
  • 就算騷擾比佢哋人數多好多既無辜市民,漠視法紀,佢哋都只係覺得係政府既錯、警察既錯、社會既錯。。。千錯萬錯,得佢哋既信念係真理,咁同邪教有乜分别。我哋呢d小市民,日日見到佢哋攪亂香港,仲要滿口歪理,真係無哂心機。呢班佔中邪教徒唔會肯走,政府同警察究竟幾時先肯做野?

  • 佔中邪教徒要既野特區政府係無能為力,呢個係中央問題,我提議佢哋佔據天安門,逼中央直接同佢哋對話。

  • 差佬唔會清場,反而保護防守路障的示威者,香港已經被佔鐘者統治,我們認命吧!

  • 不滿現在,發夢又冇咁早,所以特別容易被人洗腦。

  • but why so many ppl support them?

  • 睇吓就明
    <br><iframe width="640" height="360" src="

    " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  • 後生一輩被人從小洗腦,傳媒偏婆報道,再有d怪獸家長重要帶埋d仔女去佔領區,佢地繼續被洗腦...

  • 連班所謂政治中立公務員都支持,內憂外患,香港已經玩完!

  • d人成日話"香港已經玩完",我好唔同意,香港實在比好多地方好好多,放眼世界,好好珍惜所有

  • 其實因為長期恐懼同大陸掛勾嘅問題,所以個個有病。

  • 洗腦應該唔係
    <br><iframe width="640" height="360" src="

    " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  • 香港真係幾好㗎,好多在外國嘅華僑都回歸香港住啦

  • ... replied at 2014-10-23 10:26 am
    <br>"掛勾" has both good side and bad side. 食得咸魚抵得渴, we can't just get the advantange and then complaint the side effect.

  • 路人 replied at 2014-10-23 10:28 am

  • 我們 就是法治
    <br>我們 就是法律
    <br>我們 就是政府
    <br>真主萬歲! Sorry.....民主萬歲!

  • <br>

  • @maze, how to make the link into a video and post here ?
    <br>wld u pls teach me ? tks

  • 周永康 replied at 2014-10-23 10:36 am
    <br>我們 就是法治
    <br>我們 就是法律
    <br>我們 就是政府
    <br>真主萬歲! Sorry.....民主萬歲!

  • 人 10:36am oct 23, 2014
    <br>路人 replied at 2014-10-23 10:28 am

  • <iframe width="640" height="360" src="

    " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  • wisdom !!!!!証據呢 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 唔係想惡意批評,人生攻擊,我只係唔明白班學生父母,係唔係都係咁偏激,教出一班咁嘅仔女。更加唔明點解有人會buy呢班只有自己所謂理想,不顧其他人感受,更加不知道什麼叫現實。

  • 煩 replied at 2014-10-23 10:26 am

  • 煩 replied at 2014-10-23 10:57 am
    <br>exactly, 無論點佔,都不可能改變人大決定,同要求太陽從西方升起參唔多,為一樣mission impossible 搞誇整個香港,不知進退,真的想港版6-4來臨?

  • 煩 replied at 2014-10-23 10:57 am
    <br>其實好似早排嘅 ice bucket challenge 咁,人做我又做,羊群效應。

  • 市民倦了, 期待下一界區議會和立法會選舉...
    <br>親眼見證你地呢班垃圾泛民議員血流成河, 輸到死無全屍.

  • 本來我吾多like建制派, 但你呢班泛民賤格到將班學生擺上枱, 狗都不如喇. You have lost my vote.

  • 泛民又好建制都好,it's not bad to have difference voice but its too bad if they only know to complain and complain with no added value.
    <br>But quite surprisingly, there are still lots of ppl to support them.

