A SERIOUS question. Should I contact her?

  • 我放縱了自己好一會兒,在秘密的世界裡,偷偷地愛和被愛。回到現實,我發現我最愛的是我自己。

  • If Im that girl..i would like to say...please dont call me again and leave me alone!

  • 女方主場 :
    <br>"嗯...還有一種未知可唔可行,就係無條件去關心去愛佢。要控制到自己思念之痛, 用單純既愛去對待佢...唔易做到。 "
    <br>yes i think this is what i want and what i can only do...
    <br>"1992 this is a middle age crisis. At the middle age, we always think our life is running out and want to pick up some treasure moment. The woman you love in the past"
    <br>I am not sure if this is true but I appreciate your insight.
    <br>Married lady:
    <br>Yes and that is what I have been doing all along...
    <br>"If Im that girl..i would like to say...please dont call me again and leave me alone!"
    <br>You know who i am. do you?
    <br>To those who have condemned me:
    <br>You have all the freedom to criticize me as you like, my only question is: If you do encounter the same experience and come across this special someone in your life, would you be able to deal with the situation as rationally as you claim?

  • I made my choice and I found her and ask her as my SL.
    <br>I fulfill my dreams. Then I find out I lose her forever. We never meet again.

  • 留近低你老婆contact啦, 你咁撚賤格, 都係冇撚用既廢7碌! 得我屌撚爆你老婆, 等佢知道乜閪野叫高潮啦

  • Back here again...digging up an old thread. Can't take her off my mind, I can speak to nobody apart from venting out my feelings for her right here. How pathetic

  • can't beleive i encounter such a thread again here..
    <br>maybe u should contact her and speak to her. if you cannot really get rid of her in your mind..
    <br>just to make everything clear..
    <br>u harder u couldnt' get the more u want to get ..

  • Still living in your dream?

  • You made your choice marrying another woman. End of story

  • Still here

  • 1992
    <br>無啦啦喺呢度見到呢個 thread。我好似見到將來嘅我咁。
    <br>我嘅處境前幾日係呢度開咗個 post,所以唔再係呢到重複。簡單啲黎講係面對緊同佢分開嘅邊緣。可能好似你咁 N 年後心入面仲會有一種折磨人嘅思念。只係可能,因為礙於我嘅記憶唔係咁耐用,亦可能唔會擺係心入面太耐。
    <br>搵個適當嘅時候同適當嘅方式聯絡佢,例如打電話話 send 短訊畀佢,話(有啲嘢放咗係心入面好耐)想同佢傾下計。
    <br>如果佢係關心(記住關心其實只係證明佢係個好心地嘅人,仲 care 你呢個舊人,唔代表再次對你起痰)你嘅話佢應該會 ok。
    <br>誠實咁同佢講下你呢幾年嘅諗法同感覺上嘅煎熬,傾吓偈,可能中間會有啲 emotional,但事後應該你會得到心靈上嘅釋放。
    <br>放心去搵佢傾偈。就算佢 say no 嘅話,其實都可以幫你由呢個萬劫不復嘅思想圈子入面跳出嚟面對返現實。。。

  • 人同人之間嘅關係其實係可以去到親密但簡單,而唔再存在折磨人嘅遐想。
    <br>你要認定 SL 呢個關係無論係任何情況下都唔係想同佢發展嘅嘢。

  • 我想講呢個 thread 真係好似一個水晶球咁幫咗我。

  • Just wish you knew someone has been so in love with u...another year and your birthday is coming up again in a month

  • 呢度每個人都有自己故事....

  • Indeed you are incapable of settling down

  • How did u know? For years I have thought about her, day and night, at work or leisure, thinking about the "what if" issue. Yes she was the one whom I would truly dare to say " I love u ".....for no one has ever been able to occupy such a spot in my life and no one could occupy my heart for sooooo long....

  • How did u know? For years I have thought about her, day and night, at work or leisure, thinking about the "what if" issue. Yes she was the one whom I would truly dare to say " I love u ".....for no one has ever been able to occupy such a spot in my life and no one could occupy my heart for sooooo long....

  • Sorry that I did not read all the posts. So have you contacted her after you created this thread?

  • No I have not. She is now happily married. I am happy for her as she deserves a husband who will treat her as the gem of his life. Regrettably that person is not me. My heartfelt wishes to them and it is my cordial wish that she would have everything that she ever dreamed of, the most important of all, true love.
    <br>Perhaps that should be the end of this thread....thank you for all the memories K

  • If you truly love her, do her a favor and just leave her alone.
    <br>She is someone from the past, as much as you miss having her in your life again, she might not feel the same way about you anymore.
    <br>My ex from over 10 years+ back tried to reconnect with me, he wanted to know what's going on in my life. Guess what? I honestly am not interested in staying in touch with him, not that I still have feelings for him and thus trying to avoid him or anything, I just don't want to have him in my life again, period.
    <br>There are reasons and seasons for everything, if you let her slip away back then, just leave it at that. Life is about choices and please stop living your life looking at the rear mirror. Good luck.

  • Done with this thread. All I can say is that time heals almost everything, griefs, wounds, troubles, quarrels....Give time time, for we change and are no longer the same person.

  • Newbie said:

    Done with this thread. All I can say is that time heals almost everything, griefs, wounds, troubles, quarrels....Give time time, for we change and are no longer the same person.

    And you really have read every single message in this thread? @@

  • It's a piece of cake. I've read the most longest one at sexboard before, and it took me several months to finish the whole thread. ^^

  • should not contact her, should let her start a new life.

  • 推推推

  • 推推推

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