轉貼: 美國狗姦人真實個案 受害人為2歲嬰孩

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    Pitbull Sexually Attacks 2-Year-Old
    VIDEO: Pitbull Sexually Attacks 2-Year-Old - WGRZ-TV Reports

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    Lockport, New York (WGRZ-TV) - Lockport Police received a 911 call from a frantic City of Lockport mother Sunday afternoon.

    The mother told Lockport Police that she left her two-year-old unattended for a short time and after hearing the baby scream, she ran to see what was wrong.

    When she got in the room, she told Lockport Police the dog had sodomized the toddler. The mother screamed, scaring the dog and it ran out of the house.

    One neighbor told WGRZ-TV in Buffalo that she heard the mother screaming "the dog is raping my baby." Neighbors ran to help, but only one man was able to get the dog and child apart.

    Anastacio Castillo says "I tried to get the dog away from the baby, the dog was already inside the baby." When the baby was finally free, he was visibly sick.

    The baby was rushed to Women and Children's Hospital where the toddler underwent reconstructive surgery.

    The dog is being held at the Niagara County SPCA for evalution. An animal behavior specialist is scheduled to evaluate the pitbull.

    The Niagara County District Attorney's office is assisting Lockport Police with the investigation.

    Miranda Workman, behavior specialist at Purrfect Paws in Amherst says, "Most likely this is not a learned behavior. Dogs in tact, not spayed or neutered have a higher hormonal drive."

    She urges parents to never, ever leave their children alone with a dog.


    Lockport, 紐約(WGRZ-TV) - 警察星期天下午接到了一個911 電話,驚慌的母親告訴警察, 她留下她兩歲的孩子一段短時間,之後聽見嬰孩尖叫, 她跑看發生甚麼事。當她進入屋子, 她告訴警察狗雞姦了她的小孩。母親尖叫了, 把狗趕出了房子。一個鄰居告訴了WGRZ-TV, 她聽見了母親尖叫"狗強姦我的嬰孩。" 鄰居跑過來幫助忙, 但只有一個男人能把狗和孩子分開。Anastacio Castillo 表示"我設法把狗扯開, 但狗(的性器官)已經在嬰孩(肛門)裡面。" 當嬰孩獲得自由後, 可看見他感到不舒服。嬰孩立即被送進醫院。狗被關在縣的防止虐畜會靜待觀察 。動物行為專家會評估這隻狗(PITBULL)。縣地方檢察官辦公室正協助警察調查。 一名行為學專家說, "這很可能不是學來的行為。未淨身/閹割的狗有較高的荷爾蒙衝動。"她敦促為人父母者, 千萬別把孩子與狗獨處。

  • 來源可信嗎?

  • 唔信. 人姦狗我信, 狗姦人? no way!

  • disgusting

  • 我姦狗ga

  • Nah .... that can't be true.

    I mean, a dog, whether he's neutralized or not, will still 'attack' a human or anything when it feels horny. A dog that has been neutralized can still feel horny and its just their basic instinct that they'll still want sex (only that they became impotent and they DO NOT even know that they have become impotent). Also, they DO NOT KNOW whether the other party/object is reluctant or willing to progress the sexual activity with them or not because everything is just basic instinct and natural. Dogs do not have a mindset that tells them what's right or wrong unless they have been trained and taught.

    A dog will never rape a human being if it has been TYPICALLY trained the basics. I'm sure the owner of the pitbull has seen the dog wanting sex a lot of times before. Any dog owner has seen its dog having such behaviour. The thing is you need to train the dog and stop it from repeating the same.

  • 嘩!隻狗個樣好鹹濕下…

    其實兩歲細路識爬未呢到底?如果未,佢仰臥隻狗又點反轉佢黎「雞姦呢」?又如果識爬,咁岩個細路又連片都冇著?定隻狗幫佢除?嘩,咁大隻狗扯行旗撲上黎… 俾我都「黯」住屎忽雞咁腳爬走喇!

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