  • 長毛坐過監都可以繼續做議員

  • 呢班暴力學生, 我會用三個字來形容...自私能

  • <br>我相信呢班(非法)集會人仕大部分只係無知而不自覺地做左自私又犯法既事,希望佢哋肯"停一停、諗一諗",唔好為在要"贏場架而輸個家",個家係屬於所有香港人,唔係淨係屬於佢哋

  • 全世界追求民主的目標大多是想能夠換來「法治」「個人自由」及「言論自由」。

  • 一個已經有「法治」與「言論自由」的地方,進一步再去追求「民主」是對的。但最重要不要破壞已經擁有的「法治」與「言論自由」,以及專重別人的發言權,即使你不同意別人的論點,也不可以用人身攻擊等方式漫罵對方。如果連言論自由也容不下,這樣的民主實在不敢苟同。

  • I think what you all said above is based on the assumption that the normal means can achieve changes. As what we have seen before, without protests in HK, no change can be achieved through our gov't, our legislative council or chief executive. For those who find that the protesters are annoying, you have accepted what has given to you, the shxtty gov't, the shxtty Chief Executive, the shxtty life and the shxtty job.
    <br>I admire those who try to fight for something better, that there could be hope for their future, and the city of HK. They don't try to preach the truth, they just have enough people fighting for what they all believe in. Clearly, you don't believe in anything strong enough to do anything about it besides writing on this shxtty site.

  • 做咁多嘢得個吉,發夢冇咁早!

  • You Make no sense replied at 2014-10-23 3:03 pm
    <br>I think what you all said above is based on the assumption that the normal means can achieve changes. As what we have seen before, without protests in HK, no change can be achieved through our gov't, our legislative council or chief executive. For those who find that the protesters are annoying, you have accepted what has given to you, the shxtty gov't, the shxtty Chief Executive, the shxtty life and the shxtty job.
    <br>I admire those who try to fight for something better, that there could be hope for their future, and the city of HK. They don't try to preach the truth, they just have enough people fighting for what they all believe in. Clearly, you don't believe in anything strong enough to do anything about it besides writing on this shxtty site.
    <br>good point.!!!

  • 學生哥
    <br>過去, 不屬於你們
    <br>現在, 還未到你們
    <br>未來, 不一定是你們

  • 全家冇飯開就可以去打劫銀行?
    <br>支持暴力學生, 就是支持犯罪.

  • You Make no sense replied at 2014-10-23 3:03 pm
    <br>I think what you all said above is based on the assumption that the normal means can achieve changes. As what we have seen before, without protests in HK, no change can be achieved through our gov't, our legislative council or chief executive. For those who find that the protesters are annoying, you have accepted what has given to you, the shxtty gov't, the shxtty Chief Executive, the shxtty life and the shxtty job.
    <br>I admire those who try to fight for something better, that there could be hope for their future, and the city of HK. They don't try to preach the truth, they just have enough people fighting for what they all believe in. Clearly, you don't believe in anything strong enough to do anything about it besides writing on this shxtty site.
    <br>Then why are you writing on this shxtty site?

  • You Make no sense replied at 2014-10-23 3:03 pm
    <br>I think what you all said above is based on the assumption that the normal means can achieve changes. As what we have seen before, without protests in HK, no change can be achieved through our gov't, our legislative council or chief executive. For those who find that the protesters are annoying, you have accepted what has given to you, the shxtty gov't, the shxtty Chief Executive, the shxtty life and the shxtty job.
    <br>I admire those who try to fight for something better, that there could be hope for their future, and the city of HK. They don't try to preach the truth, they just have enough people fighting for what they all believe in. Clearly, you don't believe in anything strong enough to do anything about it besides writing on this shxtty site.
    <br>if u (& the oc ppl) believe the protests & occupancy can result in a change for universal suffrage, then u guys are just too naive. learn a lesson from june 4, bloodshed but objective not a bit achieved.
    <br>so u guys want to see casualties of the protestors?
    <br>fight for better should only under legal & rational channel. if we want better life, more rich, can we just rob the rich ppl or do drug trafficking?

