有無Haba Fans? 入來分享下

  • 我的程序係:

    Night :

    Oil Cleansing (同shu以前的白油一樣好但價錢平少少)

    Face Foam (好綿密的泡沫)

    White Lady

    G Lotion

    Squa Q10(相信Q10的好處)


    DDF Sensitive Cleansing Gel

    G Lotion

    Squa Q10


    Point Repair (從未起油脂粒, 所以一直用, 如果覺得乾, 就係下午塗多次)

  • lee,clp剛出支油時, 我有買, 覺得都好, 黑頭好易推出來, 但太貴又唔係每日用必須品, 我後來有用.

    另外我想share我曾經以400多買skii樽BHA諗住for鼻上黑頭, 但唔work....仲變左味...

    如果你黑頭深, 可以用完泥mask再用鼻貼, 要用男裝添.....我有friend係咁用, 雖然有收細多少, 但冇黒媽媽咁礙眼. 值得一試, 試得好話我知.

  • koko,

    咁即係話HABA隻泥MASK好用過CLP支CLEANING OIL?支CLEANING OIL聽講賣370or390,我覺得又唔算好貴,我諗最緊要睇下邊隻有效D。


  • lee,

    唔係話CDP一定冇haba泥mask好, 而係我自己都冇固定用開CDP,所以冇特別講佢, 不過HABA泥mask以深層清潔來說真係好好用, 清洗時唔會拉扯皮膚, 即使佢收乾時亦唔會收得太緊太乾. 以你的情況都係keep住毛孔清潔先啦.

  • koko,

    我呢幾日較忙, 因為開左學, hoho

    你對HABA好熟悉呀, 你用左幾耐呀?

    i like HABA so much...hehe

  • hi cktkitty, 我用左1年半, 因為真係幫到我改善暗瘡和缺水, 依家可以見得下人, 唔駛化厚妝.

  • vivi,

    white lady counter price is $390/30ml


    100% new and real, HABA counter未取



    email: [email protected]

    msn: [email protected]

    我平買出黎係因為想多d人可以試用HABA既皇牌產品, 因為通常試samples只能夠測試到質地同會否引發敏感

    anyway, 你有興趣先再contact我啦


  • cktkitty,

    係早上搽完 SQ 油 後, 有 無 搽 防 曬 產 品?

    你 用 開 D 只 係 防 曬 有 無 顏 色?

  • koko,


    係呀...用HABA, 皮膚可以keep到好好, 所以我都唔化妝家



  • KS,

    我宜家早上只會用g lotion and sd咋, 宜家都唔乾, 已經enough for me la

    for 防曬, 我宜家用緊shiseido隻tinted moisturiser, 但唔多啱我, 搽完成塊面暗左


  • cktkitty,

    我有支SL Essence用過少少, 其實唔係好知用來做咩,我想再用番, 但用其他牌子日霜, 我應該咩步驟加入SL Essence呀? pls help.

  • cktkitty,

    I better type in English as my Chinese character input is very slow.

    That means in the morning you will apply tinted moisturiser on top of Haba SQ oil right.

    I did not use any SPF or 防 曬 product. I think it is about time to buy either a day cream/lotion with SPF or just a 防 曬 SPF product without colour (not day cream, just 防 曬).

    Any good recommendation? My skin type is combination with hydration.

  • 姬絲,


    混合性偏乾及敏感性皮膚, 塊面有 d 紅色點點, 可以用邊 d product?


    oil cleansing

    powder wash

    g lotion


    咁樣最simple, 越simple既steps對敏感性既皮膚越好...

    塊面有 d 紅色點點, 可能係你皮膚仍然處於敏感狀態, 又可能只係皮膚薄, 我好難宜家答到你...:P

    我見haba好少product, step好似好簡單, 不過用量係咪隨自己皮膚而定o架? 對改善敏感肌有冇效?

    -->宜家HABA越黎越多products啦...yes ar, 用量係隨自己皮膚而定...對改善敏感肌好有效, 可以令到皮膚穩定下來

    washing powder同face wash比較, 邊隻冇咁乾?

