我想脫小腿毛, 我小腿有d印,係唔係做彩光好, 有咩好介紹.

  • 因彩光可以去埋黑色素...

    我想找D 一年任做那些

  • cat,

    我同你情況一樣..都係有印, 我就揀左laser. 因為本身多毛, 睇左好多researh覺得laser先可以徹底清除, 彩光好似無咁徹底. 我d印都淡左好多了...

    我係case度做, 有3年保養, 即係3年內可以任做, 如果你想知多d details可以再問我

  • Hi yo yo

    I would like some info - how much for legs? How long have you done it? Is the effect long lasting so far? What about underarm, do you know the price?

  • For Lowerlegs: it is around HKD17000, Underarm: around HKD8500

    But if you do 2 parts together, it will be cheaper. My fd did ard HKD23000 (I forgot the exact price) for underarm + Lowerleg.

    I have done since last August.

    The effect is that:

    Underarm: only 5-10% of hair left. And the left hair is vvvv thin (幼). I think I need to do 1 more time.

    Lowerleg: around 20% of hair left. Becoz I have quite a lot of hair, so the consultant estimated I need to do 3 more times for legs to total remove.

    出面好多course都係包4次咋, 我覺得4次根本未必夠. 呢間野係有d貴, 但我貪佢個3年保養夠長. 有得免費試做架, 你email我啦:[email protected]

  • dear yoyo,

    thank you very much for your info. I have asked one of my friends who is currently doing laser hair removal of her lower legs at a doctors clinic - the price is ~6000 for both upper and lowe legs - would you have an idea why there is such a remarkable price variation?

  • HKD6000 = 1 time only? Usually you have to do at least 4 times to get it totally removed.

    If HKD6000 = whole course..I really dun believe the quality lei..it is sososo cheap that I never heard. You better check more information if you decide to join this.

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