男朋友好多方面都好好, 但係真係完全唔識哄人....

  • 有時同佢傾計, 佢冇乜反應, 多數都"嗯"就算, 都幾無癮~<br />有時我嬲佢又唔識哄返我, 多數都唔出聲...<br />因為我知道佢冇心or唔識哄人, 所以我都會主動講返野, 話冇事...<br />唉...不過有時真係想俾人哄下.....<br />開始擔心咁落去會唔會快淡....

  • 做人唔好咁貪心

  • 有時我嬲佢又唔識哄返我, 多數都唔出聲...
    <br>因為我知道佢冇心or唔識哄人, 所以我都會主動講返野, 話冇事
    <br>replied by ki
    <br>you can tell him and train him ga ma...

  • was he like that when he first chase you?
    <br>how long have you been with him?

  • 我都唔係想要求咁多野~~
    <br>尤其是佢唔出聲時, 我唔知佢諗乜, 又驚其實佢都唔開心~
    <br>我有tell佢架, 佢話佢真係唔識講野lor驚講錯野

  • ki,
    <br>yes, of course!!!
    <br>my bf was like that before..but i train him , i tell him what I want
    <br>now...he's very good.. hehehehe...he said sweet thing to me everday...

  • 牲格改不了. 接受現實, 幻想不真實.
    <br>他迎合不到你, 你唯有接受....

  • what I did was
    <br>I tell him exactly what I want to hear...
    <br>then after few times...he kind of sense what I want, and he learnt it fast....

  • 一齊3個幾月only~~

  • 咁你都可以哄佢嘛...^^

  • CS_She,
    <br>其實我都明, 如果佢唔會改變, 我都會接受..
    <br>你話佢知你想聽d咩? 咁你當時唔會好"孟"嗎?

  • babysister,

  • ki,
    <br>look, u better be patient...I think that can be learnt...
    <br>what I did was....I told him what I want, don't let him guess.
    <br>if you want him to do something or say something, then, u tell him direct.
    <br>my case is, my bf never say anything sweet thing to me... he said he doesn't know how...
    <br>then everytime when we finish on the phone, he just hangs up. so everytime before
    <br>I hang up, I asked him to say, 'u'll miss me'
    <br>and after few times....now he learnt from me...and he would say something similar or do something similar to what i did.
    <br>so be patient....I think like babysister said...u can start by 哄佢 first....
    <br>then he 'll learn it..and he'll 哄 you later.

  • 咁你當時唔會好"孟"嗎
    <br>yes, of course I would be 孟, very 孟 tim!!
    <br>that's why i said u have to tell him lor....tell him what he doesnt' know...
    <br>so that he can learn ar ma. if u don't tell him what you want, how can he improves, how he can learn??
    <br>you should know by first day that he's not a play boy type...he doesn't talk sweet
    <br>therefore, u have to train him...to 'mouth flower' you only...hahaha...hopefully...to u only...

  • hehe,
    <br>Very useful tips aryes u are right, i know he is not a play boy from the first daylet me try try your method sin~~

  • ki,
    <br>hehe.... yea..try that lah...it really works...
    <br>train a better man is still better than to be with a play boy !!

  • hehe replied @ 2009-04-02 2:06 am
    <br>u have to train him...to 'mouth flower' you only...hahaha...hopefully...to u only
    <br>no way

  • 找個時間跟他慢慢說

  • 其實你可以同佢有共同興趣...感情既野大家就大家

  • 妳好.可以add我msn傾下計ah?
    <br>[email protected]

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