
  • Cassie

  • Ass-kie

  • Kassie

  • i think:

  • c字頭, 簽名時, 個字樣會一個彈簧5好睇; k會好簽d, 而Kascy, k字尾有變化d.
    <br>but你最好check 清楚字ge意思有無問題或有無意義; eg, 好多人改名叫 karina, but呢個字係一個國家的一座山的名字, 按當地人講, karina 意思係一座山.
    <br>咁成日比人叫你係一座山, 根本無意思, 重變相話你肥就5好啦...

  • 總覺得自己作英文名既人好低能

  • Kassie 感覺上帥一點

  • 你不如check下邊個先係正宗英文名仲好啦, 作到騎騎呢呢咁, 但讀出來, 又唔係咩咁特別喎, 次次話俾人知叫咩名, 都要特登介紹一次自己個串法, 對方讀得書少ge以為自己見識少, 識得書多ge覺得你唔識字...
    <br>我記得以前讀中學, 有個女仔叫自己做sindy... 終於有日俾個英文好好的老師串, cindy 就 cindy 啦, 點解要變做sindy呢, 根本冇呢個字...
    <br>回應番你個問題, 如果你一定要我pick one out of four, 我會要1 or 2 lor, 因為英文好少個"時"音係s後面又有個c, 你一係cacy, 一係casy, 就唔好cascy, 你一出呢個, 稍為識字ge都覺得你多餘or冇料到。

  • agree with j

  • 以前有同學叫Sypo
    <br>都冇比老師寸, 老師仲問你自己作?
    <br>有冇呢個名, 字典出唔哂咁多人名啦

  • Cassie <<查倒有呢個名

  • Don't use Cascy or Kascy....such names don't exist in English and no one will ever be able to properly pronounce the name

  • 好多人改名叫 karina, but呢個字係一個國家的一座山的名字, 按當地人講, karina 意思係一座山.

  • 5知, 一次偶然入了個網頁介紹d travel名勝, 無詳細記低, 當時真係有d奇, 因我記得中學時真係有個女同學問我呢個名好5好聽, 我就答好聽, 原來真係有呢個字(but同學話自己諗喎...), 不過係解一座山, 就覺得無意思了...

  • 第三個唔好!!

  • 1 or 2

  • <br>
    <br>save gas la!!
    <br>all the english names used by HK people are self invented and full of silly meanings and always spelt wrongly.
    <br>Just walk around with a wrongly spelt name or a silly name, and you know this guy must be from HK.
    <br>People in HK cant even differenciate between JOAN and JOANNE. All pronounced JO-ANNE as JOAN.
    <br>I decided not to give myself an english names because in HK, only people who cant speak English will have an english name same as those waiters and waitresses, sale-see from PRC.
    <br>A person with a beautiful name such as Rebecca will pronounce EYE-CREAM as ICE CREAM; wind-screen as wind-scream.

  • Agree with Aiyeah.
    <br>well Cassie is a name but none of the rest. So why bother to even ask such a foolish question?
    <br>HK people, stop making up ugly and non sense "Chinglish names".
    <br>Yoko, Yuki, Yoyo, Kitty, Apple, Cherry, Yukiko, Mango, Baby, Meme, Dodo..Fanny (means ass) .. .wtf?

  • 總覺得自己作英文名既人好低能
    <br>by 666 - 05/06/07 18:44

  • Agree, making up spellings are stupid.
    <br>might as well change spellings for an orange - allwange, apple - abbal

  • <br>
    <br>I cant imagine how YOYO could enter into the list of popular names.
    <br>Those westerners, when they go berserked or irritated by somebody, they will get rough and shout something like "that silly yoyo!!!!!"
    <br>Now, how can you be proud of telling others you are that you are a yoyo???
    <br>HK is an international city, right? We are all well educated, bilingual, very modern, very update, very affluent, ............ very this ............ very that ..............
    <br>How come we are so proud being called yoyo??
    <br>Those wrong spelt names and self-invented names really made HK people soooo damn stupid!!!
    <br>Yet, we are snearing so much at others like those from SE Asia or PRC.
    <br>We aint any better. We are very good at stepping on the chair and call ourselves tall.

  • .

  • 總覺得自己作英文名既人好低能
    <br>by 666 - 05/06/07 18:44

  • <br>I also hate those HK-invented names that has " -SON " at the end.
    <br>Some foreign names such as TYSON / EDiSON / JOHNSON is quite common....
    <br>But then in HK , you'll get names like ... ' dickson, eason, kenson.... son this and son that...
    <br>In addition.. i really hate the name ' FENNIE ' and ' QUEENIE ' .... so lame ...

  • I try not to flame this thread...
    <br>aiyeah, you can't even spell. Just shut up.
    <br>安, names you hate = lame? Are you ok, buddy?
    <br>"Cassie" and "Kassie" are the better two. If I were you, I would never pick "Cascy" and "Kascy" - they look funny.

  • <br>aiyeah, you can't even spell. Just shut up.
    <br>you FO
    <br>there are no clear rules that spelling should be accurate and t's must be crossed, and i's must be dotted.
    <br>Now F.O.

  • Did i say hate = lame ??
    <br>I THINK those names sound "LAME", hence I hate those names.
    <br>It's like saying...
    <br>" I hate apples ..... so gross "
    <br>hate =/= gross
    <br>gross => hate
    <br>get it, bro ?

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