
  • <p>有ÉN人可以答?igrave;?Uacute;,<br />ÂI?Ntilde;男人會ÅÊ上一?Oacute;男人?</p>

  • 亂碼左添

  • 答你咪即係話俾全世界知佢搞基:p

  • 同性戀有先天同後天ga wor
    <br>btw,i"m not gay~

  • 我估... <---- **

  • 阿琦

  • 有天生因素,
    <br>我都curious 同性相吸的mindset....
    <br>But it's their freedom,現在這世代, gay 都好普遍. 不足為奇.

  • 我都懷疑左我細佬好多年:p

  • 我初戀男友好斯文, 比佢獨特書卷氣質吸引.
    <br>我主動追佢, 佢都受....
    <br>不過一個月後, 佢提出分手. 分手死因不明. I was so hurt and sad :-(
    <br>很多年後, 從朋友得知佢係gay架....
    <br>咁怪得知拍拖時咁"乖" la.
    <br>(That happened when I was 16 years old)

  • well...what cheerful sweetie said is partly rite and partly not...
    <br>有童年陰影... <--- this is rite, and inborn are the majority
    <br>But it's their freedom,現在這世代, gay 都好普遍. 不足為奇 <---
    <br>the % of gay ppl is constant in trhoughout times, it is not more when we are getting more ' modern.
    <br>so, a7501, if you are brother is gay, just accept him, if you try to change him, that probably will add more pain on him.

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