁??��?鈭箔?擐�皜�, ?賢?銝�摰��?蝯��??? :)

    LD depend on ?����?喃??喟雁蝜?

  • kathyson

    Long Distance Love 我都試過! 佢唔係雙子人, 係巨蟹. 但都維繫唔到.

    所以什麼星座都冇關係, 就算雙子人係香港, 都唔一定有結果啦! :)

    LD depend on 雙方想不想維繫.

  • JJ + hihi 你好

    係呀, 我地本身係Netfd黎的, 佢係US我係HK, 其實我不嬲都知Long Distance Love係好難的,不過緣份到了我抗拒唔到, 我同佢識左一年, 佢係6月黎HK探親順便搵我, 佢係HK人不過好細個就移民左去LA,佢返黎HK搵我食飯幾次, 之後佢返LA又繼續同我Keep Contact, 係8月中有D事我好唔開心, 佢日日都有安慰我...仲問我有咩方法令我會開心佢咩都願意做, 之後我就知道佢對我有意思了.

  • 其實我都好15/16, 佢話好鍾意我講左好多好Sweet的野, 仲話10月黎搵我, 佢知我鍾意去旅行就話同我去上海, 08年新年同我去Europe , 08 Xmas去北海道, 仲話08年會返黎HK發展都因為係我. 由6月-10月我地都日日MSN/傾電話. 可能係呢段其間我仲未Cfm佢做佢女朋友, 好啦, 佢10月真的有黎HK搵我, 仲同我去左上海. 咁我地正式係Couple關係, 佢係11月到返LA , 一返到LA就變哂, 一個星期先online一/兩次, 電話都係一個星期傾一次 , 仲要係30分鍾內一定收線, 次次都係我打比佢先, 佢返左去一個月了, 我地只講過一/兩次電話, 以前佢成日會同我講 " I miss you...etc" , 依家 ??? 0 句囉 .

    仲有, 一同我正式成為couple之後, 佢會對我發脾氣, 又會話唔鍾意我呢樣唔鍾意我個樣, 我問佢 : 點解你好似變左咁既 ? 佢話 : Pls stop saying staff like that ! 係到逃避. 究竟係雙子座的人問題 ? 定佢已經對我無興趣

    點解追你個時當你係寶, 追到手之後就係草 ? 我上星期三/四/五/六/日都有Call佢. 佢一係唔開電話. 一係就無聽電話. 我知佢去左邊到玩 , 大佬都唔係一個Call都無掛 ?? 我好煩 , 應該點做 ? 鬥唔搵對方 ? 鬥唔理對方 ?

  • hihi

    Remember that men like freedom, especially gemini guys.

    Before he disappeared, he must replied my sms.

    Yes, Exactly ! He always disappear before he MSN me , he will tell me where he go at weekend , but don't put any hope you can find him at weekend.

  • kathyson

    because I have to sleep, so I will reply your post soon.

    或者佢現在逃避緊, 給他點時間吧! 唔好追住佢先啦! :)

    talk to you later!

  • Gloria


  • aaronken

    I dont know you are female or male. 但你對Gloria講的一番說話, "寸" 得來又有修養!

    而不會喜歡那些不會多角度思考和看事看人都只會看表面的天秤 >> 感受到, 因我身邊都有幾位男女天秤朋友,有時比天蠍更固執.

    水瓶同雙子不相伯仲喇, 個腦轉得超快(比起我),如果雙子是"貪玩小朋友", 那麼水瓶就是"思慮多點的小朋友"

  • 有d恨我太遲先發現這topic呀!




  • oo~~


    呢個板好似沉左好鬼耐ga la wor~~ 咁都比你打撈到返上泥你都算有心 la~~

    有咩問題唔使怕羞即管Post d 出泥睇下, 大家都會幫你ge~~ 我諗...

  • JJ你好~我今日無聊SEARCH下就見到E個POST.






    至於LONG DISTANT.其實雙子男唔一定散但就真係要花好多心機去KEEP

    我地個陣都有大半年係LD的, 都平安無事

  • 孀:

    會唔會示愛係男仔應該要做ge 野呢? 咪留返樣野比佢做lor~ 你比曬位佢都唔識入咁要泥都罷la~ 係咪?

    至少你唔係好憎先la~ 好似樓上定樓下有個板瞵用泥數臭雙子人ga wor~~ 你冇post 野掛~ 我估~ hee

    5時花6時變小問題je~~ 你覺得你夠勁可以同佢一齊表演點變, 唔夠勁都唔緊要, 你可以做一個觀眾, 睇下佢變得咩出樣~ 間中比下反應笑下咪得lor~~

    LD 泥講咩星座都難Keep ga la~ 又唔使咁介懷ge~

  • JJ







    E家唔係佢女友. 反而有心情睇佢點樣變.


  • 各位好, 我係天秤天蠍女...愛上一個金星雙子...大家糾纏左一年多, 仲係唔知咩關係, 真係好想死....分開左3次, 最後都係忍唔住一齊反... 到而家都唔知係咪男女朋友....又愛又恨

  • 妳同他有什麼問題令你地分開左3次? 要知問題所在,才可好好相處.


    另外, 睇星座ge~ 8成係佢ge 太陽星座govern 左la~ 金星ar~ 水星ar~ 個d佔唔係好多Ga ja...

  • 我地其實都唔知算唔算拍過拖 (但會拖手). 每次都係我頂唔順佢約即約離而離開...佢太陽係蟹仔, 一隻扮蟹的雙子, 最初以為佢係蟹仔而落疊, 點知耐左先發現佢勁雙子

  • 我問一個男仔-->你會同一個唔係女朋友的女仔拖手嗎? 他答-->6歲以下, 60歲以上唔係女朋友ge 女仔先會拖!

    妳那個他,根本就不是傳統好男人!you might not be a woman who he wants!

    if he really loves you, he wont fool you and make you unhappy!

  • 我男友佢架太陽同月亮都係雙子架, 我成日都唔知佢想點, 佢又成日都唔理我, 好少好少打俾我, 又唔會關心我, 我睇左咁耐, 雙子應該好鍾意講野架, 不過佢好少好少講佢自己d野俾我知架, 成日得我自己一個講, 佢真係令到我好灰, 我都唔知要唔要分開好, 你地可唔可以俾d意見我ar ~~

  • 哈佬...

    轉左新工忙到嘔電... 嘔到冇曬電上泥抖下又見返個 thread 浮上泥wor~~ hohoho~~ 點止波係圓呢~~ 原來呢個世界都係圓ge~~


    咁你又係咩星座ga~ 做咩你地會一齊ge?? 佢原先唔係都好多野講所以你先痴埋去ga 咩??

    其實可以試下分開下ge~~ 唔係分手wor~ 只係分開下唔好痴得咁埋住, 試下個令星期睇下會點lor~~ 佢都冇咩反應咪算數�捆L個lor~~ 如果佢見你幾日都唔�恕U佢開始識得驚先�悚藃A就正中你下懷la~ 係咪?

  • 無意中睇到呢個message.


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