
  • 既然佢已經移情別戀,

  • wanna share in msn?

  • I also spent 10 yrs with my ex boyfriend but he ended up going out with other girl..the feeling of losing him is the same as losing a part of my body.

  • Man are selfish now ga...
    <br>they dont like to get marry in anyhow ..
    <br>I spend my time at 18 to 24 with my bf..
    <br>also this year, he broken up with me..
    <br>He have find a girlfriend after words..
    <br>damn sick ...

  • 咁佢對你既態度係點?

  • To Adriana
    <br>可否不要妄下判斷, 不是全部男人都是這樣的...
    <br>如果大家有付出過, 係咪先提分手的都一定是衰人...
    <br>如果男友已經移情別戀, 就不要太過執著,

  • I wanted to get marry with my ex gf, but she just want to keep herself open for choices so she always take excuses free up our relationship. When i want to give up and she will comes by and do something to keep me around her.
    <br>Finally, she takes my job which require me to work in China as an excuse to keep our relationship open again, so she is open until i can get a job in HK and only we will take about our future.She said she likes me but she only want me to work in HK.
    <br>I am really not happy about that but anyway i still work hard and do alot studies after work to build my credentials.Finally I found a nice job in HK but I found that she was dating with other guys and have a few bfs when I working her requirement out.I felt very upset and did not go back and tell her I have reached her requirements.
    <br>I think sometimes is better not to be too serious about relationships nowadays, seems the one who get serious always get play off.

  • 我都係同行了10男友分了手,佢�M到新目標先同我分手,但我仍住佢屋企,而家佢沒返屋企快1個月,我都打算去朋友屋企暫住,因為一日留在間屋,我仍是忘不了,我想分清楚我是悶,不甘心,定真係需要佢呢?

  • 我同佢已經分開左8個月,有時候亦會問自已是否需要他?但我心中知道無論他如何錯,只要回心向我,我是會原諒他。
    <br>my msn : [email protected]

  • 我情況跟妳差不多,不同的是我們分手後他先後結識兩女人,第二個是大陸女子,他們相處一年便結婚了。

  • honestly, he is with you 10 yrs already, not fresh indeed, if he is really want to spend his rest of the life with you, he should be married with you or at least planning to get marry with you..... now its time for him to have a new life, no more chance at your side and no more point to get back to you at his side.
    <br>the most faster method is you start a new life no matter meet new friends, start a hobby, study.... i know when no mood especially to a girl, we will no mood to do anything .. however, set a time for yrself and then to start a new life, share with more friends, go out more.... don't waste yr time, time is important to a girl.

  • 我同佢同居,可能佢悶同生活少不免有磨擦,有個女仔溝佢,佢主動放棄我,個女仔明知佢有女友主動追佢,我話我走比返架屋佢地雙宿隻悽,佢話同女仔行唔耐,佢學歷高,中產,唔同level,個女仔同佢好夾就係落bar,disco,clubbing,佢話以後唔返屋企,仲話等我一個在屋企拆磨我

  • christinelwn:
    <br>我都係, exbf長期在內地, 拍拖六年, 最後分手了. 都唔知中途佢有幾多個女人. 都已經唔想知了.
    <br>男人一個人在外地, 頭一, 兩次唔制, 我想點都會試一次卦.
    <br>單方面維繫根本無用, 令一方唔肯付出, 你想重修舊好都無法子.
    <br>每日只係想, 佢又係邊度? 做緊咩? 又同邊個女人一齊?
    <br>我當初分手都好唔開心, 但幾星期之後, 覺得人反而放鬆了, 最少我唔需要再掛住佢. 虐待自己

  • christinelwn,
    <br> I was also in a very big company in China and heading a department of about 200 people, but because my ex gf doesnt like me to work in China so I quit my job and find a lower position job in HK.Fortunately, the new job also has good prospect.
    <br> But the outcome is she was dating other guys and have 2 bf during the process of my job change.
    <br> Sometimes a working relationship need alot of fate. I tried to change her for the last 5 years, but not success, maybe we have no fate

  • fion,
    <br>你何解要拆磨自己喇. 你要自愛先會得到令一個人珍惜你
    <br>趁有青春, 仲後生, 走喇. 人要為自己打算
    <br>你係到唔走佢都唔會返黎. 佢都識得自己尋開心, 為自己打算, 你都要振作
    <br>當初你同男朋友一齊係因為開心, 既然佢都變左心, 你都咁唔開心, 點解仲唔走呢? 唔通要等人趕先走?