  • which democratic countries in the world can promise their citizen to have better life, better govt, and better job?
    <br>Of course all candidates in democratic countries would make a these empty promises and only during the election.
    <br>Democracy can automatically lead to better life, better government and better jobs? LoL

  • You Make no sense replied at 2014-10-23 3:03 pm
    <br>I think what you all said above is based on the assumption that the normal means can achieve changes. As what we have seen before, without protests in HK, no change can be achieved through our gov't, our legislative council or chief executive. For those who find that the protesters are annoying, you have accepted what has given to you, the shxtty gov't, the shxtty Chief Executive, the shxtty life and the shxtty job.
    <br>I admire those who try to fight for something better, that there could be hope for their future, and the city of HK. They don't try to preach the truth, they just have enough people fighting for what they all believe in. Clearly, you don't believe in anything strong enough to do anything about it besides writing on this shxtty site.
    <br>First, why you think we shouldn't write on this site? We have the freedom to do so. It's 100% legal and does not disturb any other people.
    <br>Second, this further demonstrates you guys are not willing to open your heart and ears to listen other's comments.
    <br>Third, how can you assure they are fighting for something better? In the short run, its definitely not. In the long run, no one knows. Does it guarantee a good Chief Executive under universal suffrage? See the ex-president of Taiwan..he is still in the jail.
    <br>Lastly, we are democratic enough to welcome all of the protesters to do whatever they want to fight for what they believe. But please DO NOT DISTRUB OTHER LIFE!

  • Many have told me that the movement is naive, and shouldn't expect any results from this movement. You are probably right 99% of the time. However, some people shoot for that 1% chance of achieving some goal, may it be getting that dream job, getting into that dream school, dating that dream girl.. or democracy.
    <br>Why did the student protested in 1989? When they knew that nothing could come out from it. Do they want to overthrow Communist China? Maybe. But they want a better life. Yes, we probably won't get universal sufferage in 2017. But we have already achieve so much more than if we did not protest. We made the government open a dialogue with the people. We made NPC nervous. We made global recognition. The most important, to me, is that the movement showed that there are people out there who also cares about Hong Kong. I honestly didn't know or cared too much, but through this movement, I started to care.
    <br>To those of you who are against the movement, you might have hated the action that has taken. Maybe your commute is 30 mins longer. Maybe you are making less money because of the action. However, I think what you have today is just scrapes from the wealthy, and whatever Chinese gov't allow us to have. Whereas we should fight for our share of the pie that's currently owned by the tycoons.
    <br>You will never know what you can gain until you take action. But I sure know that I win nothing if I don't do anything. That's why uou should keep writing on this site. I never said you shouldn't. I was just trying to say that that's all you will do. Because you don't believe in any causes.
    <br>Many would say that the protesters are disturbing people's way of life. I see it differently. I think those who feel being disturbed are disturbing DEMOCRACY FOR HONG KONG.

