簡簡單單, 搵合適女朋友 (認真)

  • 28M, 單身, 分手一個月, 想搵個岩的女仔重新開始.<br />165cm 145lbs tanned but very smooth skin<br />懂彈琴, 喜愛音樂, 電影, 運動(swimming, jogging, 球類) 唱K drinking 都ok! clubbing 麻麻<br />不煙可酒<br />懂浪漫情趣, 都喜好尋刺激, 不會太悶, 但同時亦會上進, 為工作為將來博殺<br />工作時間ok (正常朝9晚6 with little OT) 星期六日休息. <br />其實都未必可以係度搵到, 但我信緣份, 撞到就撞到.<br />覺得感情不可強求, 但我會享受愛情. 大家剛開始都是摸索階段, 但已經唔係18, 22, 都知自己想要邊類型的女仔. 開始時大家可能都係試下, 開始後大家都會漸漸知道會唔會想好認真咁繼續落去. <br /><br />自我評價 (5 is toppest)<br />樣貎 3.5<br />外型 3.5<br />學識學歷 4.5<br />健談風趣 3.5<br />照顧人 4<br />脾氣好 4.5<br />職業穩定, 有前途 4<br />sweet 4<br />心地 4<br />貪玩 (正經玩的野) 4<br />sex 方面的表現 (haha, 諗緊好唔好include 呢樣野, 但大家都成年人, 我覺得sex is part of love, part of life, being honest is good) 4.5<br /><br />Can msn me. I understand appearance is an important issue for the first attraction, have cam and have pic<br /><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>

  • 尋覓對像
    <br>24-28 gal, slim, 有吸引的外表, 中等身型
    <br>長短頭髮不緊要, 皮膚黑白不緊要(但最好梗係滑)
    <br>can be sweet and cute type
    <br>can be professional with strong character type
    <br>但最緊要大家溝通到, 會有共通思想
    <br>思想成熟, 但亦會有天真, 貪玩的一面
    <br>喜好建立優質的生活, 包括工作, 居住, 嗜好
    <br>不可太正經太乖, 但都會willing to settle
    <br>Work hard, play hard

  • 其實我都拍過唔少拖 (around 10) 唔同type 的女仔都拍過
    <br>但依家真係會想認真develop 一段又sweet, 又溝通到, 又有將來, 又經得起考驗的感情.

  • 我曾經玩過, 有過去. (正常28m都會有ga la )
    <br>只要大家一齊時都係真, 同都會想有將來.
    <br>當然一開始時就講將來太過早, 最緊要係真心la

  • wish you good luck, carcar!!!! remember to post a reply here when you find one. that'll give all single people a lot of encouragement!!!!

  • CFA
    <br>thx for your encouragement too!
    <br>well actually i don't mind others (m/f) post their information or what kinds of bf/gf they are looking for. you can also share here!

  • better dedicate this thread exclusively to you la.......i've seen a lot of threads that people complain there are no beautiful gals or handsome guys in this forum. but i think a lot of people here geuinely want to seek good friendship. it's just a matter who is going to take the first step.

  • haha... 咁耐都冇人add 我或者回應 :P
    <br>唔通28m 又唔係個d 不懂情趣顧住打機, 又唔係冇事業基礎冇將來的, 都係冇市場? :(

  • CFA
    <br>well... i really don't mind chating and sharing here. Plus, if we have more sharing here, that may attract more suitable ppl to come to this thread.
    <br>I never complain no pretty gal or good guy, in real life, i have a lots of guys who are pretty good and have very good condition... The problem is, it's difficult to find a MATCH. so why not explore more different places to increase the chance for meeting a suitable one? for both guy or gal?

  • be patient la....this post is only 40min old, with 24 views (20 may be you & me, haha). and you're looking for someone to spend the rest of her life with you woooo.......... it's 40min vs 40+ yrs!!!!! many good girls may be sleeping now, it's 1:40am already!!!

  • CFA
    <br>sure, i understand.... i thought Friday nite more people will sleep late tim... i'm not thinking they are sleeping, i think they have been out for drinking or meeting fds, and not back yet :P
    <br>隨緣la... 同時間都係悶搵人傾下計姐

  • 睇你條件都幾好丫...努力!

  • 做朋友傾偈, 可以嘛?

  • 太利
    <br>條件? 條件係死的, 人是生的. 我的感覺係, 我係想鐘意個個人, 唔係個個人的條件. 不過現實生活, 兩樣野都重要啦
    <br>當然可以啦. 都係星期五晚冇街去又唔想早訓. 同埋, 任何野都係朋友開始, 由傾計了解架啦

  • 太利: 你條thread咁長, 有無d好既經驗呀??? 咁長無時間去睇......

