不如分享下你地點同SL相處丫? (Part XI 之 流星下的願)

  • <strong><font size="3"><br /></font></strong><span style="FONT-SIZE: 13px; COLOR: #666666; LINE-HEIGHT: 19px"><font color="#9900ff">(狼) 我要花兒開個不停 陪我們永遠年輕 <br />每朵花代表了純淨的愛情 <br />我要種出一個森林 陪他聽落葉回音 <br />陪它看雪花融化了的寧靜 <br /><br />我 怎能不相信 飛舞的流星 <br />正是為了實現我和花兒的約定 <br />看 滿天的星星 寫出我心情 <br /><br />正好代表著我和你 擁抱的生命 也許雲端裡有精靈 <br />竊聽我的心 就讓我們一起閉上眼睛 <br /><br />(雪) 我要提琴奏出生命 陪我們永遠年輕 <br />每個音節都有漸進的感情 <br />我要用心表演一場 讓世界對我肯定 <br /><br />讓湖邊的狼也用心的傾聽 我 怎能不相信 飛舞的流星 <br />正是為了實現我和音樂的約定 <br /><br />* 看 滿天的星星 (流星的風景) <br />寫出我心情 (有你的背影) 正好代表著我和你 <br />(你永遠是我) 擁抱的生命 (命中的精靈) <br /><br />也許雲端裡有精靈 竊聽我的心 就讓我們一起閉上眼睛 <br />(就讓我們一起閉上眼睛)<br /><br /></font></span>

  • 祝大家新年快樂, 願望成真!

  • 唉也~ 趕唔切許願添.....

  • here !

  • wing,
    <br>同亞星無咩特別, 多個人比我kill下time 甘囉, 始終無人可以代替bg既地位 !

  • 話時話, shasha今次為o左份禮物咁多意見, 我都有d驚奇. 不過男人買野比女人又真係幾難, 我諗mr big都係諗唔掂先會遲o左.

  • hi sisters~~
    <br>好耐無上黎啦! 放假都好鬼攰...
    <br>Happy New Year ^^

  • droppy ~~ happy new year ar..ar..ar..ar..ar...

  • women,
    <br>kill time kill 得開心咪得囉. :P
    <br>哈哈~ 買野俾我1D都唔難, 因為我幼稚.. :P
    <br>hihi~~ : )

  • It's all in the timing! No matter who you are or what you've done in the past year - this is the time to get a brand-new start. This is not only the beginning of a new cycle, it is a One-Year and of special significance not only for the numerologists among us but for all who want to start 2008 right! Mars is facing off with Pluto today and this is the perfect time to focus not on frustration and power struggles but on making sure life is going your way by planning ahead and making progress and your dreams and visions. Use astrology to meet your yearly goals, whether you're aiming for love, a better job, or a trip around the world. Consult your 2008 Forecast for expert guidance.
    <br>(March 21 - April 19)
    <br>Due to your strong will and self-assuredness, you are one of the Signs who is most likely to keep your New Year's resolutions. However, there's no reason you shouldn't try to loosen your rigid thinking and relax a bit this coming year. Make a promise to yourself to live just a bit more in the moment; a hint of spontaneity will lend some much-needed adventure to your life. A moment on the edge doesn't mean you'll lose all control.

  • Taurus
    <br>(April 20 - May 20)
    <br>Make this coming year the Year of Giving to Others. We’re not saying that you're selfish, but you do have a tendency to think of yourself first and foremost! So, start putting your loved ones first in the New Year. You don't have to think big here, either -- you'll be surprised at how small gestures like helping a neighbor in with their groceries or offering to give a coworker a ride to work when their car is in the shop will get you huge doses of appreciation.
    <br>(May 21 - June 21)
    <br>Use your natural curiosity to your advantage. Take the opportunity to really learn something new this coming year. Don't just skim the surface, but really delve deeply into a topic that interests you. If you've been thinking of getting an advanced degree, it's time to stop talking about it and just do it! Where there's a will, there's definitely a way. If you can find a way to harness some of that scattered energy, the sky is the limit.
    <br>(June 22 - July 22)
    <br>Use the coming year to branch out and expand your social circle. There's nothing wrong with being a family-oriented homebody, but it's time to get a bit more broad in terms of who you let into your life emotionally. Set your reservations aside for just a while and soon you'll figure out that your world can be enhanced -- not threatened -- by meeting new people and welcoming them into your realm.

