男朋友呀男朋友, 點解你唔會打電話俾我?

  • 女朋友,冇你電話點打俾你?

  • 你無我電話係因為你唔係我男友囉

  • 定係你唔記得俾我呀?

    1. 因為你都已經打左比佢, 咁佢點解要打比你?
      <br>2. 男人好少鐘意講電話o既, 可能你男友係其中一個
      <br>3. 無野講, 無特別事發生, 咁即使掛住都唔一定要打 (反正過多幾粒鐘你都會打比佢)
      <br>4. 懶
      <br>少打電話都唔一定係唔愛o既! 最緊要係睇佢平時對你係點囉~~^^

  • 我試過忍手唔打俾佢, 試過成3日都唔揾佢, 但佢都係3日後先sms我, 都係無打電話........
    <br>唔係你鐘意一個人, 掛住佢就想聽到佢把聲?

  • 唔係

  • 我眼訓

  • 忍下啦... 吳煩女友好小有...
    <br>想搵佢 sms 好d...

  • u can call me instead

  • 當一對情女真係喜歡大家的時侯就時時刻刻都想見到對方,就算見唔到對方都想聴到大家把聲我同我女朋友一齊差唔多5年啦而家每一日都有5/6個電話(大家都有打比對方),其實我覺得你男朋友可能唔係好愛你,你自己想想愛一個人又點會唔想聴到對方把聲,你自己都話佢3日可以唔打電比你,你自己想想佢其實有幾仲意你啦

  • 我都係咁諗呀.......

  • 版主... 我同你差唔多感覺啊...
    <br>呢 D 係咪叫 "私人空間" ?!
    <br>我同我男朋友發展 + 一齊都差不多有 4 個月...
    <br>由相識到而家, 都只係 1, 2 個禮拜見一次面...
    <br>平時多數玩 MSN, 隔幾日講下野, 打電話真係少之又少
    <br>但見到面大家又好開心, 所以我先至唔放棄呢段感情囉...
    <br>我同對方都係一個禮拜同朋友見 3, 4 次面o個 D 人...
    <br>少見面我覺得 OK o既... 只不過, 有時候太少聯絡, 有男友 = 無男友 ...

  • Emily:
    <br>Exactly what I face
    <br>我知如果我迫佢打俾我, 佢會囉, 但係無意思, 我想佢打俾我係因為佢掛住我
    <br>我有諗過唔上msn, 睇吓佢會點

  • same here...

  • Cat replied yesterday :
    <br>1. 因為你都已經打左比佢, 咁佢點解要打比你?
    <br>2. 男人好少鐘意講電話o既, 可能你男友係其中一個
    <br>3. 無野講, 無特別事發生, 咁即使掛住都唔一定要打 (反正過多幾粒鐘你都會打比佢)
    <br>4. 懶

  • why do women always have to pick on the method of communicate that their bfs use? For me in this modern world, using new technology to talk to each other is no difference with using a phone. Sometimes talking on a phone is very distracting, you can't really do anything else but to hold onto the phone set. But with Instant messenger, you can type and check email/browse iinternet /watch TV/listen to radio at the same time while they are chatting with you. Giving both of you are flexibility.
    <br>As long as he still keep in touch with you online, it doesn't matter how often he calls. Just because some people rarely talk on the phone does not mean they don't care about you. And for some people, they call you ALL the time, do they really have any meaningful conversation to make all the time? mostly are gibberish, nonsense, or because they are bored. That's considered as waste of time (in my opinion). That could mean they are only bored, not really because they care about you so much!

  • 就憑呢句 "唔係你鐘意一個人, 掛住佢就想聽到佢把聲?" 就知你幾幼稚

  • But the question is we don't online always, only 2 or 3 times per week. Is that enough?

  • It's me again. I haven't met my bf for 2 weeks already...
    <br>Sometimes I wonder if I should give up...

  • Emily:
    <br>How come? 2 weeks? What's wrong with u 2?

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