
  • no sideeffects.
    <br>-if u are young dr will prescripe hormones pills for u in order to increase yr homones level in yr body.
    <br>-u will still have menstration
    <br>-eat carefully after the surgery to prevent removing the others.
    <br>-if u have $$ , try some method to preserve some of yr eggs.
    <br>i know that becoz i got ovary cancer when i was still a child. i removed both already.

  • flowerchild
    <br>what kind of surgury did you had to remove yr ovaries??

  • Claudia shxt-fer,
    <br>因為比較難有bb, 之後佢做人工受孕, 上個月生左個仔, 好得意

  • 開腹腔﹐整個切除

  • btw , the scar has 17-18 cm long now , everytime i see a new dr , i have to explain why i have such a long scar.

  • just had my cyst and my right ovary removed. actually Laporscopy 開腹腔 is not so bad. Is not what I expect, is not painful at all only if you move around you'll feel some pain that's all.
    <br>The doctor opened three holes on my stomach. The biggest one is in my belly button only about 1cm and the other 2cm is only half a cm.
    <br>I hope my M cycles will get back to normal as i have one ovary removed.

  • flowerchild
    <br>-if u are young dr will prescripe hormones pills for u in order to increase yr homones level in yr body
    <br>what age is young? im over 30 is it ok my dr didn't prescripe me any hormones pills.
    <br>-if u have $$ , try some method to preserve some of yr eggs.
    <br>How? can you pls explain.

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