  • Leo
    <br>(July 23 - August 22)
    <br>No one knows better than the Lion how to use charm to gain an audience, which is why your New Year's resolutions should be based on letting someone else share the stage with you for once. You love being the center of attention, but this year is your time to step aside, if just for a few moments, and realize that life isn't necessarily all about you. Okay, maybe it is -- but it's also about giving other people at least some of the accolades you crave for yourself! You might just enjoy being part of an ensemble cast.
    <br>(August 23 - September 22)
    <br>Resolutions are about stepping out of your comfort zone, which means you need to challenge yourself to do something that isn't within your normal routine. Start by taking a different route to work or school and venture out into the world when you have spare time. Soon you'll find there's an expansive planet full of adventure to explore, and that being reasonable and prudent -- while admirable -- isn't your ticket to excitement.
    <br>(September 23 - October 22)
    <br>You've definitely got the outgoing, social thing down, but now it's time to work on your inner self. Could you be masking some deep unresolved feelings with your penchant for always being the one who asks probing questions of others but rarely asks them of yourself? This year is the time for self-reflection. Outside help in the form of counseling -- one on one, not group! -- may be an avenue you want to pursue in order to reach optimum happiness in 2008.

  • Scorpio
    <br>(October 23 - November 21)
    <br>It might be time to turn down the intensity just a bit. You certainly aren't lacking passion and drive in your life -- which isn't a bad thing -- but it can be a bit off-putting for the people you care about. Repeat this to yourself: "I will lighten up, I will lighten up" and then really try to do it. Baby steps are the key; it's okay to remain deeply invested in the things that matter, but that means letting some of the other smaller things go.
    <br>(November 22 - December 21)
    <br>If the worst thing you can think of is being confined, you're not alone; your fellow Sagittarians are right there with you! However, this year, why not try putting down some roots where there previously weren't any? Allowing yourself to have a stronger foundation might be scary at first, but it also means gaining new friends and giving yourself a sense of security that you might not even know you crave.
    <br>(December 22 - January 19)
    <br>As the year draws to a close, you are no doubt busy reflecting on your past achievements as well as making lists for what you want to accomplish in the New Year. While it probably isn't possible for you to stop making lists completely, why not try to ease up just a bit on the strict regimens you've set for yourself? Spontaneity doesn’t have to lead to all-out chaos, and this is the year for you to explore the concept of just letting things happen rather than planning out every last detail.

  • Aquarius
    <br>(January 20 - February 18)
    <br>It's nothing you haven't heard before, but it really would be a good time to tone it down a bit! You delight in being eccentric and unconventional, but the New Year is a time to turn over a new leaf. You don't have to completely blend in with the rest of the pack, but you don't have to completely stand out from it, either. Try going down the road most-traveled instead of taking the long way home -- you might be surprised to find that the things you thought were pedestrian really aren't after all.
    <br>(February 19 - March 20)
    <br>Resolve here and now not to let yourself get taken advantage of, or to let anyone talk you into doing something you truly don't want to do. Your soft spot for people who are down on their luck is admirable, but the old saying "stand for something or you'll fall for anything" really applies to you. We're not saying you have to stop helping people altogether, as compassion is one of your best traits, but you'll be much happier if you try to put yourself at the top of your "people to help today" list.

  • wingwing
    <br>C紙送張白紙俾妳,妳都會寫倒篇感人文章出黎架啦! :P

  • helloooo ladies and gentlemen!
    <br>新一年新thread 鍚啖先 :-*

  • 其實shasha唔係恨big份咩gift....係覺得佢唔care自己, 無將自己放係心度o甘樣!! 我好明白她的感受wor!!!

  • happy new year!!!!
    <br>巧開心, 巧幸福 ^_^
    <br>等緊 my dearest 份 X'mas gift, 佢買左好耐, 不過之前吵架, 冇見面; 我地好反巧耐la, hahahaha 除夕晚, 搭正 12 點收到佢 sweet sms, 巧開心!!

