
  • 我想搵一個男伴:我地可以好似朋友咁傾計 好似朋友咁一齊去玩 但係又可以曳曳~係咁咪想講咁同拍拖又咩分別?
    我唔會要求你日日報到 或一個星期見三次 得閒咩出嚟一齊消磨時間
    唔會同你講將來 唔會叫你帶我見朋友見家長(哈)

    35以上 高過170CM
    食飯唔會AA制的人 我唔會要你養我 但係我接受唔到食完飯要收返我$43.5的人

    中女 35以上


  • hi

  • please add me
    <br>[email protected]

  • Too bad I am too young for you. But I agree that guy should treat the meal, but on the other side, lady should also be appreciate. For the man, its their honor that the lady willing to come out to dinner with you, but on the other side, the lady should also understand that gentlemen have to work hard and get paid, so he can treat you the dinner.

  • 我45,但冇170cm,ok嗎?我msn:[email protected] or SMS:61809348

  • hi, May I?
    <br>I am 38.
    <br>Let's chat in msn.
    <br>[email protected]

  • hi fanny
    <br>I am 37
    <br>nice to meet u
    <br>chat to msn
    <br>[email protected]

  • DarKnight replied at 2012-11-12 3:53 pm
    <br>Too bad I am too young for you. But I agree that guy should treat the meal, but on the other side, lady should also be appreciate. For the man, its their honor that the lady willing to come out to dinner with you, but on the other side, the lady should also understand that gentlemen have to work hard and get paid, so he can treat you the dinner.
    <br>即係你俾錢食飯 我俾錢睇戲 咁ok嗎?

  • fanny, how to meet you up

  • Fanny replied at 2012-11-12 4:04 pm
    <br>DarKnight replied at 2012-11-12 3:53 pm
    <br>Too bad I am too young for you. But I agree that guy should treat the meal, but on the other side, lady should also be appreciate. For the man, its their honor that the lady willing to come out to dinner with you, but on the other side, the lady should also understand that gentlemen have to work hard and get paid, so he can treat you the dinner.
    <br>即係你俾錢食飯 我俾錢睇戲 咁ok嗎?
    <br>Hi Fanny, this is very good and i was doing with my lady partner usually. But only if we are happy, who pays which bill is not that crucial.
    <br>I read your profile and find you are who I am looking for. So I am 35 years old man, married. 175cm tall. I wish a lady for timely chat and sharing, while meeting out regularly say once a week roughly, for enjoying life and fun.
    <br>May we have a further chat pls?

    <br>MSN:[email protected]

  • Fanny replied at 2012-11-12 4:04 pm
    <br>DarKnight replied at 2012-11-12 3:53 pm
    <br>Too bad I am too young for you. But I agree that guy should treat the meal, but on the other side, lady should also be appreciate. For the man, its their honor that the lady willing to come out to dinner with you, but on the other side, the lady should also understand that gentlemen have to work hard and get paid, so he can treat you the dinner.
    <br>即係你俾錢食飯 我俾錢睇戲 咁ok嗎?

  • Agree:
    <br>msn please !

  • Fanny replied at 2012-11-12 4:12 pm
    <br>msn please !
    <br>my email / msn - [email protected]

  • Hi Fanny,
    <br>I am 40 years old and 180cm Height. Would you please just add me to talk ? my msn : [email protected]

  • wifi2008 replied at 2012-11-12 4:11 pm
    <br>Fanny replied at 2012-11-12 4:04 pm
    <br>DarKnight replied at 2012-11-12 3:53 pm
    <br>Too bad I am too young for you. But I agree that guy should treat the meal, but on the other side, lady should also be appreciate. For the man, its their honor that the lady willing to come out to dinner with you, but on the other side, the lady should also understand that gentlemen have to work hard and get paid, so he can treat you the dinner.
    <br>即係你俾錢食飯 我俾錢睇戲 咁ok嗎?
    <br>先小人後君子 自問做唔到的人 可以唔傾計嘛

  • hi fanny,
    <br>direct and reasonable. can we chat in msn?
    <br>[email protected]

  • 其實又幾搞笑...
    <br>如果食個d地方, 用信用卡有特價係咪要用微積分黎再計?
    <br>男人, 有d錢係必需要洗

  • Paul
    <br>:) 多謝欣賞

  • bearacc replied at 2012-11-12 4:22 pm
    <br>如果食個d地方, 用信用卡有特價係咪要用微積分黎再計?
    <br>男人, 有d錢係必需要洗

  • Fanny replied at 2012-11-12 4:12 pm
    <br>msn please !
    <br>[email protected]

  • Hi Fanny,
    <br>我叫ken, 32歲, 180cm高, good looking. 我呢個星期放假. 唔知我可否岩你呢?

