好驚奶奶 ~~~

  • aa,
    <br>所謂一樣米養百樣人, 有d人把口又識講嘢, 又識做人, 有d人就...........
    <br>唔緊要, 你就來只係一年返去幾次, 咪眼不見為乾淨囉! ^_<

  • 來緊18號, 老公話亞爺個位要攪珠, 如果攪到, 就要安番上去, 其實之前己經起咗骨, 而家只係搞上位, 但係都要避忌一下, 而家都唔知點同62講,

  • cywong,
    <br>到時先話唔舒服, 千其唔好去呀, 叫你老公上香俾太老爺時同佢講明原因, 請佢保佑你呀! 至於你62, 佢遲d會明嫁啦!

  • wind_hk,
    <br>明係無用架, 佢哋只會話我哋唔早d講, 同埋話我哋好自把自為, 同埋佢大佬話來緊會搬來呢頭住, 同我屋企只係相隔15分鐘路程就到架啦, 仲要唔洗搭車, 所以到時仲煩, 而家只有希望62同99快d續租約, 唔係到時佢哋搬來我呢頭, 就仲死呀

  • aa, 我奶奶冇乜野,不過我勁憎我老爺! 好Q想佢快d死!!! 我日日係屋企勁咒佢! 雖然我唔係同佢一齊住,不過個個星期都要返去佢果度食飯,見到佢個樣就想嘔! 不過你至少有一樣野好過我吖 - 你一唔鐘意可以返外家,我住外國,外家係香港。有時佢比說話我聽,我都只可以同老公呻,唔敢同外家講,同佢地分開咁遠,唔想佢地担心

  • VV,
    <br>my situation is similar to you! my own family is in HK and i married to the US. My parents-in-law are both annoying! although i dont live with them AND i live not so near, i still have to go back to have dinner EVERY saturday. you know before it's even worse... cuz before getting married, my husband used to go back to sleep every weekend... SO they assumed that even after getting married, we STILL have to do the same. So, for the 1st few months, we still went back to sleep every Saturday.. but then after a few months... i really couldn't take it!!!
    <br>even when his relatives heard that we went back there to sleep every weekend (they were at 1st surprised to know that we live so far away but we still go back... but then they found out we stayed overnite there... they're even more surprised!!!) so you know it's kind of embarrassing and yes i know that my husband treats his parents good... but i just can't stand it!!!
    <br>they really CARE about their son but not me. and NO ONE's up to their standard... u know even my sis-in-law's husband doesnt like them. they dont go back every weekend and even they go back, her husband doesnt talk to them or he pretends that he can't even understand cantonese (he can't speak cantonese but can understand most)... so anyways... their other son lives very far away and so now we're the focus!!! i mean every time i go back there, both his parents would check me out... even what i wear! ok... and they ALWAYS asked us to go back earlier and why not staying overnite now (after i cried and told my husband i dont want to stay overnite there!) ... every time it's like that! and they even tried to call me!
    <br>i mean it's our life and they just involve too much! i guess they just have nothing to do... plus they dont always go out to have gathering with other relatives (the other relatives are like good friends and always go out together)... sigh... i dont know... it's just such a long story. i just feel like my weekend is not mine and i have no life of my own. :(

  • sorry its so long... but whenever i read this topic, i just can't help.
    <br>esp. when it's near weekend now... although i dont have to stay overnite now, i still feel so bad when it's weekend. during the thanksgiving, they dared to make us go there twice in 4 days! and then they were still not satisfied! it's mainly the mother... she kept saying that we should stay overnite as there're 4 days' holiday... chi sin!!! i'll die there! u know for the 1st time we went there, we went there earlier (like around 3pm) and i was sooooooo bored... u know i dared not to do anything cuz they'd watch my EVERY step! (no jokes... really crazy) and then always said that we only stayed there for dinner or what... chi sin.. we went that far to have dinner with them... already very good to them la!!! see their son & daughter they dont even go there! what do they want? i just feel so angry and afraid of them!

