尋找曾經在銅鑼灣葯妍坊的she.com 網友 發表個人意見, 如果你的朋友係,請通知你的朋友 . 歡迎留言發表個人意見

  • 我有試過, 佢地服務幾好, 因我未試過用中藥來護膚, 不過我信中藥.. 有時我都飲中藥調理,始終好個西藥, 可治標又治本.

  • 葯妍坊係美容院,邊有中藥調理.
    <br>dee dee你講係唔係第2間.

  • 從前好好,現在收得貴,每次600蚊,等得太長時間,太hardsell,太貴,太多附加費,可能張琛不是老闆.裡面有其它醫生都好好,現在我都唔敢去,從前係個處做的人全部走了.剩番態度差,同葯妍坊美容師係處. 不停賣療程........................................

  • 我係德善堂睇開中藥, 之後介紹左去葯妍坊做美容,我今個月去過, 覺得ok
    <br>我 join 左個 plan 都係三百幾做 facial, 基本上我去左兩次, 預約左都未試過等喎, 美容師態度ok, 我本人覺得唔錯, 幾滿意.

  • Though I understand that sometimes we might meet better therapist and sometimes not, I have a terrible experience came across with it.
    <br>I enrolled with a peeling treatment program under the name "Herbal Master" almost a year ago and the therapist said it was a highly effective treatment from France which correct skin problem from deep within.
    <br>I was on business trip for a few months and while coming back the whole so called "Herbal Master" treatment line disappear and replaced with Chinese medicine treatment with the same name.
    <br>I yelled at them asking why and the answer is "ingredient approval problems". God, how can they sell something not approved.

  • 我亦是在德善堂睇開, 之後去葯妍坊做美容,我覺得整體上OK呀!treament價錢合理,員工服務很好很關心客人!我公司很多女同事都是它們的客人,沒有人感覺不好 !

  • 我買了成萬蚊既course 係中醫到, 之前, 同之後的說話完全不同!! 而且之前package 可以找比較出名的張醫師做, 之後又無啦啦改左要收extra cost (around + $150-200) 太貴, 而且效果不是想像中好!!

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