戀上一腳踏三船賤男 中女被飛揀生日自殺亡

  • 【太陽報專訊】【本報訊 】中女戀上一腳踏三船賤男,疑「箍煲」不遂自殺亡,生日變死忌。死者黃麗娟(三十四歲),據悉她年前因工作關係結識一名四十歲男子,不久後雙方發展為情侶。惟有人疑風流成性,雖已結婚,因妻子長居在外國工作,他竟在港不斷拈花惹草,近日他再結新歡,疑為了「小四」而向「小三」黃女提出分手。黃大受打擊,終日鬱鬱不歡萌生死念。


  • 賤男, she.com最多, 最賤, 最大話

  • she男 replied at 2013-08-05 10:45 pm


    賤男, she.com最多, 最賤, 最大話



  • @@...洗唔洗瞪報先

  • she男重係稱得上平均年紀最老, 最吾單身, 最樣衰, 最口花, 最口臭, 全部話外國咩大學畢業, 但英文寫得最離奇又智障既一班型男...佢地話 >.<

  • HAHA....SHE 男個名咁臭>_<

  • The best way to commit suicide is to use helium. That is what I will use when I kill myself.

  • no one replied at 2013-08-08 6:59 am


    The best way to commit suicide is to use helium. That is what I will use when I kill myself.



  • no one replied at 2013-08-08 6:59 am


    The best way to commit suicide is to use helium. That is what I will use when I kill myself.



  • evill66 replied at 2013-08-08 9:22 am


    no one replied at 2013-08-08 6:59 am


    The best way to commit suicide is to use helium. That is what I will use when I kill myself.





  • Kristy replied at 2013-08-08 10:42 am


    evill66 replied at 2013-08-08 9:22 am


    no one replied at 2013-08-08 6:59 am


    The best way to commit suicide is to use helium. That is what I will use when I kill myself.






    佢又話BEST WAY @@...騙人啊...

  • why woman love bad jerks??

  • 前世欠落... 無得解

  • Bird replied at 2013-08-08 10:56 am


    why woman love bad jerks??



  • I have met few divorced ladies, all they are very decent, really very nice lady. But all married selfish guy, too selfish guy. They did not realized they were so selfish after get married few years.

  • Bird replied at 2013-08-08 10:56 am


    why woman love bad jerks??


    咪係囉, 我地呢d宅男又話悶, 低妳地比班戰狼呃上床趙完鬆

  • they do not know that until the get married..

  • Cindy replied at 2013-08-07 10:28 pm


    she男重係稱得上平均年紀最老, 最吾單身, 最樣衰, 最口花, 最口臭, 全部話外國咩大學畢業, 但英文寫得最離奇又智障既一班型男...佢地話 >.<


  • evill66 replied at 2013-08-08 11:03 am


    Bird replied at 2013-08-08 10:56 am


    why woman love bad jerks??




  • 宅男 replied at 2013-08-08 2:57 pm


    Bird replied at 2013-08-08 10:56 am


    why woman love bad jerks??


    咪係囉, 我地呢d宅男又話悶, 低妳地比班戰狼呃上床趙完鬆



  • Bird replied at 2013-08-08 11:32 am


    I have met few divorced ladies, all they are very decent, really very nice lady. But all married selfish guy, too selfish guy. They did not realized they were so selfish after get married few years.




  • Cindy replied at 2013-08-07 10:28 pm


    she男重係稱得上平均年紀最老, 最吾單身, 最樣衰, 最口花, 最口臭, 全部話外國咩大學畢業, 但英文寫得最離奇又智障既一班型男...佢地話 >.<


    support 100%

  • no one replied at 2013-08-08 6:59 am


    The best way to commit suicide is to use helium. That is what I will use when I kill myself.


    A friendly piece of advice

    Using helium will laugh to death

  • Kristy replied at 2013-08-08 10:42 am


    no one replied at 2013-08-08 6:59 am


    The best way to commit suicide is to use helium. That is what I will use when I kill myself.




    You won't feel suffocation at all. You may have a really bad headache because of the lack of oxygen in your brain. But it is the most peaceful way to die, just look like you fell asleep. With burning charcoal it will make your face look purple.

  • evill66 replied at 2013-08-08 10:51 am


    Kristy replied at 2013-08-08 10:42 am


    evill66 replied at 2013-08-08 9:22 am


    no one replied at 2013-08-08 6:59 am


    The best way to commit suicide is to use helium. That is what I will use when I kill myself.






    佢又話BEST WAY @@...騙人啊...


    According to the book Final Exit, this is the least painful way to kill yourself.

  • ahman replied at 2013-08-09 1:43 am


    evill66 replied at 2013-08-08 10:51 am


    Kristy replied at 2013-08-08 10:42 am


    evill66 replied at 2013-08-08 9:22 am


    no one replied at 2013-08-08 6:59 am


    The best way to commit suicide is to use helium. That is what I will use when I kill myself.






    佢又話BEST WAY @@...騙人啊...


    According to the book Final Exit, this is the least painful way to kill yourself.


    我睇漏左個WILL 字....以為佢已經試過

  • 香港女人樣同身材禁吾掂



  • Committed suicide at his home. I think his wife will definitely know about it.

  • diu kui lo mei


  • 條仆街仔扑一次就好鬆啦,又要芍住條女唔放梅開幾度,係啦,攪死條癡綫妹啦,好啦,係犯咗我地playboys嘅一大戒條呀ching

  • Bird replied at 2013-08-08 10:56 am


    why woman love bad jerks??


    男人不壞, 女人不愛.

  • 淫賤嘅女人都好多水嘅

  • 呢道分分中唔只一拖三 >.<

  • 仲鐘意同時前後一齊比麻甩佬入

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