  • SS,
    <br>我覺得你99好癲呀, 如果比我, 我己經同佢開咗火啦, 你做得好好架啦

  • aa
    <br>老公有3個星期無同佢飲茶,佢就借d 2問係咪好忙,又話唔駛成日飲喎如果你忙的話 ...

  • cywong

  • >__<,
    <br>我比佢話唔係問題呀, 最後佢哋發現個事實之後, 要來同我爭, 分分鐘佢大佬仲會幫住佢哋兩老來爭就死啦

  • plus they dont always go out to have gathering with other relatives (the other relatives are like good friends and always go out together)
    <br>by SS

  • cywong
    <br>佢大佬駛唔駛咁呀 ..!!!
    <br>你99果邊幾時簽租約???係簽前唔好講tim ar,如果唔係,我諗佢實搬去你附近 ..

  • wa... can't believe there're so many crazy 99!!!
    <br>my 99 is also like that ... she pretended to care about us... and then always asks us if we're busy... why we're so hurry to leave after dinner (not really hurry, its just she wanted us to stay overnite! bin tai!) then she also always asks us what we'll do on Sunday... wa... 'hao bin tai'!
    <br>we have our own family and we need to do our housework and whatever ga... she's so selfish... always wants us to go there and STAY IN THE HOUSE ALL THE TIME with them... chi chi dei! it's like i'm in prison! u know even we went out for a walk... she'd immediately asked 'where're you guys going? what do you wanna buy? we've this & that here la! don't spend so much money (she always thinks that i'm using her beloved son's $$$)'

  • >__<,
    <br>wa... your 99 is really annoying! 2-3 times/ week! too much!

  • 我奶奶都好難頂,
    <br>你做一百分, 佢覺得你係應該,
    <br>重有, 佢係我背後先同我老公講,
    <br>我唔同佢住, 我反都唔反去,

  • lady ,你同奶奶住 ??. d 奶奶係三分顏色上大紅. 你對佢幾好. 都無用. 因為係"新抱" !!!
    <br>cywong, 你唔好去, 一年先見幾次, 話之佢講乜.
    <br>ss, sfc9, 你地有乜唔開心,上來傾 ~~ 唔好在心裡.
    <br>剛才,我奶奶,又話對眼睇唔到. 老公嬲到"手定" 報紙, 去地下. 又見我地唔理佢, 又來料.
    <br>各位. 我搵到屋搬 !!!!!!! 不過, 由此, 業主要修下間屋. 因為漏水. 所以,要幾個星期之後先搬得. 希望一月中可以入伙. 業主開11k, 還價後 $10200. (青衣盈翠, 頂樓連天台) 天台望到青馬大橋. 大帽山.. 加少海 ~~. (老公話收樓,先好同奶奶講) !!! 好. 忍多一個月 ~~~~
    <br>** 不過,好驚奶奶到時,叫生叫死.. 迫我地返去睇佢?" .
    <br>btw, 昨日m 到

  • >__<,
    <br>一月尾呀, 但係我老公諗住為我好, 等佢哋唔好沖到我個生肖, 諗緊好唔好話比佢哋聽可能有咗, 但係未驗到, 叫佢哋咩都唔好郁, 但係咁同佢哋講, 咪等於話咗比佢哋聽, 好煩架

  • 開心的aa,
    <br>好正呀, 有天台, 我來緊都諗住放盤, 買咗層樓, 搬去青衣住村屋, 都係諗住三樓連天台, 唔比佢哋知我哋住邊, 但係佢大佬來緊又話要搬來我哋呢頭, 到時我哋搬咗, 佢哋找上門先知, 就會好煩

  • >__<,
    <br>佢大佬成日諗住將個波推比人呀嘛, 唔係d細佬下下唔理, 咪要佢理囉, 佢都short架, 做咩找我老公啫, 佢亞媽係咩人, 佢又唔係唔知, 無事就大大聲聲, 擺曬款咁, 有事就好聲好氣, 好假呀

