*新疆自由行* 計劃08年4月頭自由行去新疆.

  • 有冇人有興趣? 想儲夠兩男兩女去. 有冇人去過可否share下行程費用呢?<br /><br />日數未定, 估計兩星期左右. <br /><br />行程經濟為主 :P

  • 留個CONTACT先:
    <br>[email protected]

  • i m interested, i m man.
    <br>what is the budget ? hv to make a detailed plan wor.

  • KK
    <br>我都係一片茫然 :P
    <br>路線亦未知 要PLAN
    <br>另外, 你有幾多日假?

  • Hi, JC
    <br>I am samiliar with you.
    <br>I'll quit my job on Mar.And I am considering travelling for long vacation.
    <br>Although I hope to Australia originally.
    <br>But you could tell me some information about your trip, so I'll think about change my route or not.

  • HI PLG
    <br>等咗咁耐終於有人回應 :s
    <br>我搵過d資料四月新疆都仲凍 有d地方有可能封路
    <br>因為網上資料唔太齊全 書又未得閒去買

  • PLG

  • hi PLG:
    <br>我都同大家一樣, 諗住3月會quit左份工,之後會去一個long vacation,我plan緊去澳洲or美國,是但一度,不過未肯定去邊好.

  • Hi JC,
    <br>Thx for your kindness.I would like to Australia cos I am learning english.
    <br>But I am learning camera, so 新疆 I also interested.
    <br>Actually, I hope have long vacation purity.
    <br>Let me search about 新疆, I'll reply later.
    <br>Hi me2,
    <br>I am glad that you hope to Australia too!
    <br>However, would you like be a backpacker? It's differcult but unforgetable.
    <br>If I have a partner, I hope we can join "working holiday" trip.Would you?

  • PLG
    <br>我都仲未正式找新疆資料 :p
    <br>如果你地join working holiday
    <br>好似地點仲有紐西蘭, 星加坡..
    <br>我唔夠獨立, 冇咁既勇氣試

  • PLG :
    <br>"working holiday"trip係咩黎架?? 我大鄉裡未聽過 ><

  • me2,
    <br>if you between18-30yrs,you can apply the visa which you can find a part time job and live in Australia within 1 yrs.
    <br>I am sure it must be improve our English.
    <br>If your mum allowed you to go to 新疆, Why doesn't she allow you to go to Australia? Actually,新疆 is dangerous than Australia.

  • PLG :
    <br>原來澳洲有呢個計劃咁好架?? 咁都好喎!!!咁你諗住會去邊個City呀?
    <br>JC :
    <br>我都認同呀, 去澳洲點都比新彊安全喎 .

  • JC,

  • PLG :

  • JC,

  • PLG / me2
    <br>呵呵~ 我知道你地年齡啦
    <br>如果working holiday
    <br>我都未知點同屋企人講 :p
    <br>易找travel partner

