我男友係英國人, 佢係美國出世, 係香港住左10幾年,如果我嫁俾佢, 咁我係唔係當地公民?如果係 係美國定英國呀?

  • On Lung 7 9 ~~~!

  • 男友daddy mummy 係英國人, 佢係美國出世,英國長大, 有New Zealand 居留權, 10年前黎左香港...
    <br>如果我嫁左俾佢我係唔係英/美公民? 有冇公民權利, 例如移民,係當地工作,接受醫療教育...?第時我地既仔女係唔係公民呀?

  • 我同我bf都拍左幾年拖,有意結婚...因為佢個case有d複雜,所以先問問大家...

  • 你男友答唔到你?!!!!!!!!

  • your bf wont get married to u since u r so stupid to ask these questions, he may get married to those smart girls who wont care about the passport status

  • 佢手拿咩passport出入境?例如佢用美國passport即代表婚後可以申請你去美國,但唔係一結婚就係公民都要等批過去住幾年再考核入藉,而英國都係,而你的小朋友最好都係等你可以有錄卡出入時先生,係當地出世就係居民佢地可以享有當地的戶籍用公民身份受教育

  • 如果你嫁俾佢,你都係香港人

  • u'll still be Chinese, his nationality doesn't affect you, i.e NOT AUTOMATICALLY BECOME A ENGLISH OR AMERICAN JUST 'COS YOU GOT MARRIED!!
    <br>But your childern in the future will be.

  • I don't believe this thread starter.
    <br>As far as I know, US does not allow dual-citizenship. So he's either just US citizen or "British and kiwi".

  • 唔係下話?拍左幾年拖都唔知男友係乜國籍?仲話打算結婚添?
    <br>我阿爺係潮州人阿嫲係上海人老豆響廣州出世; 我阿公阿婆係馬拉人阿媽響香港出世; 我老爺奶奶係德國人老公響加拿大出世.咁我係咪可以擁有曬咁多個國籍????

  • 點解妳唔問番妳男朋友?

  • 呢條係咪無聊IQ 題?

  • 如果係美國無雙重國藉, 道理同香港基本法一樣.
    <br>即是說, 如果你男友是土生土長的英國人, 你可以申請入英國藉.
    <br>但從此不再有美國和中國藉. 而居留權(於美及中)則另計, 是乎你是基於甚麼原因申請.

  • 你係咪鍾意佢o架?如果你係鍾意佢,咩國藉有咩關係?

  • 但因為你男友父母是英國人, 男友在美國出世並一定代表他會"入藉美國", 可能是跟父母在英國生活而依然是英國藉.

  • 人民入境事務署 應該幫到你.

  • 入境處只會答到你關於"香港籍"既事, 佢男友咁"亂", 應該唔關入境處事

  • 我阿爺係潮州人阿嫲係上海人老豆響廣州出世; 我阿公阿婆係馬拉人阿媽響香港出世; 我老爺奶奶係德國人老公響加拿大出世.咁我係咪可以擁有曬咁多個國籍????

  • .

  • even yr bf is us citizen, it doesn't mean u will be us citizen after u married with him. cos he doesn't live there. he can't apply u to move there.

  • exactly, even if he is a citizen of either UK or US, you can only get a Green card for US or Permanent residency in UK.
    <br>You can't automatically be citizen of any of these countries!!!!
    <br>Also, even if you are married, if he doesn't apply for you, you can't even get PR status either!

  • oh and PP said, if they never applied for US citizenship for your bf, he could still only be a British. So it's ALL about application and who will do it for you!
    <br>Besides, says who he is gonna move to US or UK anyway?
    <br>Stop day-dreaming la

  • 版主好瘀

  • 最緊要係你男朋友有無諗過同你結婚.... 你係鍾意佢定係佢?國籍唧?

  • 咁有冇高人答到佢?

  • 你男朋友咩國籍佢自己都唔知的話其他人點答你?

  • I married to my husband (US citizen) and have been living in the US for 10 years. I am still holding my HK passport because the US doesn't allow dual-citizenship. Therefore, I only have the green card, which is good enough for me.
    <br>If 版主 is already soooooo interested in getting a foreign passport even b4 getting married. I doubt how much you love him.

  • actually technically, you are not entirely right. US prefers you not to have dual citizenships BUT if your original country allows you to have two or more, then, US government, really can't do anything about it.
    <br>For instance, UK welcomes multiple citizenships so even if you obtain US citizenship, US can't force you to cancel your British-ness, simply because UK never make you to surrender your passport.
    <br>However, in China, they DO NOT allow dual or more, so that means even US lets you, you still can't have more than one, so you will have to decide, whether you want US passport or Chinese passport.

  • Wait a minute, come to think of it...I hold many citizenships and residency in different countries too, I might have to start worry about whether the guys who hang out with me are after my citizenship status!
    <br>Like marrying me to get green card so to speak! The girl on this post got me thinking!

  • ww, u r wrong. cos i have us and hk passport too.

  • I think HK passport is for traveling purpose.

  • 好明顯版主係想移民先同呢個男仔一齊啦,同d大陸女人嫁�蟑輕鉹@樣心態!

  • 佢好似話男友住係香港十年,唔係佢地一齊十年喎...... 話唔定係十日!

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