  • aa,
    <br>恭喜恭喜, 終於搵到屋, 仲有天台, 正呀!
    <br>得閒去下"新星"打邊爐, 諗起都想食! ^_^

  • cywong,
    <br>wa... your husband's brother is so cheap. i dont like this kind of people. but it's ok... just ignore him!
    <br>congratulations!!! hey it's good to live on the top floor! you can have bbq! hehe it's so good!
    <br>btw... tomorrow is Saturday... but i dont wanna go back ar... i know they're going to a wedding banquet tomorrow nite, which is better... but still they asked us to go back! that's really ridiculous! my 99 said that we can go there to cook ourselves! chi sin my house doesnt have a stove mei?! we can cook at our house... sigh... i think she just wants to see us there when she goes back after the banquet... so bin tai...

  • hey btw... my sis-in-law goes back around once a month... and never stays overnite, never stays long... but she didnt complain too much! she just begs her to call her sometimes jar (not to say that she's pregnant now time ar!) i guess it's cuz she's afraid of her husband lor. u know he nevers talks to her when he's back. he's very cool to them both ga. i think thats good lor... but i just can't do that... the worst is that i can speak Cantonese lor... sigh... so ma fan!

  • SS,
    <br>無錯呀, 佢本身就係一個cheap人, 所以好非常之唔like佢

  • SS,
    <br>上次我無咗bb我己經好想話佢架啦, 一開始知道我無咗, 就只會問我仲有無得生, 你老婆都唔生, 又做咩要理人仲有無得生喎, 生咗都唔會比你亞媽揍架啦, 我知架, 佢諗住我哋到時將bb交比佢亞媽, 到第時有咩事, 就話我哋欠咗佢亞媽d人情, 要同佢一齊住呀嘛, 唔好玩啦, 佢亞媽揍小朋友又唔係特別好, 收線啦

  • wa... your husband's brother is such a mean guy... i can't believe that he's a man!!! i thought that only those 8 po will do such things...

  • SS,
    <br>係呀, 我成日都同我老公講, 你大佬成個八婆咁, 著埋條裙就成個女人啦
    <br>佢仲要成日以為自己係大佬, 就想咩都話事, 人哋d嘢又關佢事, 總之一個字八

  • yeah ignore him.... who does he think he is? he's just the brother.... he cant control everything!
    <br>btw... it's saturday afternoon here and as i knew... my 99 called again! just to check if when we're going back...
    <br>sigh... so this is my Saturday... although they're going to a wedding banquet they still want us to go back there! so crazy! sigh... but i can't complain all the time to my husband cuz he loves his parents so much and he just got used to them calling all the time. well i think it's a pressure though. cuz he comes back they treat him good.. but not me! i feel the pressure when i go back there. as i said, they even complain about what i wear... chi chi dei.

  • sigh i know no one's here now... but they just called and i'm so unhappy now... they're always checking.
    <br>i just cant stand it. and i just lost my temper although there's another friend here. :(

  • SS,
    <br>你老公係咪好考順佢哋架, 如果係, 你要找到佢哋另有居心, 或者可以反敗為勝, 個時我老公都發脾氣, 話我好唔比佢哋得閒來住下, 我同我老公話, 佢哋唔係來住下, 係住咗下來, 就唔會走, 佢死都話唔會, 佢哋唔會咁, 到最後佢哋未來到之前, 發生咗d事, 同埋我老公見佢哋作裝又呢又路, 我又估中後面佢哋想點, 咁我老公咪唔鬼啋佢哋囉, 唔係, 仲有排煩呀
    <br>所以你要令你老公明白, 佢亞媽唔係一個易相處的人, 你唔係無努力過, 係做咩都無用, 我99都short架, 結婚個晚, 佢係主家席道好大聲咁話我, 我都費時同佢講, 我老公答佢之嘛, 佢仲指住我來話, 我心諗, 我又唔係你生, 我自己父母, 都未試過咁來同我講嘢呀, 癲婆來架

  • SS,
    <br>Have u tried only visit them every another week? or only your husband go alone sometime?