    -->以我用既感覺, face wash相對補濕d, 但兩隻都完全唔乾...但我仍然會用powder wash, 因為敏感skin唔可以用磨沙, 就算peeling or deep clean, 都唔係有邊隻會啱同唔傷皮膚...但powder wash就可以溫和去角質, 啱啱可以解決到問題; 而且powder wash係日日用都可以, 好乾淨好舒服...^

    我可以用white lady嗎?

    -->yes, no problem at all...而且可以改善皮膚既整體質素

    我上次去過新世紀haba counter, 個ba都幾好人, 佢介紹o左SQ + SD DEW俾我, 不過我冇買到, 想諗清楚先, 因為敏感皮膚每試一種新o既護膚品都係一個冒險 ~~

    -->你去新世紀個就啱啦...我都係淨係會係新世紀counter開單, 我會搵shirley, 佢好nice, 而且唔會hardsell, 會揀d真係啱我既products先介紹一下, 等我自己選擇, shopping時好自在, 完全唔會有"被迫買嘢"既感覺...^^

    SQ同SD係as lotion/ cream, 係啱你皮膚用, 好啱添...但我通常建議人試HABA or other brands, 會suggest 3 steps都轉曬黎試, 而且要用至少45日, 先會真正試到一個brand既products係點 (可能佢驚叫你買曬3 steps, 你會以為佢hardsell你...^

    個d咩屋企仲有其他brands既嘢要用埋先既concepts我唔buy, 因為一隻對我冇效或者令我皮膚變差既products對我黎講係一交不值...我唔會再用...^__^

    你試其他brands既products後果會點...我唔敢講, 但我可以講既係HABA會好適合你既皮膚用...如其不斷試d化學護膚品...我都覺得用HABA好d

    我見個website介紹g-lotion係清爽派, 咁我乾性皮膚用唔用到? 會唔會乾? 雖然vc lotion係滋潤派, 但佢有vit c, 會唔會引致敏感?

    --> g lotion, 你會啱用, 因為好mild同好補濕

    -->vc lotion, 可以美白, 補濕同g lotion差唔多, 人人皮膚對vit c 既反應唔同, 好難答到你

    至於會唔會乾...我諗大家要明白既係toner好多時係最basic既3 steps之一, 要皮膚keep住好, 要有適合既essence配合黎用...

    hope can help u la


  • Nelly,

    sl essence 係有補濕緊膚essence

    你可以於toner後用, 再用番自己既lotion/ cream

    另一選擇係用黎溝粉底用, 我係聽HABA's BA講的, 但我冇化開妝, 未試過, 佢地話for d 粉貼 d

    hope can help u


  • cktkitty,

    我今晚終於去買左隻mask,不過可能係個sales好忙,我又唔記得問佢,隻mask 敷上面要等幾耐先清洗?

    我本來想買埋白騎士,但原來未有貨番,今日睇左呢個牌子護膚品既價錢,同cdp相比都唔算太貴,或者我遲下會試用呢個牌子,佢隻洗面好d定係cdp cleaning foam好d?

  • KS,

    for the weather now, i only g lotion and sd for day, then use sunblock

    for ur skin, u should try sunblock from Acseine...for ur skin, u should use spf 28 PA ++, name: mild sunshield , 呢個補濕好好, for Acseine, if u need to buy, remember contact me, i have VIP, can buy at 10% off, 唔會蝕俾佢呀...:P

    My skin type is combination with hydration

    <---u mean is dehydration, rite?

    hope can help u


  • lee,

    which mask did u buy? mud pack? if yes, 5 mins only...

    白騎士, 你唔駛counter買啦, 佢賣$300/30g, 你買samples都1g一包啦...

    anyway, 你有需要先聯絡我...^__^

    for cleansing, i surely will choose HABA, for cdp, i think it contains much chemicals and fragrance, i dun like to put these kind of products onto my face


  • cktkitty,



  • cktkitty,


  • lee,

    SQ, SD, Squa Q10三隻for 混合性皮膚都啱, 其實HABA唔同其他brands, 冇話邊隻product特定for咩skin先用得...就算d BA suggest你用products, 都係根據你既喜惡揀, for e.g. texture of the products, prices, functions...etc

    有時如果你一去就話: "我好油家喎, 用SQ會唔會更加油, 生暗瘡家?"