  • 我同樣地有個拍左十年男友,亦都係佢識左第2個而分手,

  • nothing^where :
    <br>你好痴心, 同女仔一樣, 但對方都唔會珍惜你, 我唔明點解要繼續勉強一齊
    <br>我以前就係成日當咩野都睇唔到, 聽唔到, 自己呃自己. 是旦佢會返黎我就算.
    <br>但到呢家, 我雖然仲係單身一人, 好多時都會好悶, 同寂寞, 即使係咁. 我都覺得比之前開心好多.
    <br>以前成日一齊要猜疑對方, 電話響係邊個呢? sms又係邊個女人呢?
    <br>我承認即使exbf對自己唔好, 但都叫有個寄託. 有個人掛下. 但既然都咁唔開心, 何解唔比自己一個機會呢?

  • 始終兩個人的事情彼此最清楚,旁人好難下判斷。

  • cc,
    <br> I did not really check her sms before, but i did accidentally saw her sms sent by other guys when she is replying. I knew that she is dating with other guys before but due to some reasons she didnt pick them and stick with me.
    <br> I just think I do really love her so I was like "one eye open, one eye close" even though I knew what is she doing outside. As you said guessing is very painful. For me, the purpose of having a relationship is just to have happiness with the one you love.
    <br> So during last year, I was tired with my previous job in HK and accepted a job in China which has very good prospect. She knew that i was very busy with work, everyday work till mid night and I always have my weekends with her. But she still insist I will be attracted by the china girl and wants me to quit my job and back to hongkong and she wants to break up until I have job in HK and she said she will wait for me.
    <br> My core competence job skills was not popular in HK, so I have to take up alot of studies during weekends in order to build up my qualifications in the popular job sector in HK. It took me almost a year of tire weekends to done my qualifications and finally I can find a job in HK which have good prospect( she always said her future husband must have a good prospect job).
    <br> But I just found that while I was busy to achieve her requirements, she just start dating with other guys and have 2 bf. She didnt admit that to me, but her friends told me that. I am very disappointed and decided not to look for her again.We have been on and off for last 5 years, its tire for me to keep "trusting" her lies.
    <br> I also think maybe single is lonely but feel better than keep hurting by a partner who keeps thinking she wants to look for better guys out there.

  • Christine
    <br>正如nothing所講,雖然沒有了另一伴會寂寞,唔習慣,但總好過活在痛苦中,思念著一個已唔愛自己既人,何苦呢~ 等待著他的回來,那怕是良費自已青春同時間。重新振作吧,或許你會很快遇到真正的另一伴呢~

  • nothing^where:
    <br>我同你o既故事好相似, 又係同exbf不停拖拖拉拉. 到最後我真係頂唔順正式提出分手.
    <br>佢有次唔舒服返香港入左醫院. 果時我未知. sms問我想唔想見佢. 我唔reply, 夜晚再sms同我講, 話比我知佢呢家唔舒服係醫院 (其實想我去visit佢), 又話我地做唔成情侶但會當我係一生的知己..
    <br>oh~~~我果時真係好唔開心. 佢知道從一開始我未打算同佢做知己. 佢有事時就會搵我, 無事就攬住第2個女人. 我仲好記得果晚係星期五, 同朋友一齊. 講真. 就算我無野做, 我都唔想去醫院探佢了. 我記得以前佢有少少唔舒服, 我都會緊張到死. 仲慘過自己病, 果一刻, 我知自己死心了.
    <br>你問我可會寂寞? 我都係非常十分寂寞, 孤單. 身邊朋友個個計劃結婚, 而自己仲係單身一人, 真係好感慨