  • Fanny replied at 2012-11-12 4:04 pm
    <br>DarKnight replied at 2012-11-12 3:53 pm
    <br>Too bad I am too young for you. But I agree that guy should treat the meal, but on the other side, lady should also be appreciate. For the man, its their honor that the lady willing to come out to dinner with you, but on the other side, the lady should also understand that gentlemen have to work hard and get paid, so he can treat you the dinner.
    <br>即係你俾錢食飯 我俾錢睇戲 咁ok嗎?
    <br>Ha Ha, I mean guy should pay, that's the gentleman way. I think your idea is fair enough, and even if I date you, I will pay for both the meal and the movie.
    <br>I just want to say some girls they think that guy should do everything for them but without appreciation. I mean, sometimes what the guy want is the girl to say "thank you" only.
    <br>I think you are nice and not that kind of "Kong girl", sorry I interrupt into the thread and express some of my bad experience. Haha

  • Fanny
    <br>Your requirements are reasonable, and I agree of it. I am 40+, 170cm, 150 lb, good looking and body shape. Can chat with you more in msn?
    <br>my msn: [email protected]

  • DarKnight replied at 2012-11-12 4:28 pm
    <br>Fanny replied at 2012-11-12 4:04 pm
    <br>DarKnight replied at 2012-11-12 3:53 pm
    <br>Too bad I am too young for you. But I agree that guy should treat the meal, but on the other side, lady should also be appreciate. For the man, its their honor that the lady willing to come out to dinner with you, but on the other side, the lady should also understand that gentlemen have to work hard and get paid, so he can treat you the dinner.
    <br>即係你俾錢食飯 我俾錢睇戲 咁ok嗎?
    <br>Ha Ha, I mean guy should pay, that's the gentleman way. I think your idea is fair enough, and even if I date you, I will pay for both the meal and the movie.
    <br>I just want to say some girls they think that guy should do everything for them but without appreciation. I mean, sometimes what the guy want is the girl to say "thank you" only.
    <br>I think you are nice and not that kind of "Kong girl", sorry I interrupt into the thread and express some of my bad experience. Haha
    <br>nice to talk with u :)

  • agree replied at 2012-11-12 4:25 pm
    <br>Fanny replied at 2012-11-12 4:12 pm
    <br>msn please !
    <br>[email protected]

  • Fanny replied at 2012-11-12 4:31 pm
    <br>DarKnight replied at 2012-11-12 4:28 pm
    <br>Fanny replied at 2012-11-12 4:04 pm
    <br>DarKnight replied at 2012-11-12 3:53 pm
    <br>Too bad I am too young for you. But I agree that guy should treat the meal, but on the other side, lady should also be appreciate. For the man, its their honor that the lady willing to come out to dinner with you, but on the other side, the lady should also understand that gentlemen have to work hard and get paid, so he can treat you the dinner.
    <br>即係你俾錢食飯 我俾錢睇戲 咁ok嗎?
    <br>Ha Ha, I mean guy should pay, that's the gentleman way. I think your idea is fair enough, and even if I date you, I will pay for both the meal and the movie.
    <br>I just want to say some girls they think that guy should do everything for them but without appreciation. I mean, sometimes what the guy want is the girl to say "thank you" only.
    <br>I think you are nice and not that kind of "Kong girl", sorry I interrupt into the thread and express some of my bad experience. Haha
    <br>nice to talk with u :)
    <br>Yes, I think I was in a really bad luck at that time, but I agree with you that most of the hong kong girl are lady but not 港女. Nice to talk to you too.

  • agree replied at 2012-11-12 4:33 pm
    <br>agree replied at 2012-11-12 4:25 pm
    <br>Fanny replied at 2012-11-12 4:12 pm
    <br>msn please !
    <br>[email protected]

  • 30男,175高,秀身形,msn:[email protected]

  • Fanny replied at 2012-11-12 4:38 pm
    <br>agree replied at 2012-11-12 4:33 pm
    <br>agree replied at 2012-11-12 4:25 pm
    <br>Fanny replied at 2012-11-12 4:12 pm
    <br>msn please !
    <br>[email protected]
    <br>可否add我? 我而家online中.

  • hi Fanny, had you added me?

  • waste time bitch + on9 sons = she.com

  • on79 replied at 2012-11-12 4:49 pm
    <br>waste time bitch + on9 sons = she.com

  • Fanny replied at 2012-11-12 4:53 pm
    <br>on79 replied at 2012-11-12 4:49 pm
    <br>waste time bitch + on9 sons = she.com
    <br>有心加我傾傾,好老實,我45,唔到170,冇樣,[email protected]

  • 各位俊男

  • Fanny replied at 2012-11-12 4:59 pm

  • 可以同你交個朋友, 大家了解下嗎?
    <br>我41, 180cm, 170lbs, 單身
    <br>msn: [email protected]

  • 唔知點解有D人會add唔到...

  • Fanny replied at 2012-11-12 5:15 pm
    <br>因為d 人唔色用msn囉..
    <br>MSN: [email protected]

  • Fanny replied at 2012-11-12 5:15 pm
    <br>而家MSN係咁, 成日都ADD唔到, 或者SEND個EMAIL俾我, 我再ADD你

  • Fanny replied at 2012-11-12 5:15 pm
    <br>我online中, 可否add我傾下呢? 我好悶.

  • bearacc replied at 2012-11-12 5:17 pm
    <br>Fanny replied at 2012-11-12 5:15 pm
    <br>因為d 人唔色用msn囉..
    <br>MSN: [email protected]

  • Fanny replied at 2012-11-12 5:15 pm

  • 咁奇怪?!

  • Fanny replied at 2012-11-12 5:23 pm
    <br>bearacc replied at 2012-11-12 5:17 pm
    <br>Fanny replied at 2012-11-12 5:15 pm
    <br>因為d 人唔色用msn囉..
    <br>MSN: [email protected]
    <br>係被add既人, 唔會好似以前咁, 有invite彈出, 要睇番個msn 最底

  • hehe

  • Fanny replied at 2012-11-12 5:34 pm

  • Fanny,
    <br>My MSN is [email protected]

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