  • women
    <br>阿星仔好似好aggressive下wor! 咩星座話??

  • nutnut,
    <br>哈哈~~ 又未至於咁誇....
    <br>你鍚條thead 都唔鍚我????

  • 公主,
    <br>happy new year! 新一年大家開開心心!!

  • wingwing
    <br>哈哈哈! 我係錫你o地呀.....傻瓜!
    <br>話曬我由day one已經係度蒲.....nut姐應該錫我一啖先o岩 :p

  • siululu,
    <br>正正我奇怪的是無gift就= 唔太care?
    <br>呢個association 唔似shasha 的style.

  • 公主,
    <br>: )
    <br>"my dearest" 咁識諗花臣, 佢份gift一定full of surprise.

  • 話時話....我都未share我送左d咩gifts比他.....hehhee....stocking 裡面有 :
    <br>我之前咪話好唔肯定他鍾唔鍾意o既.....其實其中一份係leather既bracelet....好在, 他宜家日日都戴著!!
    <br>另外, 我買左一個leather既name card holder! 仲有一對毛毛拖鞋, 仲有一包野菜丸, 仲有湯既cash coupons....仲有一支almost 100% 天然既hair conditioner :p

  • princess, 巧sweet, 巧happy 呀 !

  • wingwing
    <br>係女人都想要男人既心思....代表左他對自己既愛....shasha都唔係當big係sp, 所以shasha都唔係例外 hehheee...咪又係女人一個! kakakka

  • lulu,
    <br>亞星係山咩羊座, 悶人一個, 乘係識陪我搭車, 佢係火車男就真 !

  • women,
    <br>阿星有邀請你做其他野.....你唔去之o麻! wakakkaa

  • 話時話, 亞星個四六面就幾ok, 但大正面就成個大pizza甘, 要打boxer 針, 仲要wii fit 收下個大肚腩 ^^

  • 其實, 我頭個幾次出去, 都唔天太敢望佢架....係近呢幾次先開始望多d....

  • lulu, 隻G4 昅得甘實, 邊有可能甘樣陪亞星wor ..

  • women,

  • women,
    <br>無咩係無可能既...你都同bad guy 去過trip...你可以用出trip既原因.....etc....呢d野, 視在人為啦!! ^^

  • lulu, 佢話5'10" wor....不過肥+厚...我又唔覺wor ^^

  • women,
    <br>陪搭車都好, at least 你成日可以見面 :)
    <br>my dearest 呢排好忙, 仲未confirm 幾時約會 + 收禮物, 約就約左 this week, kakakakaka ^^

  • lulu, 我同bg 出trip 係公事, 但同亞星出trip ?! 好似快左d...

  • women,
    <br>哦~ 你唔睇清楚就同人鍚鍚架....哈哈~ :P

  • women,
    <br>咁咪day trip 囉. :P
    <br>wish u have a very great date with your dear. : )

  • women,
    <br>你鍾意厚o麻! ^^

  • wing, 衰妹....笑我呀 ~~ 佢則面幾ok 架.....有勾鼻...

  • women,
    <br>嘻嘻~ 終於知道點解呀星佢可以得到women 你的青睞啦...原來就係勾鼻....
    <br> :P

  • 亞差 d 輪廓幾靚, 我估星應該靚仔

  • wing,
    <br>都係架, 有勾鼻...容易有好感d .....不過, 佢仲送多個大肚腩個下衰呢 !!

  • 新年快樂, 祝大家有個開開心心既2008 ^^

  • princess,
    <br>如果亞星瘦d, 應該都唔錯, 不過佢個形其實有d老土, 同我個形仔hub 差好遠.

  • 我聽人講..好似話between 30-40 歲, 一定會gain 20 pounds....sound so terrible!!!

  • 人間 )))))))
    <br>I love you ar )))))))

  • women,
    <br>I love u 2, heee, 女人仔上左十大索女榜wor, heeee

  • 話時話, hub 整左個new hair, 又換左眼鏡, 今日仲著新衫.....又高又瘦...今日覺得佢幾型仔....

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