    咁個BA都會suggest你用SD, 話較清爽咁...

    因為佢知你咁問就係對HABA信心不足, SQ係要用特別方法搽, actually, 係要印, and等佢吸收先得...otherwise, cant get gd effects from it, 佢唔會敢推介SQ你用...因為你有好大可能先入為主覺得SQ油, 就唔啱混合性皮膚, 同會令皮膚仲有同出暗瘡...

    ur steps should be:


    oil cleansing

    powder wash

    white lady

    vc lotion

    sd mix sq or q10(depends on ur age)

    point repair for eyes

    海之寶石for lips

    ^__6, hope can help u la

  • lee,


    原本買mud pack, 應該唔會有sample

    white knight我而家冇常用, 所以我仲有大量samples

    如果你試過想買貨size用, 我就會覺得買samples抵d囉...始終係1g一包, 10包都已經一枝貨, 而且用samples仲新鮮, 冇咁容易氧化

    anyway, 你真係有需要先contact我啦


  • cktkitty ,



  • lee,

    u r welcome

    if for 5包, 我只會賣$20包



  • cktkitty,


  • lee,



    唔緊要啦...你可以試左之後去counter買, $300/10g都唔係好貴...

    可能我鍾意用samples, 好似可以慳左d錢開心d咁


  • cktkitty ,

    我之前生左好多暗瘡,現在剩返d暗瘡印,好難搞,你好似話支white lady好work,所以我想同你買支white lady sample試下得唔得,唔知幾多錢呢?

  • cktkitty,

    唔該曬你!本來都有考慮過買SAMPLE,不過今朝起身就開始用個SALES俾我果包,發覺用SAMPLE都幾麻煩,用完第一次要搵D保鮮紙包住個切口,如果手頭上多SAMPLE,本來可以一次過開曬佢入樽,但係諗諗下,如果多SAMPLE,D SAMPLE 未必係同時間生產,咁唔同LOT既護膚放埋一樽好似唔係幾好,所以後來諗過都係買番COUNTER貨。

    不過我發覺一包1G 既白騎士SAMPLE都可以用好幾日甚至一星期,因為我只係搽鼻位。


  • cktkitty,

    Yes my skin is a little dehydration, it was my typo forgetting the prefix there.

    The sunblock you use, is it a moisturizer with SFP or PA+++, or just sunblock without any moisturized function, just SPF pr PA+++ only?

    Acseine...for ur skin, u should use spf 28 PA ++, name: mild sunshield , 呢個補濕好好, >>>>>>>>>>>> Is this with colour? I think I had a sample of Acseine SPF 18 with colour, I did not like that colour.

    Can I apply Acseine SPF 28 or other sunblock products on top of the SQ or SQ 10?

    Sorry you may find me so dumb asking such questions as I am not familar with the SPF or sublock products.

  • cktkitty: thanks 你的熱誠, 原來你是學生, 哈哈我是老人家, 驚嚇親你, 我會找相約年齡朋友一起去!

  • 我想補充白色衛士係用特別的樽, 裡面冇膠管架, 產品係唔會接觸到空氣, 仲可以完全一滴都唔會浪費用盡. 我用一支可以用上2個多月, 睇唔出好襟用, 因為根據使用拍示都係用好少份量.

  • wl 一用即出粒粒


  • ��....................??出粒粒, 咁你搭什麼產品用呀?我剛剛開始用呀.

  • 今日lunch我正想去買haba支油.


    驚問d ba會俾佢'掠'到一頸血*_*

    哈, 咁岩係度睇到個post, 真係好!!^^

    我想問下sq同squa q10既功效有咩分別?


    仲有, -個隻去黑頭既mask叫咩名?

    因為我都有好多黑頭(個鼻), 我都想買支試下~~

  • haba sales比較young, 唔似d大牌子姐姐咁叻掠人. 我覺得係HABA買野箅舒服, 唔買野都唔會黑面, 我幫趁尖沙咀同旺角多

  • 果支白騎士今日番左貨,我又問個sales要vc lotion既sample。

    我係去荃灣千色店counter,果度d sales我唔覺得hard sales,兩次去買野都係我自己主動問佢地,可能係當時有幾個人幫襯緊,佢地唔得閒。

    支泥mask既名稱係Marine Mineral Mud Pack.