  • 今日, 倒數, 四個星期後,就收樓 ~~等業主修好'漏水'.就可以入伙. (除左, 外家 和一班好朋友 [包括she.com 姊妹) 知道. 連姑奶都唔趕. 到1月頭, confirm 收樓時, 通知佢.一定要忍住唔同奶奶講 ,等老公出聲. 不過, 好驚佢知道, 我地住係青衣mtr 上面. 無lalla 會 上來. 雖然老公agree 左唔俾key 佢. [但係佢乜都夠膽. 有可能會去到MTR ,然後打俾個仔. THEN 上來..]
    <br>嗚. 好驚 ~~~

  • 忍口的aa,
    <br>我老公個亞媽都係呢種人, 只不過而家佢唔會咁做, 但當佢知道真相之後, 佢就會成日找借口過來, 但係我同老公都決定咗, 出年四五月度放盤, 同埋佢大佬又話搬來荃灣, 到時佢哋上到來先知我哋搬咗, 就真係有排煩啦

  • 頂 , xyz, 奶奶又搞我d under. 叫左好多次, (唔好搞我d bra & under), 好聲好氣同佢講, 仲俾佢話[, 怕乜,兩婆媳, 我幫你洗, 你幫我洗]. 再好惡咁話佢, 又俾佢話[好巴閉, 唔洗咪唔洗]. 有次, 將我d bra 又摺又屈.塞落放'under 既格仔', 搞到變形.
    <br> 剛才,又發現, 掛係房既under 唔見左.
    <br>豈有此理,係咪見我唔同佢講, 想搏我鬧佢 !!!!
    <br>如果,明早見到佢, 一定話佢. 除左生我既媽媽, 和老公. 其他人, 不可以touch 我d 私人物品 !!!!!

  • 你在青衣找到樓未 ??

  • sorry, sorry 上面果個係我, . 我想問cywong '找到屋未?'

  • aa,
    <br>yes i can imagine, if i live with my 99, she'll do the same thing... oh no... maybe not... she won't even let me use her washing machine! they're very bin tai ga... totally treat me as an outsider in some cases. i can only say... they dont wanna waste electricity and water lor (thats true... they calculate everything!)
    <br>sigh... one more thing... the past week... she called my husband many times... really nothing much to say... just want us to go back the last weekend, and wanted to 'confirm'!!! even worse, Wednesday was my birthday... then she called AGAIN and we were about to cut the cake (my friends were all there too)... then my hubby told her that but she still kept talking about those bullshxt!!! fxxk! everyone's waiting lor... and then she's so fake when she said happy birthday to me. btw... she celebrated birthday with her own children every year(another excuse to ask them to go back of course) but she never mentioned anything about celebrating with me lor. of course la... she wont waste even 1 cent on me! so angry!

  • and u know what... we didnt go back on Saturday ( i lost my temper when she called AGAIN on Satuday) BUT we went back yesterday lor...
    <br>but then she called us 4 times to confirm when we're going back yesterday!!! fxxk!!! so bin tai!!! she called at 11am (ok we were still sleeping so we didnt ans the call, but she woke us up), 11:10am (the 8 po was anxious to ask us when we're going back), at 1pm, at 4pm and 6pm ( we were going shopping cuz we didnt wanna go back that early)... then once we stepped into the house, they both started to ask 'where did u go ? what did u buy?' chi sin... we havent caught our breath... so they asked us 3 times!!! fxxk! it's none of their business!!! and of course she complained that we went there so late and went shopping for so long... bin tai!!!

  • aa,
    <br>未開始找, 找咗都未有咁早搬得, 要遲d, 同埋我老公個同事, 識得人有村屋出租, 所以租應該無問題

  • SS, 你奶奶佢自己用手洗??? (同我奶奶一樣). 我一入門口,就問[你去邊? 吃左飯未? 家陣煮俾你地吃] fxxk, 我都想咁講. 十點幾返屋企, 仲問人食左飯未.. 原來,我每次唔返屋企食, 奶奶都當我返外家.

