
  • 我女友今日向我下最後通碟:「結婚生仔,否則再見!」

    點算 ?

  • ask urself.....do u feel happy to being with her?do u love her??

    if u do, go for it!!

    if u dont, u know what to do!!

  • 要有禮貌,同佢講再見

  • 你同佢拍左幾耐先?

  • if you think that you are not fit to be a husband or getting marry

    do not waste your time & her time , just say good bye

    do you have any problems eg : you need more time to consider or you haven't consider the above question , i think you better to think about it .

    i don't know why your gf will raise up this question , have you think about the reason behind , sorry i guess you are not a good husband , you fail to make any committment with her , or you are a escapist ?

    to make choice between marry or break your both may get hurt , please take with her , better to understand what she think , if you love her and you expect your gf is you wife in future , just tell her what your plan ............

    brother , i ask my bf the same question as the same above 'marry or break '

    my answer is break .......

    my bf said: i am not ready to get marry , i just think that you are a gf only , so we break now

    but we still a friend

    because my ex bf is good to be a friend

    i hope i can help you

    sorry my english is not good , i hope you understand what i mean


  • sorry i mean talk with her

  • How old are both of you?

  • 我岩岩都同我男朋友嘈過同呢個好似既問題......

    男朋友仲係遊戲人間, 明明收入唔錯都唔save money, 又無同我講過結婚或者以後既任何planning......所以我逼佢save money, 佢同我嘈左好耐, 我地都因為咁鬧過好多次交, 上次我再問佢, 心�堶悼蝟ㄦt自決定左如果佢都係完全唔save money仲未有諗過同我結婚既話, 我就會同佢分手.........

    最主要原因係我已經25, 我唔介意等多佢幾年大家save到錢就結婚, 但如果佢根本完全無planning, 咁真係對唔住, 無謂浪費大家時間, 我唔細架啦, 我要搵既係一齊走埋下半世既partner, 唔係男朋友

  • lok lok

    you are so young

    i am 33

    exbf is 33

  • 如果冇諗過结婚, 就唔好拖住人, 拿拿臨分手, 慢慢再去揾過個la

  • 板主: 你問得咁既問題, 其實自己已經決定咗.

    lok lok: 你得25歲, 唔駛咁心急要嫁. 又唔係弋啲五六線姐仔, 一有個有少少米既男友就驚死嫁唔切咁.

  • host

    can you tell me your answer ?

  • i understand why your gf said so,

    because the older the mother, the more danger to have kids,

    i call it expiry date,

    there's a limit for women to have babies,

    did you every plan your future?

    if you planned to marry her and have kids, why not a.s.a.p.?

    the younger the mother to have baby, it's less dangerous & recovery faster, and baby more healthy

  • 我唔係覺得自己會無人要, 亦都唔係逼我男朋友娶我, 問題係佢從頭都尾都無提過呢D野, 亦都無PALNNING, 人生就過得一日得一日咁...... 我自問接受唔到呢種生活模式, 我咩事都盡量PLAN好, 做最好同最壞打算....... 我希望我既男朋友, 大家以大家為日後一齊生活既PARTNER作前提而拍拖, 當然世事既野無人可以預料到, 但起碼大家要有心囉........

    況且, 25唔係老, 但唔通一識一個人覺得OK就結緍咩....當然有人係咁, 但我自己都係覺得拍拖一段時間, 大家了解大家先結婚會好D

  • woman always want to marry about 25-28. but after 30 you wouldn't mind to get marry or not lor..

  • 我淨係覺得迫返黎既婚姻唔會長久同幸福, 我識2個女仔, 26/7歲, 比佢地成功迫婚, 2~3年後咪又係離婚, 之後到而家3X歲都重未揾到bf. 講真, 正常人好人好姐點會揾個離過婚既女人做老婆, 香港重有大把女仔la

  • 即係咁講, 離過婚既女人唔洗旨意有人要呀?

  • ?



  • 唔係話冇人要, 不過可能會難d

  • 唔係話冇人要, 不過可能會難d

  • 我仲以為d 男仔好恨結婚ge tim

    我有兩個男朋友... then 我決定同其中一個分手.... 分手後一日佢竟然同我講佢唔想做我男朋友, 佢要做我老公. 就攞介指出黎同我求婚...佢第一眼見到庬已經話非我做佢老婆不可, 我冇答應啦of cuz

    另一個...姐係我choose 咗果個,都一直都係問緊我幾時先肯同佢結婚, 幾時就生bb
    我係想要一個好family 的

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