代購美國版 Baby Einstein 小小愛因斯坦 DVD (1套23只)

  • 全新美國版Baby Einstein DVD碟 1套23只 (1套價錢為HK$280.00)


    P.S. GIFTBOX 裝 (與香港市面上的SINGLE裝, 只在包裝上相同

    1. Language Nursery (世界的語言)
    2. Baby Mozart™ Music Festival (小小莫札特:音樂嘉年華 )
    3. Baby Beethoven™ Symphony of Fun (小小貝多芬:繽紛交響樂)
    4. Baby Bach™ Musical Adventure (小小巴哈:奇幻音樂旅程)
    5. Baby Santa's Music Box™ (小小聖誕節:聖誕音樂盒)
    6. Baby Monet™ Discovering the Seasons (小小莫奈:春夏秋冬)
    7. Baby MacDonald™ A Day on the Farm (小小農場:親親大自然)
    8. Baby Galileo™ Discovering the Sky (小小伽利略:奇妙的天空)
    9. Baby Neptune™ Discovering Water (小小水世界:水的奧妙)
    10. Baby da Vinci™ From Head to Toe (小小達文西:認識身體)
    11. Baby Noah™ Animal Expedition (小小挪亞:動物探險)
    12. Baby Newton™ Discovering Shapes (小小牛頓:認識各種形狀)
    13. Baby Shakespeare™ World of Poetry (小小莎士比亞:詩的世界)
    14. Baby Van Gogh™ World of Colors (小小梵谷:色彩的世界)
    15. Neighborhood Animals (常見動物)
    16. Numbers Nursery™ (有趣的數字)
    17. World Animals (野生動物)


    18. Baby Wordsworth™ First Words Around the House
    19. Baby Einstein On The Go DVD .. Riding Sailing and Soaring
    20. Baby Einstein Meet the Orchestra - First Instruments
    21. Baby Favorite's Places - First Word Around Town
    22. Baby's First Moves
    23.Baby's First Sign

  • 全新美國版Baby Einstein DVD碟 1套23只 (1套價錢為HK$280.00)


    P.S. GIFTBOX 裝 (與香港市面上的SINGLE裝, 分局於包裝上)

    1. Language Nursery (世界的語言)

    2. Baby Mozart™ Music Festival (小小莫札特:音樂嘉年華 )

    3. Baby Beethoven™ Symphony of Fun (小小貝多芬:繽紛交響樂)

    4. Baby Bach™ Musical Adventure (小小巴哈:奇幻音樂旅程)

    5. Baby Santa's Music Box™ (小小聖誕節:聖誕音樂盒)

    6. Baby Monet™ Discovering the Seasons (小小莫奈:春夏秋冬)

    7. Baby MacDonald™ A Day on the Farm (小小農場:親親大自然)

    8. Baby Galileo™ Discovering the Sky (小小伽利略:奇妙的天空)

    9. Baby Neptune™ Discovering Water (小小水世界:水的奧妙)

    10. Baby da Vinci™ From Head to Toe (小小達文西:認識身體)

    11. Baby Noah™ Animal Expedition (小小挪亞:動物探險)

    12. Baby Newton™ Discovering Shapes (小小牛頓:認識各種形狀)

    13. Baby Shakespeare™ World of Poetry (小小莎士比亞:詩的世界)

    14. Baby Van Gogh™ World of Colors (小小梵谷:色彩的世界)

    15. Neighborhood Animals (常見動物)

    16. Numbers Nursery™ (有趣的數字)

    17. World Animals (野生動物)


    18. Baby Wordsworth™ First Words Around the House

    19. Baby Einstein On The Go DVD .. Riding Sailing and Soaring

    20. Baby Einstein Meet the Orchestra - First Instruments

    21. Baby Favorite's Places - First Word Around Town

    22. Baby's First Moves

    23.Baby's First Sign

  • Including shipping charge?

  • 貨價$280 (包括運費)

  • I'm interested in it. But how to deliver it? 當面交收會較好.

  • I am interested in that too.... how to trade?

    can you put down all the details??

  • 請將聯絡電話+姓名電郵至 [email protected]


    - 另加 HK$30 掛號郵寄費用...連貨價一共為 HK$310

    - 選擇用掛號交收...先入數至中國銀行戶口...並提供收件人姓名+地址)

    - 收妥款項+郵寄資料後...一星期內將DVD碟寄出


    - 交收時...當面支付貨款 HK$280

    - 交收地點...只限土瓜灣區/九龍灣區

    - 交收時間...星期一至五...下午三時至五時

  • 全新美國版Baby Einstein DVD碟 1套23只 (1套價錢為HK$280.00)


    P.S. GIFTBOX 裝 (與香港市面上的SINGLE裝, 分局於包裝上)

    1. Language Nursery (世界的語言)

    2. Baby Mozart™ Music Festival (小小莫札特:音樂嘉年華 )

    3. Baby Beethoven™ Symphony of Fun (小小貝多芬:繽紛交響樂)

    4. Baby Bach™ Musical Adventure (小小巴哈:奇幻音樂旅程)

    5. Baby Santa's Music Box™ (小小聖誕節:聖誕音樂盒)

    6. Baby Monet™ Discovering the Seasons (小小莫奈:春夏秋冬)

    7. Baby MacDonald™ A Day on the Farm (小小農場:親親大自然)

    8. Baby Galileo™ Discovering the Sky (小小伽利略:奇妙的天空)

    9. Baby Neptune™ Discovering Water (小小水世界:水的奧妙)

    10. Baby da Vinci™ From Head to Toe (小小達文西:認識身體)

    11. Baby Noah™ Animal Expedition (小小挪亞:動物探險)

    12. Baby Newton™ Discovering Shapes (小小牛頓:認識各種形狀)

    13. Baby Shakespeare™ World of Poetry (小小莎士比亞:詩的世界)

    14. Baby Van Gogh™ World of Colors (小小梵谷:色彩的世界)

    15. Neighborhood Animals (常見動物)

    16. Numbers Nursery™ (有趣的數字)

    17. World Animals (野生動物)


    18. Baby Wordsworth™ First Words Around the House

    19. Baby Einstein On The Go DVD .. Riding Sailing and Soaring

    20. Baby Einstein Meet the Orchestra - First Instruments

    21. Baby Favorite's Places - First Word Around Town

    22. Baby's First Moves

    23.Baby's First Sign

    請將聯絡電話+姓名電郵至 [email protected]


    - 另加 HK$30 掛號郵寄費用...連貨價一共為 HK$310

    - 選擇用掛號交收...先入數至中國銀行戶口...並提供收件人姓名+地址)

    - 收妥款項+郵寄資料後...一星期內將DVD碟寄出


    - 交收時...當面支付貨款 HK$280

    - 交收地點...只限土瓜灣區/九龍灣區

    - 交收時間...星期一至五...下午三時至五時

  • i want to buy a box set of dvd. can you send your contact to [email protected]?


  • Please contact me, I would like to get one set....

    [email protected]....


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