  • aa,
    <br>我而家最擔心就係當消息一放出後, 佢大佬又搞事, 佢大佬好鐘意check住人哋層樓有無買到架, 好似上次佢二哥賣咗層樓, 佢大佬問二哥係咪賣咗, 二哥話唔係呀, 大佬話, 唔係喎, 我check到你賣咗喎, 你話呀, 咁多事的人都有架

  • cywong

  • ss
    <br>老公同我鐘意咪得囉!!!! 真係好q煩!!!

  • aa

  • >__<,
    <br>佢大佬真係勁煩架, 最好自己咩都唔洗理, 扮曬考順仔, 有事就找人來搞, 個時都係咁, 我老公話咗好多次, 62 & 99申請唔到公屋架啦, 佢死唔信, 仲同佢哋話賣咗居屋兩年後可以再申請過, 最後咪次次比人reject, 跟住62 & 99打比佢同佢講, 佢搞唔掂就打來叫我老公同佢哋講喎, 其實佢只係想我老公話一句, 申請唔到咪同我哋住囉, 好難啦, 我老公次次都唔理佢, 咪話咗申請唔到架啦, 係你話申請到之嘛, 有咩好打啫, 你咪自己同佢哋講囉, 咁久而久之佢先唔再打來叫我老公執手尾咋

  • 昨晚又夢到奶奶. (佢知道我地搬, 死捉住我, 問我仲乜搬,問我搬去邊 ??) 我喊到死下死下. 夢入面, 老公都唔知去左邊. ~~
    <br>媽咪教我講. 層樓係外家搵俾我. "等奶奶唔敢上來".今晚,老公去打波. 我就留係公司.溫書,(預備下星期個PMP TEST) . 過左九點先返去.
    <br>前晚, 係書房,打左個'乞痴', 奶奶係廳到叫" 你又唔著衫". 唉.我立即關門. 唔想同佢講野, 更加唔想聽到佢把聲.

  • >__< ,
    <br>wa... our 99 are just the same!!! once i went to a relative's wedding party, so i wore a skirt and u know what... she KEPT saying that my skirt is too short and the material is not that good... not once wor... ! and the way she looked at me was REALLY ANNOYING!!! bin tai ga!!! she (my bin tai lo yei too) INSISTED that i should wear long dress (such as night gowns) to the wedding banquets... fxxk! u know i was sooooo angry. i just said that it's fine to wear skirt to the wedding (actually many ppl wear skirt la, besides i'm just a small potato there). then u know what they said? they said 'u know USA is different from HK ga, all people here wear long dresses to the wedding (i dont see that lor... yes they wear nice clothes but not like LONG dress/gowns). so now you're here you have to follow our custom lor"
    <br>wa... so bin tai!! even though it's after 2 months now, i'm still very angry!!! u know i already dressed up ga la... what do they want? they want me to be embarrassed in front of other guests? like i wear a night gown to the wedding as if i'm the bridesmaid??? chi chi dei ga!!! fxxk them!

  • aa,
    <br>yes ar... same here. my 99 is also like that. even i have one 乞痴, she can start a new topic! she just doesnt like everything i do!
    <br>u know once i wore boots... she also said that the boots arent good... chi chi dei... what the hell was she talking about? it's my choice... i dont need to ask her what i wear to go out ha ma??? crazy woman!

  • 變態!!!. 有次早上返見到奶奶, 佢對住我由頭scan 到腳,話左句[你去飲ar?? 著咁靚?] 頂. 我著條牛仔裙ar !!. 如果去飲, 就唔會返屋企吃飯. (亦會早日通知你) .仲當街當巷問長問短.

  • aa,
    <br>佢諗住博你好感嘛, 我99有事求我哋個時, 佢都會懶好咁, 但係無事, 咪擺款囉, 你唔好理佢呀, d人係咁架啦, 你唔理佢, 佢就怕咗你架啦, 我99都係咁

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