  • cc,
    <br> Maybe he not really likes you but still want to keep you in case he couldnt find another girl in the end.I think my exgf is doing this, she will only look for me when she needs help or someone to talk, but after her problem over she will not even bother to answer my sms.
    <br> I was very sick and hospitalised for 2 nights in HK last year. I sent sms to her but she didnt reply, i have tried to call her but she didnt answer as well.She said she cant hear the phone ring and was outing with someone but for 2 days of non-reply, that outing must be long and fun for her.I spent the 2 nite in hospital alone myself because my relatives are overseas.That was very unforgettable for me in my life.Maybe i put in my feelings on wrong person for the past five years. I could have choosen other girls around me but i didnt do so for five years and just have all to her, in the end she dont even bother me when i am so sick.
    <br> Sometimes we dont meet the right people and there are alot of people who always greedy to think they can get a better one when they already have a good one on hand....you have to give up this kind of people because they will never satisfy no matter how good you treat them.....

  • nothing:
    <br>i cant agree more~~
    <br>i just separate with my ex-bf for 1 month because he has affair too.
    <br>my heart is broken and i am just like losing part of my body and my soul.
    <br>u r too right to say" you have to give up this kind of people because they will never satisfy no matter how good you treat them..... "
    <br>cant be more true...
    <br>love to read your post
    <br>u r a good guy
    <br>eventually all true hearted ppl will find their another halves and live happily together ever after.
    <br>good luck to all of us

  • nothing^where :
    <br>希望你會從傷痛好返. 或者, 你跟她真的沒緣份吧. 去找值得你待她好的一個
    <br>我exbf又係又太多個, 太多次. 我以為無左佢我會一直唔開心落下. 我仲好記得同佢分手o既時候我同佢講, 我會愛佢一生.
    <br>過左兩個月, 我想通了. 當然我不可能同你講我已100%分低了. 我已放低了對他的愛, 但放不低我們的經歷, 太傷太痛了.
    <br>去找一個懂得珍惜自己的人吧, 即使現在單身一人, 我也覺得比過往跟他一起的日子更愉快.
    <br>好好收拾心情, 為自己打算打算..

  • 我都響內地工作,拍拖7年幾o既女友3個月前走o左。有時生活系好無奈o既。愛變淡,無意義。舍不得,又如何。

  • cc,
    <br>thank you so much.
    <br>I calm down now. by just forcing myself not to think about him and everything about him.
    <br>Iam finding a flat to move out, i previously live with him( for 1 month only, so u know he is cheating while building up our home together)
    <br>I really lose confidence in love.
    <br>so desparate.

  • I may sound naive but don't understand why some couples had spent so many years in dating if they couple believed they had found the ones.
    <br>And I do agree with sisi - 08/25/07 03:46. Move on and start a new life.

  • 原來這麼多人的遭遇和我一樣。

  • gem:
    <br>不要迫自己吧, 你還需要一些時間適應.
    <br>想想, 慶幸我們今天仍然身體健康, 有穩定工作, 收入, 不是已經很好嗎?
    <br>報紙早幾天報導了一個媽媽誕下龍鳳胎不昏迷不醒. 比起我們的傷痛是如何緲少呢?
    <br>活著是多美好? 先懂得愛自己才有力氣再去愛和被愛.
    <br>我也沮喪了好一段日子, 這並非世界末日, 但以為自己的世界已被毀滅.
    <br>啊~原來當你想通了的時候, 已雨過天清.

