一隻即溶咖啡, 佢既成份有non-dairy creamer(中文寫:無脂奶粉), 咁non-dairy creamer既成份通常係咩黎 ??

  • 一隻即溶咖啡, 佢既成份有non-dairy creamer(中文寫:無脂奶粉), 但又唔係話"脫脂奶粉", 咁non-dairy creamer既成份通常係咩黎 ??

  • ?

  • 會唔會係石灰? hehe...

  • Non-dairy creamers typically contain sodium caseinate, a milk protein (casein) derivative that does not contain lactose and is not considered a dairy product. Other common ingredients include corn syrup and vegetable oil solids. Some creamers are based on soy milk rather than on milk protein.

  • maybe coconunt oil or sth like that..

    it 's very fatty too..

  • 唔通係_棕梠油?


  • 一小包即溶咖啡 (10 g), total fat 是 2.5 g, 不算太肥吧 !?

    我晚上在超市研究過其他牌子, 我唸近似l;fgd 所說, 其實甚麼是 milk protein (乳蛋白)呢?

    另外, 我揀這隻牌子是因為它no sugar 的, 如果ingredients只列: instant coffee, non-dairy creamer

    那麼, non-dairy creamer是否應該不含任何代糖 ? 我很怕代糖呢 (very unhealthy) !!

  • non-dairy creamer : milk protein - believe it's extracted from milk. as long as the creamer has no lactose 乳糖 which a lot of peope will be allergic of, then it can be called 'non-dairy'. the sign 'non-dairy' is actually for people who is allergic to lactose so that they know it is safe for them to consume.

    non-dairy creamer 是否應該不含任何代糖 ?

    creamer 不代表糖,creamer 本身不是甜的,if it tastes sweet but you couldn't find any ingredients as sugar or similar natural ingredients, then it may contain 代糖成份啦!

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