  • hi, i went to xinjiang last year in may. so i want to share some info to you. basicly, xinjiang have south and north part. if you want to go south part in april is ok but north is too early because is too cold. meadow is one of the famous view point in there, but no flower open in april because still too cold. that means you can't see the best meadow view in that time. last year mid of may when i went there, still not too many flowers open, beginning of june to sep is the best. unless your plan is not include meadow.
    <br>tibet is too early to go in april too. the three of the majoy lake is still frozen, you can't see how blue of the water, and the weather too cold make you easy to get flu in there. if you got flu in there is a big trouble because of high mountain illness.
    <br>i would suggest you to go yunnan, april is good to go there.
    <br>here was my route in xinjiang last year.
    <br>may24 d1 香港--烏魯木齊--喀什 宿喀什
    <br>25 d2 喀什--塔什庫尔干 宿塔什庫尔干
    <br>26 d3 塔什庫尔干--喀什 宿喀什
    <br>27 d4 喀什一日遊--庫車(夜巴) 宿夜巴
    <br>28 d5 庫車--天山大峽谷--克孜尓尕哈千彿洞--輪南--塔克拉馬干沙漠 宿肖塘道班或塔河小鎮
    <br>29 d6 肖塘道班/塔河小鎮--輪台--胡楊林--庫尔勒 宿庫尔勒
    <br>30 d7 庫尔勒--愽斯騰湖--一号冰川--烏魯木齊--塞裡木湖(夜巴) 宿夜巴
    <br>31 d8 塞裡木湖--果子溝--伊寧--那拉提大草原 宿那拉提
    <br>jun1 d9 那拉提大草原--巴音布魯克--天鵝湖--九曲十八灣--巴音布魯克 宿巴音
    <br>2 d10 巴音布魯克--奎屯--克拉瑪依--烏尔禾魔鬼城 宿烏尔禾/克拉瑪依
    <br>3 d11 烏尔禾/克拉瑪--五彩灘--布尔津 宿布尔津
    <br>4 d12 布尔津--白哈巴 宿白哈巴
    <br>5 d13 白哈巴--喀納斯 宿喀納斯
    <br>6 d14 喀納斯湖--禾木 宿禾木
    <br>7 d15 禾木--布尔津--富蘊 宿富蘊
    <br>8 d16 富蘊-五彩灣 宿五彩灣
    <br>9 d17 五彩灣--吐魯番 宿吐魯番
    <br>10d18 吐魯番--達板城風車--烏魯木齊
    <br>11d19 烏魯木齊--香港
    <br>here is some of my picture in xinjiang i took last year, you may take a look and have more idea what you can see in there

    <br>I'm a 33 man w/ 3 inches long penius.
    <br>I like cheating gal
    <br>I've 2 sex partners, 1 secret lover b4 n i like phonesex
    <br>I like to show my penius photo to gals coz i don't hv cam
    <br>I like shoot shoot shoot gals pussy without using any condom
    <br>(sure not aids coz i go blood checking every mth)
    <br>[email protected]
    <br>or u can phone me to paly phonsex n m ps skill is very good
    <br>[email protected]
    <br>[email protected]
    <br>[email protected]
    <br>[email protected]

  • 4月去新疆季節不適宜,隨非係一般旅遊,若是想影相的,6-10月最美,特別是九月下旬至十月頭的北疆金秋,迷死人.還有8月時的南疆帕米爾高原,藍天,雪山,大草原真係好靚架.
    <br>上年我在新疆一個月影相,影左d劣作給大家賞相 -->北疆相,(南疆整理中)

  • JC,
    <br>我想請問你係咪一定要4月,可唔可以早d.如果新疆我會prefer d.

  • PLG
    <br>個女仔想四月十日左右去(或可以早, 要問)
    <br>如果凍, 人辛苦外
    <br>另外, 人數方面, 起碼找多個男


  • jc, you are welcome
    <br>if you plan to rent car and driver in xinjiang, i can give you my driver's phone no. to you, they are very nice and professional, especially the one in south xinjiang, he is a very very very nice man.

  • Fisherman76
    <br>多謝先, 可唔可以SEND去我的EMAIL

  • email eent

  • fan fan
    <br>your pics look really really nice. high hand ar!!!

  • heyhey
    <br>i also plan to go silk road at the end of march to the mid of april r
    <br>, will go with one more friend! still thinking the route.
    <br>add me to discuss la
    <br>[email protected]

  • Welcome, Mr. Chong
    <br>It's a good news from u.
    <br>I wish u n your fd can join us.
    <br>How about you?
    <br>Waiting your reply.

  • JC,

  • PLG
    <br>我三月中唔OK, 最快四月頭
    <br>返嚟同我地分享下啦 :D

  • Mr. Chong
    <br>Waiting you reply the date.
    <br>details pls check ur MSN.

  • i am interested in it~~
    <br>but seems beginning of April is not a good time to start the trip.

  • 好開心可以出到'團'
    <br>去北疆最好是8, 9月去

  • 特別鳴謝 *** fisherman76 *** 熱心幫忙!

  • you are very welcome!

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