  • carcar
    <br>more gathering will be better

  • go to sleep la......see you guys later........

  • 咁夜都未瞓?

  • saitoonam
    <br>yes ar, no need to work on Sat ma.. 你呢?

  • carcar:

  • 桃花...都唔係合唔合格的問題. 咁我覺得自己都唔係差. 絕對係一個好的情人, 好的男友. 但要搵個match 的, 大家都鐘意的, 易嗎? 起碼暫時都冇人add 我, 或者對我有興趣la

  • carcar:

  • ha, 不過有一樣野驗證到. 呢d 唔認真, 尋玩的post 回應係多好多的. 認真的post 係好少回應
    <br>去沖涼先, 睇下返到黎有冇新的景況

  • 桃花
    <br>真係冇人add 喎...你都冇add我啦. 一係你add 左我先咯

  • 我明天要返工呀, 不過唔太想瞓住...

  • 仲完涼番黎, 更加冇人lu...

  • HERE

  • saitoonam
    <br>oh.. 仲話聽日要返工.... 你使唔使早d休息啊? 點解訓唔著? 有野諗? 不如你add me msn la

  • 我依家部腦唔知點解開唔到MSN..成日間唔中都係咁..

  • Saitoonam
    <br>reboot the machine la, maybe can after that

  • REBOOT 過喇...
    <br>好鬼奇怪.. 連上MSN WEB SITE 都有問題..

  • 咁你做乜唔訓? 訓唔著? 諗緊乜野啊?

  • 哇好認真呀你個profile...

  • 都唔係諗啲咩...
    <br>你呢? 瞓未呀?

  • haha... e夫人, 你個名咁攪笑ge?
    <br>真唔明, 個個都祝好運, 但一個add的都冇? 係咪我有乜野問題呢?
    <br>我? 唔知啊? 聽日唔使番工, 本來星期五六晚好好feel 架, 以前會同gf 聽下收音機, 飲下酒, 傾下計. 老老套套砌下砌圖都會. 依家都唔知做乜野好

  • 依?! 你都鍾意砌圖架...

  • 我唔係特別鐘意架, ex 鐘意麻, 咪陪下佢咯. 我都ok 叻同捱得(眼訓) 的, 成日都一晚就砌完
    <br>情趣黎架姐. 兩個人日日晚晚對住, 總要搵d野做麻
    <br>我地仲會玩黑白棋, scrabble 咁

  • 咁幾好喎...

  • 有冇睇個套 Mr. Incredibles.. 超能先生..
    <br>諗起都想笑.. 真係要買番隻DVD 先..
    <br>哎也而家咁鬼夜... 夜媽媽走去add 個陌生男子睇相睇cam 都唔慌係正經女仔啦.. 哈哈..

  • 梗係! :D 狂sell 自己

  • E夫人
    <br>我都唔look for 太正經的女仔
    <br>咁啊, 夜晚晚叫人add 我, 我都唔係正經男仔啦
    <br>其實add msn 姐, 又唔係做乜, 可以點唔正經呢 :P

  • Mrs. E
    <br>i watched that movie and i loved that gar.. 不過我唔知配音啊, 因為我睇時係睇英文板的
    <br>話時話你張相又係乜野黎的? 你細個時的相?

  • 哈哈..講笑之嘛..
    <br>你寫得個profile 咁有誠意我相信聽日會好多人add 你..
    <br>頭先做緊野所以唔訓.. 而家就差唔多訓喇..

  • 哎也中文版好笑好多架..
    <br>我都係特登搵中文版先睇..你快D 去再睇過....

  • 我地仲會玩黑白棋, scrabble 咁
    <br>駛唔駛玩埋層層疊同大富翁? @.@

  • ehm... 咁真心問一句la, 如果真係覺得我ok, 做乜事你又唔add 我呢? add 左又唔等於會點的, 只係溝通的開始姐

  • 雖然未有意慾瞓住...但都要去令自己瞓喇...
    <br>或ADD 我[email protected]
    <br>see you
    <br>have a sweet dream

  • Mrs. E
    <br>如果搵多pair 玩Big 2, 或者mah jong 都得添啊

  • 哎也仔我都冇話要拍拖.. 哈哈...
    <br>同埋我個msn 真係唔係隨便俾人.. 你睇下個list 有幾多個人你真係會同佢傾計?我唔想見到一大堆人online 然後大話只係點下頭... 問候一下..然後...你有你o既生活....

  • 咪糖水混糖圓?

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