有無Haba Fans? 入來分享下

  • sq 60ml都夠你用坐底半年, 都比30ml抵少少啦. 唔駛肉赤, 因為計落你用sq比用其他day cream / night cream都慳好多.

  • 就係因為可以用好耐,


  • 原來有咁多人都試過HABA, 等我陣間放工去look look先, 我想配補濕精華, 係咪得white lady一款?

  • 咁多人用過haba, 等我陣間去look look先.

  • 有冇人用過2W JELL? 你地覺得好唔好?我只用試用裝兩次, 都ok, 但都想知會唔會有人勁讚,如果有, 我就買啦, 我十五十六...但我需要清潔mask呀

  • cktkitty

    I tested Acseine spf 28 mild sunshield this evening and found that is much better than the sample I have Acsein spf 18, spread out more easy and feel the moisture. I am thinking should I try this one because I am curious about KP water defense sunblock.

    How many brands of sunscreen products you tried? Any more suggestion?

  • 我見過整容天後在SOGO HABA買white lady, 我原半仲諗緊買唔買, 既然有星撐, 我決定買一支試

  • 邊個整容女星呀? 章?傅?

  • bobo,

    鯊烯油本身就是天然防腐劑, 擺三五年冇問題, 我用佢做body lotion,按摩油, 髮尾油, hand treatment,一支大可以用半年.

  • fish,

    since i alwasy buy things from counter

    around $2000 each wk, so i can always get samples

    abt $22 each for white lady, is for buying one pack only

    if buy up to 10 packs, can be cheaper to $10 each

    also, buy more, cheaper

    and the samples are always for buyers who buy things from me, normally not for sale


  • Dear all,

    我有一枝大既Sq (120ml), 可以pass出黎

    八折, 原本$850, 現在$680

    如果有需要, 可以contact我啦...

    剛從counter取貨回來, 100% new and real

    ^__^, [email protected]

  • KS,

    i've tried many brands for sunblock, but none of them suit my needs

    for me, i only like pure brand now

    so Acseine would be my choice, if u dun like Acseine, Fancl is fairly gd for sunblock



  • purple,

    2 way jell is a gd deep clean mask

    self-heating effects for better 血液循環, make ur face feel fresh

    and can remove dirt from pores

    i usually use once a wk

    but i will only use samples, hoho

    never buy a product size


  • 嘩,

    essence for 補濕, can use whitelady or sl essence

    ^__6, also u need a gd toner to "add" water into ur face

  • cktkitty,

    Are you HABA seller? Do you have white lady? I want to buy one.

  • cktkitty,

    I do not like Fancal. I heard KP and Acseine are sister companies. I have not used Japanese brands but I will try Haba. I usually use French or European products.

    I will check if I want to get a sunblock or a lotion with SFP. I guess sunblock may be a little greaser.

    Forgot one question, how you think G-Lotion or VC Lotion? Which one may suit me better?

  • 過路人,

    halo, i'm not really seller, hoho

    i only pass HABA products out at a cheaper price


    [email protected]

  • KS,

    actually, Japanese brands skincares suit Asian skin better

    for sunblock, not all greasy feel, u should find a gd one to use

    for g and vc lotion, i use g for day and vc for nite, since they have diff. functions, both of them are for all skin types


  • 好期待傳說, 去年買了一樽覺得好好, 有冇人用過?sales話會再出番.

  • 我用完white lady後, 再用了fancl lotion出了紅粒粒, 唔痕, 出現了3/4日, 兩隻都係初用, 單用white lady + sun block ok, 冇野.

    單用fancl lotion 都冇野, 係咪分開會好些, 兩樣都無添加, 我唔想再買lotion, 有冇建議?

    我依家冇用任何野, 淨用防曬.

  • cktkitty

    我都想試下haba, 請問以下產品的功效和價錢怎樣? 不知它們的功效是不同小異? thx~

    1) SQ 油

    2) White Lady

    3) 白色衛士

    4) 傳說

  • sorry, typing error

    ---> 不知它們的功效是否大同小異?

  • Janice K,


    so far, 我已經用曬5枝lu...>.<



  • Lily,


    我地唔會sure可唔可以夾得埋用, 所以我都好少mix埋用

    如果你淨係搽防曬一定唔ok, 至少要有toner and lotion for 保濕

    for toner, u can choose HABA g lotion and for lotion, u can choose SD

    then will be fine


  • tiny,

    1) SQ 油---lotion/ cream

    2) White Lady---whitening essence

    3) 白色衛士---protection for whitening and oil-control

    4) 傳說---hydrating serum

    以上產品既功能同質地都完全唔同, 價錢都樣樣唔同...你睇啱我再搵搵d price俾你啦


  • hello!


  • lee,

    actually, 隻控油product work ng work, 好睇你既皮膚狀態同天氣

    如果用white knight夏天唔夠, 可再加jelly做控油


  • lee,

    如你keep住用white knight, 到夏天應該有改善啦, cktkitty都講得啱, 唔夠可以加jelly在面.

  • cktkitty,

    You said 傳說 is hydrating serum. What is the difference between 傳說 and SL essence?

    Do you know when 傳說 will be available?

  • hi cktkitty,

    其實我幾年前用過haba (cleaning oil, g-lotion, sd, white lady, etc) , 但係覺得唔夠水呀, 尤其是sd, 因為我d皮膚係敏感同乾性.

    但我依家又心思思想全條line用返haba, 因為white lady真係幾好. 請問你會suggest我用邊隻product做lotion/cream呀?? 用sq油or sq-10會唔會太lup呀?? 就嚟summer喎...

    另外, 如果搵你買haba係咪有折呀??

    thanks a lot!!

