有無朋友用健康枕頭架? 用邊款? 我呢排瞓醒成日頸搏痛! 唔知係咪個海棉枕頭太硬??!!

  • ?

  • ?

  • 海馬牌對我很合適

  • 海馬牌健康枕定普通枕頭 ? thx


  • 搽左安美露及李時真膏貼都唔掂 !

  • 頸搏痛 ----> nothing to do with your pillow. Even when you change a thousand pillow, your pain will not go away.

    Go and see the chiropractor la.

    Very effective.

    Normally, medical doctors will NOT recommend because different believe.

  • is 海馬牌健康枕...


  • change pillow is not enough , you are better to change the mattress

  • 頸搏痛 ----> nothing to do with your pillow?????!!!

    唔係掛, 唔識就咪亂點啦!

    無錯, 換枕頭唔會消除頸痛, 不過枕頭唔arm就絕對有可能引起頸痛

    我老公試過肩頸痛, 睇急症即時收左入院, 醫生話有好多可能, 其中一樣就係唔arm用既枕頭/床褥

    出院後我地好努力咁搵好質數既枕頭, 最後買左tempur(上網搵下有好多資料), 唔好傻傻咁信果d廣告, 讚到自己天花龍鳳但又無supporting有鬼用咩! 個牌子有research/medical background, 至俾到人信心架!

  • 你先生係用邊一款 ? 千多元嗎 ?

  • tempur<<<<口碑與價錢都好,我試過(呢度比人試訓上去),但我覺得貼到實一實,係我唔慣...




  • 我用緊tempur, 正!

    之前用sinomax, 完全唔係果回事, tempur 一般係要$1000+, 但晚晚瞓咁多個鐘, 呢d錢真係唔慳得

  • "我試過(呢度比人試訓上去),但我覺得貼到實一實,係我唔慣..." <----- 我就係鍾意佢夠貼, 包實我條頸, 好舒服 ^^

  • 你買邊款呢? 我見有咩立體頸..., 有唔係立體 ...??

  • by O-o - 09/26/07 20:58

    I am using tempur! It's nothing to do with the pillow.

    Main stream doctor will not solve this problem for you even if you can afford the $$$ and the health / body to go for N times of operations. Many doctors will dispense pain killers until they tell the patient "I cant give you any more pain killers. You've have exceeded the quota". So, the original problem was not solved, but your stomach and liver and all the other spare parts had to do the additional work for NOTHING.

    The whole problem is my whole spine right up to the first cervical vetebrae at the neck. If anyone piece of the spine is not in it's correct position due to poor posture, degeneration, aging etc, you can do all sorts of 'external' adjustments but you will still carry the same problem to your grave w/o much healing whether there is a million $ pillow or not.

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