真係一個有機會令你可搵到你另外一半的地方, 小小分亨自己的經歷 !!!

  • <p><u>hi,</u></p>
    <p><u>我剛剛同我的女友分手lu..大家唔係好合, 剛剛開始好開心, 其實當時本來唔係同呢個一齊, 因為開始試緊同一個女仔都好好傾,個女仔我都係係呢度認識, 之後仲同咗佢出嚟, 唔知點解個次出嚟好緊張, 又一d都唔細心, 但我平時都唔係, 唔好話女朋友, 普通女仔freind同佢地出街我都好鍾意take care 佢地, 連飲凍0茶都好自然幫佢地"look"檸檬, 因為見到佢地開心, 自己都好開心, 所以可能第一次出嚟就咁, 又難怪佢對我的感覺唔好, 之前對自己都好有信心, 之後覺得佢有小小同之前唔同, 我都唔敢好似之前咁對佢, 又係呢個時候, 我係一班朋友出嚟出嚟認識咗一個拍硬照的女仔, 我好自然好似之前對女仔的態度對佢, 第一次已經感覺佢對我有好感, 而佢又冇拍扥一年, 所以我地發展得好快, 但可能佢真係好多人追, 我自己做生意, 又冇好多時間陪佢, 因自己都係三十多, 所以對自己生意都比較緊張d, 佢有時知我唔鍾意佢同想追佢男仔出街, 佢都冇出, 但我自己覺得對佢好唔公平, 同埋其實大家性格都唔係咁挾, 最重要係同佢係埋一齊時, 我都有掛住之前係求識嗰個女仔, 雖然佢唔想, 但我真係唔想對佢唔公平所以同佢講咗分手, 因為佢身邊真係有好多choice ar. 大家有冇同樣的經歷分一吓呀, 小弟只是忽然間有感而發, 其實自己好小打咁多中文.....Jerry</u></p>

  • 你飛人就飛人la, 講野... till

  • 其實我又點想飛佢呀, 我諗要飛一個好靘又高的女仔唔係個個男仔都可以做到, 呢個我x佢又唔會上, 我只是想大家傾吓, 同有感而發....jerry

  • 你d大話有d社會經驗都知你吹水啦,
    <br>飛人好平常,你個自圓其說既借口真係好虛偽呀, 頂唔順呀, 大佬..
    <br>又話做生意好忙, 訓喇, 仲上來作古仔溝女...

  • 你唔訓我訓喇,我d唔忙既打工仔明日要返工 <---笑死我 kakaka 我依d 打過仔..一早就要返工..真係慘, 人地咁忙都打咁多中文, 佢話好少打架, 真係辛苦曬佢啦

  • just want to share some experence, if you are not like it...forgot it.
    <br>I no need to agrue with you...haha
    <br>I just want to let every body know here.....can found the other partner,,just take a chance. and I am not looking for any girl for the guess wrong....i think u are so senstensive.....may be u ...hahah forgot..

  • yours is a failed case wor. You didnt go on with the girl you knew from

  • hi she,
    <br>because as the first meeting when we go out....I am doing the best
    <br>after that, we continue to chat in Msn, as I feel she is not like before good to me.....n I also do not want her I am very trouble man.
    <br>有時d嘢真係正定, 你想開始的時候, 那個又唔係你最鍾意的, 又同一個唔係好有feel sad...when I thinking back I losting the chance..
    <br>the girl I meet her, she is really really good, I can give her 95 marks pretty, Good Occp, High educ....

  • jerry,
    <br>呢d咪係timing 問題........
    <br>咁正正是當失去時才懂珍惜, 太可惜了..... 就當上了一課, 好好珍惜下一位ms.right

  • hi my_tang,
    <br>I am total agree with you. thank you for your reply.
    <br>but I will miss her forever....even i do not any chance in future.
    <br>she give me very strong feeling as I remeber that I here her sound at first time on phone.....haha

  • 你寫這堆狗屁不通的東西是中文嗎?失覺!

  • hi

  • hi cordless !!!
    <br>this girl will not see me anymore lu...

  • Jerry
    <br>No more updated news up to now?
    <br>By the way why u don't sleep even it is so late?

  • took lemon is a great skill, man. but for western girls, I don't think that equals to caring, it equals to not respecting ladies

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