  • CC﹐

  • 我都響內地工作,拍拖7年幾o既女友3個月前走o左。有時生活系好無奈o既。愛變淡,無意義。舍不得,又如何。
    <br>by lazyman -

  • Gaia:
    <br>對, 當你放開目光之後, 你會發現世界何其大. 只是自己眼光太短太狹窄. 所以失戀去旅行實在是一條良方. 既然明白勉強下去亦無結果, 何不給自己一個重生的機會呢?
    <br>學友演唱會好看嗎? 我撲不到飛呀.
    <br>你孤身一人在外, 在曾受過誘惑?
    <br>我相信總有些男生可抵受誘惑, 只是不是我從前的那個他. 我明白獨自一人在外工作, 受了挫折也想別人安慰, 一個人也有孤單的時候, 所以要抵受誘惑真的不易.

  • CC﹐

  • 總有﹐學友準時8﹕30開show﹐唱到

  • Gaia :
    <br>學友真係好正, 聽聞1/2月會加場. 到時我一定會去捧場.
    <br>唔好話男人, 女人都會抵受唔到誘惑. 但我身邊真係有男士係好乖架.
    <br>你睇下呢度d thread, 佢地有gf都仲會搵咩野serious sl, 好似有令一半, 有多個sl好正常咁....所以做人唔放開懷抱都唔得.

  • 中間有段時間徘徊響出軌呢個問題,但最終都無與其她人發生X關系。有去過呢D場所,但都無下到手。在誘惑面前,定力、理智有時都不堪一擊。男人容易受誘惑,女人容易被氣氛感染。

  • Well, try to pick up something to do when you are recovering. I continue to pick up self studies, plan to study project management next month and next year i will be doing MBA with the money which i plan to marry my exgf.Get busy with something so you will not have time to think about your ex.
    <br>life must go on, maybe we dont meet right people but try to patch up and maybe oneday will meet the right one.

  • 好多謝大家的分享,但腦海中總不斷浮現昔日的片段。

  • most of us walked through similar dark time.. so we understand what u feeling

  • nothing^where

  • Forget him...
    <br>how you wanna ease the pain? Hmm.... I just can tell you things is over while love is gone.
    <br>For me, there are many temptation in China. Its hard for a normal man to resist.

  • 我的故事--
    <br>當我發現時, 她選擇同返我一齊
    <br>但呢半年裡, 她會偷偷約會?
    <br>因為呢件事, 我地分開又一齊返好多好多次
    <br>一個月前, 當我地唔知第幾次覆合時, 大家都對大家有誠諾, 係最後一次再一齊
    <br>我問佢係唔係諗清楚, 佢答"係"!
    <br>直至尋日, 我同她講, "我覺得佢依然唔太愛我, 對我冇o左關心"
    <br>她話她冇以前咁愛我, 她同我講重有同果個第三者contact
    <br>她還同我講, 她想同呢個第三者一齊

  • christinelwn,
    <br> I worked from morning 9am to 11pm from monday to friday(OT and OTs!!), Saturday work til 4-6pm and rushed back to meet my exgf in hong kong. Frankly speaking, there were girls which i knew in work tried to get close to me but i did told my exgf about them when i meet her, just there is one girl keep sending sms to me which i left out because i just ignore her and delete watever she sent me.I didnt tell my exgf about this girl because i was really too busy over my work and didnt bother that girl in china.
    <br> I was very busy in my work that time because i want to get the bonus and save enough to marry my exgf, other things i didnt really bother because i didnt have intention to start any relationship other than my ex. She was not the prettiest girl around me but since i have decided to be with her so i dont really want to spend time to consider other.As i said, there are always better one out there, but never have the best one. Keep looking for better one will make me tire, i am more focus on my career.

  • 呆,
    <br>雖然傷痛, 但老土D講句..時間可以慢慢沖淡一切

  • 點解你會覺得你的ex,係你結婚對像?

  • 你會對愛情失去信心嗎?

  • <br>christinelwn replied @ 2007-09-18 1:38 pm

  • 我同你地既情況差吾多,我同男朋友拍左拖三年,佢將會去上海工作,

  • bee:
    <br>嘩. 我係女人上到去都玩到唔捨得走
    <br>不過如果你bf係老實人, 你都不需要太擔心

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