香港人聽覺一定係有d 問題, 唔係點解講野要咁大聲?

  • 我覺得其中一個原因係周圍既環境太嘈, 唔大聲d人地會聽唔到.......

  • 咁搭lift o個陣唔嘈喇呱? 點解d 人都要嗌出黎咁講野?

  • 咁巴士�堶戚纗佼漵K? 點解d 人都要嗌出黎咁講野?

  • 餐廳�堶戚曮Y好嘈姐? 點解都係要嗌哂大聲咁講野?

  • 我覺得係文化問題,外國人會覺得大聲講野會騷擾隔離左右的人,佢地唔希望自己俾人騷擾,將心比己自己都唔會騷擾人。同埋佢地覺得大聲講野好失禮。中國人無呢種觀念。(唔係話佢地覺得大聲講野好應份無問題,只係佢地無要細聲講野的concept)

  • 除非講野個人係撞聾, 否則係無未要咁大聲講野, 另外係家教問題, 特別係大陸婆去街同教仔都係好大聲

  • 有時可能係對方好大聲, 所以你又會跟住大聲.

  • 我都有刻意壓低把聲,點知都係俾人話大聲,我都好無奈.

  • it s very annoying when others speak sooooooo loudly on their mobile phones. i mean, why must they force everyone else to hear their life stories, plans or whatever the hell it s they re talking about??????
    <br>i ve always thought people in hk should be well educated and have more class than the ones from china. but, the truth is...many hk people are worse than the ones from china.

  • 我多數都係見D阿叔阿嬸同大陸人先會講得咁大聲咋喎

  • .

  • 在巴士講電話, d人都好大聲.

  • 咁大家會默默地 stand for it ? or speak it aloud your disatisfaction ?

  • <br>First, HK people have been trained to listen to microphone throughout the day. When you are so young and those amplified voices are forced down your ear drum. Imagine if your education continued smoothly throughout 14 years! What about the weekly yum-cha in the restaurants when everyone is 'talking' to each other? When you are in that environment, you feel that you are talking, but actually, everyone is shouting!
    <br>I attended a two hour session at a banks training room and they had to use a mike. It was so loud but nobody complained
    <br>I think we have be "force fed" with loudness from the day we were born until by now, when we talk so loudly to each other, nobody seemed to complain.
    <br>When in the lift, everyone is so involved in their conversation that we dont have the sense of how much disturbance this would affect others.
    <br>That's they way I see it.

  • .

  • ............................

  • 講事非個陣就好細聲.
    <br>件事愈描愈黑個陣, 就會忽然變大聲 - 玩"單打"呀!~

  • I don't agree with people who says ONLY ' CHINESE ' ppo speak loudly in public !
    <br>It's just that these people are always surrounded by a bunch of chinese other than 外國人.
    <br>For example, on the MTR......
    <br>How often do you see more 外國人 on the MTR than chinese ? The majority on the MTR is chinese , right??? Of course... if they all talk at the same time.... you'd think they are loud and noisy !
    <br>Let me tell you....
    <br>I've lived in CANADA for 20 years.
    <br>外國人 are JUST AS LOUD AS chinese people !!
    <br>Most of the time when you find people are loud and noisy is because you are alone or not around with your friends or something at that moment. You are by yourself... therefore you have so much time to pay attention to the things around you ( for ex. people talking loudly ) . Those people talking loudly will NEVER realise how loud they are.
    <br>About myself.... I get really irritated with people speaking ( yelling ) out loud when they talk . But then again... mabbe I do that myself too when I'm around friends in public.. who knows ...
    <br>But my mother in law is the LOUDEST person in this whole wide world !
    <br>Dunno why she has to YELL at the phone when she talks with people. Then when she is talking to my husband (when i'm close by ) ......... my heart will BEAT like mad !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Becos all of a sudden.. you wouldn't expect that !!!! Like her voice LITERALLY gives me a HEART ATTACK !!!!!!!!!! Sometimes i wonder if she's going deaf @.@""

  • agree with aa....
    <br>NYC的公車上也是十分嘈吵....他們還加上虧張的笑聲,有些黑黑還開大他們帶上車的私人大大件的 HiFi

  • <br>frankly speaking hk people are total fuxking BlTCHes ya know, nothing but dead stinking fishes as you can see their daily SHlT faces in their SHlT holes
    <br>gimme a smile alrite you hk stinking BlTCHes!!!!

  • the above people "i_HATE_heartless_HK_people.COM replied @ 2007-12-25 10:42 pm" just escaped from "Ching Shan", better go back la.....

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