Should I break up with her?

  • Should I break up with her?

    My girlfriend told me she has no boy friend but later onI found out  I was sharing my girlfriend with another man for a month? 

    She then told me they broke up already but later on I found out her ex-boy friend kept sending photos and SMS to her. His Ex kept called her 2.30 am or daytime even in front of me.... I also found out his ex-boy friend visited her frequently in evening at her flat by themselves. One occassion, when I was in her flat, her ex turned up at door step 11.30 pm.  My girlfriend then told me it was a rubbish collector......

    Do you think that was good enough reasons to break up? Of course, my girlfriend kept saying to me they are only friends! Nothing happens betweem her ex and herself...

  • communication

    did you talk with her ?

  • 如果佢緊張你, 反應唔似係咁, 似當你係傻仔.

  • I did talk to her But I more I talk to her I found out she has been lying to me more..... I did feel she treat me like a 傻仔.

  • 擺明啦, 只係你唔想接受現實, 快 d 走啦.

  • how long have you guys been together?

    I am a girl too, I will think that they are still not done yet!

    I will say, you should let go ASAP or you will be a fool!!!!

  • 我果次又係咁, 佢話已經同人分左手, 咪又係咁, 仲要俾我見到佢地係地鐵 goodbye kiss, 我頂, 幾痛都要分, 如果唔係只會越縱越大膽.

  • Thanks for great advice. We broke up 1 month ago already. Sometime my heart and my brain did not work together. Sometime I did wonder whether I have made a right decision to break up. My EQ is very high already. When I found out her ex. We have discussion about it. She then told me she already told his ex not to contact her anymore. (But who knows, it was true or not). She then start introducing me to her friends and cooking a dinner for me (she said it was her first time). We even went to Malaysia for a hoilday (she asked me to pay for airtickets and she pay for hotels)...she keep saying to me "I love you" all the times....It was a sad love story. But I feel that I should share this with people who has a warm heart...... Well, I am getting on with my new life, meeting a lot friends since... I enjoy it. But I will still treat her as a friend, I did call her to say hello or sms her.... I am doing the right thing???

  • Thanks for great advice. We broke up 1 month ago already. Sometime my heart and my brain did not work together. Sometime I did wonder whether I have made a right decision to break up. My EQ is very high already. When I found out her ex. We have discussion about it. She then told me she already told his ex not to contact her anymore. (But who knows, it was true or not). She then start introducing me to her friends and cooking a dinner for me (she said it was her first time). We even went to Malaysia for a hoilday (she asked me to pay for airtickets and she pay for hotels)...she keep saying to me "I love you" all the times....It was a sad love story. But I feel that I should share this with people who has a warm heart...... Well, I am getting on with my new life, meeting a lot friends since... I enjoy it. But I will still treat her as a friend, I did call her to say hello or sms her.... I am doing the right thing???

  • 唔好同佢有 contact 啦, 對雙方都冇好處

  • 點解而家d人咁蠢...

  • 因為你聰明囉

  • Dear QoQ,

    Thks for your advice! I met her last year June, we became friend and seeing each other once a week for a meal... We then start having our relationship in Nov.. Then this year Feb we seeing each other nearly every night.....I bought her flowers, cares and loves..all this was was really heart breaking to me....May be the reason why she was doing this to me was because she was 38 years old. She wants a double insurance....

  • 咁都唔收佢工?

    真係有D On 9喎.

  • try to forget about her and looking forward!

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