  • 100% new HABA for sale

    I have changed to SK2 so I don't need these products anymore, I bought too many before

    1) White Lady 30mL

    2) VC lotion 120mL

    3) White Knight 10g

    Please email me if interested, discounts will be given

    [email protected]

  • lee,

    我用d samples都係倒入樽家, hoho


    cleanser, toner, lotion個d先會買番貨裝

    HABA控油係jelly同white knight, 我覺得white knight會較好


  • kitty,

    counter宜家都冇white lady samples

    所以我會覺得買番product size好d

    samples我就$22一包, 平時如果買好包會好平

    但宜家既問題係就算你要買好多包, 我手頭上都冇咁多包俾你, 要等counter再番samples先可以

    and, 就算你試samples, 頂多係試到個質地, 一定唔會試到佢既美白效果

    hope can help u la


  • KS,

    the sunblock i'm using now is shiseido one, not good

    Acseine spf 28 mild sunshield, is without colour, gd in texture, will suit ur skin

    u can surely apply sunblock on top of SQ or Q10, since SQ or q10 are just lotion/ cream, no problem at all

    hehe...u asking Qs is good, at least u can know more before u buy or use such kind of products

    keep going


  • jf,

    hoho...我已經23lu, 都唔細

    如果你真係去counter, 就去旺角新世紀搵shirley, 佢會用"誠懇有禮"既服務態度serve你


    但如果想買travel size就冇啦

    hope can help u la


  • koko,

    hehe...係呀...我仲要唔係日日用添呀...i mean white knight, 一枝用到n個月咁耐

    所以後尾冇再買貨裝用, 改用samples, 想用個排先開2-3包用, for搽暗瘡同全面咁美白


    激死counter d sales


  • bobo,


    Squa Q10係99.93%鯊烯精華+輔酶Q10+維他命E

    如果簡單咁講就係Squa Q10係SQ加Q10

    至於q10, 你應該知係對皮膚好重要, 有冇足夠既補充就係good or bad skin既分別

    SQ $250/30ml, $850/120ml(我通常買大size, 因為抵好多的, hehe)

    Squa Q10 $300/30ml

    deep clean mask

    -->name: Mud pack $200/120g


  • Florence,

    halo, 你既white lady到期日幾時? sell how much?

    also, for VC and white knight, thx


  • cktkitty,

    Is Acseine spf 28 mild sunshield a moisturizer? Do I need to use cleaning oil if I use Acseine SPF 28?

    Have a question, do Haba sell samples to customers? Or you got the samples with the purchase of Haba.

  • KS,

    Acseine spf 28 mild sunshield, as i knew that, it's a sunblock, not really a moisturiser, when u use sunblock, or even withoug sunblock, we better use cleansing oil to clean face, we should know that double-cleansing is the best for skin

    for samples, surely counter wont sell samples, i got samples from counter when i buy things, but the diff. is i know the sales, so the amount of samples is a bit diff.


  • KS,

    one more thing to state

    actually, acs spf 28 mild sunshield, it's with slightly skin colour, but after applying onto our face, it's colourless indeed

    just for reminding u


  • cktkitty,

    點解你可以�咧壔搹hsample呢? 你賣$22一包都好貴��.

  • cktkitty,

    Thank you for your info. I will check on Acseine spf 28 mild sunshield , hope it will not be the same colour as I have sample of Acseine spf 18.

    Have one more question, is moisturizer with SPF less oil than SunBlock? I heard fucntion just sunblock will be more grease than regular moisturizing lotion with SPF.

  • 我想問Acseine SPF 28係咩色樽, 我用過黃色樽的防曬, 好油好焗皮膚, 我用左十多次就掉左lu. 仲有咩防曬好用?

  • cktkitty

    我買左支sq啦, 60ml - $450.

    本來想買30ml架, 佢地話冇喎~



    想買埋支mud pack都唔敢.

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