  • 我想問做member儲分有mud好處??

  • kiki

    做member買100蚊有1分, 1年滿10分下一次買野當100蚊用! 生日月可以半價買任何產品!

  • KS,

    傳說係有納米, for 補濕同細胞修護

    sl essence 係for補濕緊膚

    傳說, i still waiting for the news from counter


  • m&m,


    for皮膚係敏感同乾性, ur steps should be:

    oil cleansing

    powder wash

    white lady(for nite) and sl essence (for day)

    vc lotion(for nite) and g lotion (for day)

    sd mix squa q10



    你搵我買大部分貨品都會有折, 而且全部都係counter貨, 買得多可選counter交收都冇問題...

    因為我成日係counter買嘢...有時都會買d sets, 但梗係唔會樣樣都用得曬啦...所以我會hold住個隻貨, 到用時先去counter取貨, 所以我可以照計set價平少少pass出黎


    有需要可以聯絡我啦[email protected]


  • 請問haba適唔適合30years?

  • 我31, 都用緊HABA, 鯊烯油最好, 解決乾燥唔錯, 唔駛買貴貴的補濕精華. 另外, 碎粉幼得緊要,比KP仲要好. 不防一試.

  • Thanks cktkitty!!

    明白曬, 好啦, 等我用完屋企d存貨就再試吓用返haba啦, 唔該曬你呀!!

  • Happy,

    HABA 適合不同年齡既肌膚

    可以放心, 而且鯊烯係好好既抗氧化成份


  • m&m,



    hehe...超support HABA, 我都想多d人用佢呀...


  • cktkitty: 昨天到haba counter 剛巧碰上shirley當值, 但是買完之後看她的名牌才知, she's very nice & polite. 我買了大部份最basic ge 嘢, 但有d遺忘咗買special care , 待下次再購買, 其實今次用咗over $3000買嘢都有d戰戰克克, 近排因鼻敏感導至皮膚狀況不好, 經常敏感. 昨晚因擔心是否適合而睡不好加上眼睛痕癢起床搽藥膏時, 最攪嘢眼袋又好似俾隻大蚊咬了一口,又發現T 字位有出油狀況, 我都有用白騎士, 是否妳們都是? point repair 是否不同point stick, 我買了point stick 而唔記買point repair! 我又買了海之宝升級版, 可否當埋eye cream 用呢? 其實好多嘢問唔到, 當時出面做緊show, 好嘈加上我honey開始唔耐煩, 已停留成粒鐘, 所以問唔到咁多嘢.

  • 用左sq幾日,




    white lady同白之衛士有咩分別?



  • jf,

    yes ar, shirley is really nice and not hardsell ga...^^

    for T 字位有出油狀況, 可用白騎士同jelly

    point repair 唔同point stick, point repair 係cream咁, use as eye cream

    for 海之宝石升級版, 其實唔係d咩升級版, 只係加左q10既海之宝石, 比原本個隻貴$100, 我就冇買呀, 因為本身用緊squa q10, this one not for eye, for lips is better


  • bobo,

    white lady is 全效修護精華, for whitening and moisturing $390/30ml

    white knight is protection for whitening and oil-control $300/30g


  • 我都買左白色衛士呀, 不過用完的部位有點痕, 你地會唔會咁? 不過有粒暗瘡真係收左, 似乎ok噃.

    我都聽sales姐姐講隻碎粉是新返嘅, 顏色更加咁偏黃的膚色. 心思思, 你地有冇其他意見係關於碎粉, 我真係剛好用完一盒Sofina,係時候試下其他了.

  • 我都買咗個濕粉同埋碎粉(做緊套餐$5xx), 碎粉真的好滑, 濕粉好易推, 最衰我呢2日分開咗嚟用, 睇唔到效果, 明天會一起用. 我用開jurlique ge 'silk dust' 好鬼死吸油, 中午補一次粉可keep 到晚上, 只有少少油不過唔係咁滑, 好啱油油一族, 成份係用米做成的. 昨夜記得g-lotion轉用vc-lotion, 今早起床都唔係咁多油. 最大鑊係用咗sq dew代替sq10, 諗著sq10+濕粉用, 點知想搽粉發覺塊面紅咗一達達, 都唔知边隻product 出事, 中午吃飯時已退咗一大半, 唔知係咪white lady 問題, 我對vic C有敏感, 但到現在未有痕, 唉.....不過今早用咗Shampoo, 又不錯喎, 仲未有頭痕現像(touch wood先), 以前用開d天然產品, 但好快頭痕, 真的能夠找到啱自己的護膚品, 唔係自己食蕉吧.

  • 唔好用silk dust 代替碎粉呀, 除非你係油面, 即使油面, 相信都唔�琣滮�, 太白太可怕了, 我發現我仲有一大樽係度, 用唔完.

  • I only use HABA shampoo and Squa Soap for body.

  • hi cktkitty,

    多謝你提供給我的skincare steps, 但係我想問:

    1. 我可唔可以日夜都用white lady作essence呢? (因為想快d白)

    2. 可否日夜都只用squa q10 作cream, 而唔溝sd呢?會唔會好lup呢? (想簡單d)

    3. 承上題, 如不用sl essence,只用squa q10,會否不夠保濕, 但又過潤而出油脂粒呢?? (我的皮膚缺水但怕油)

    唔好意思, 好多問題, 但因為我d皮膚好麻煩,請見諒!! thanks a lot!!

  • m&m, 點解你自己唔試下? 你問人都唔一定適合你的皮膚現狀. 最好去counter問.

  • I only use HABA Squa Soap for body and hand cream. Will try White Lady coz many people here say it is very good.

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