  • <p class="text">水炮慳人力物力唔會傷,又可整濕班暴民喪屍電話濕晒再打落水狗!good job!帳篷散晒地下濕冇得坐訓!welldone!ahahahahah....http://news.discuss.com.hk/viewthread.php?tid=23923296&extra=page%3D1陳淨心:當年六四,中央也忍了兩個月才出手 香港人忍耐一下吧!<br /> </p>
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  • You Make no sense replied at 2014-10-23 6:56 pm
    <br>Many have told me that the movement is naive, and shouldn't expect any results from this movement. You are probably right 99% of the time. However, some people shoot for that 1% chance of achieving some goal, may it be getting that dream job, getting into that dream school, dating that dream girl.. or democracy.
    <br>Why did the student protested in 1989? When they knew that nothing could come out from it. Do they want to overthrow Communist China? Maybe. But they want a better life. Yes, we probably won't get universal sufferage in 2017. But we have already achieve so much more than if we did not protest. We made the government open a dialogue with the people. We made NPC nervous. We made global recognition. The most important, to me, is that the movement showed that there are people out there who also cares about Hong Kong. I honestly didn't know or cared too much, but through this movement, I started to care.
    <br>To those of you who are against the movement, you might have hated the action that has taken. Maybe your commute is 30 mins longer. Maybe you are making less money because of the action. However, I think what you have today is just scrapes from the wealthy, and whatever Chinese gov't allow us to have. Whereas we should fight for our share of the pie that's currently owned by the tycoons.
    <br>You will never know what you can gain until you take action. But I sure know that I win nothing if I don't do anything. That's why uou should keep writing on this site. I never said you shouldn't. I was just trying to say that that's all you will do. Because you don't believe in any causes.
    <br>Many would say that the protesters are disturbing people's way of life. I see it differently. I think those who feel being disturbed are disturbing DEMOCRACY FOR HONG KONG.
    <br>yes, it's absolutely ok to fight the chance for yr dream job, yr dream school, yr dream gal...........provided it's legitimate & does not violate others rights.
    <br>u cant kidnap other job applicants to stop them from attending interview for that dream job. u cant hide a bomb in the school threatening them to admit u, u cant steal a car to hang out with yr dream gal...... that's the basic principle.

  • You Make no sense replied at 2014-10-23 6:56 pm
    <br>Many have told me that the movement is naive, and shouldn't expect any results from this movement. You are probably right 99% of the time. However, some people shoot for that 1% chance of achieving some goal, may it be getting that dream job, getting into that dream school, dating that dream girl.. or democracy.
    <br>Why did the student protested in 1989? When they knew that nothing could come out from it. Do they want to overthrow Communist China? Maybe. But they want a better life. Yes, we probably won't get universal sufferage in 2017. But we have already achieve so much more than if we did not protest. We made the government open a dialogue with the people. We made NPC nervous. We made global recognition. The most important, to me, is that the movement showed that there are people out there who also cares about Hong Kong. I honestly didn't know or cared too much, but through this movement, I started to care.
    <br>To those of you who are against the movement, you might have hated the action that has taken. Maybe your commute is 30 mins longer. Maybe you are making less money because of the action. However, I think what you have today is just scrapes from the wealthy, and whatever Chinese gov't allow us to have. Whereas we should fight for our share of the pie that's currently owned by the tycoons.
    <br>You will never know what you can gain until you take action. But I sure know that I win nothing if I don't do anything. That's why uou should keep writing on this site. I never said you shouldn't. I was just trying to say that that's all you will do. Because you don't believe in any causes.
    <br>Many would say that the protesters are disturbing people's way of life. I see it differently. I think those who feel being disturbed are disturbing DEMOCRACY FOR HONG KONG.
    <br>if u believe there's no democracy in hk, how could it be disturbed?

  • You Make no sense replied at 2014-10-23 6:56 pm
    <br>Many have told me that the movement is naive, and shouldn't expect any results from this movement. You are probably right 99% of the time. However, some people shoot for that 1% chance of achieving some goal, may it be getting that dream job, getting into that dream school, dating that dream girl.. or democracy.
    <br>Why did the student protested in 1989? When they knew that nothing could come out from it. Do they want to overthrow Communist China? Maybe. But they want a better life. Yes, we probably won't get universal sufferage in 2017. But we have already achieve so much more than if we did not protest. We made the government open a dialogue with the people. We made NPC nervous. We made global recognition. The most important, to me, is that the movement showed that there are people out there who also cares about Hong Kong. I honestly didn't know or cared too much, but through this movement, I started to care.
    <br>To those of you who are against the movement, you might have hated the action that has taken. Maybe your commute is 30 mins longer. Maybe you are making less money because of the action. However, I think what you have today is just scrapes from the wealthy, and whatever Chinese gov't allow us to have. Whereas we should fight for our share of the pie that's currently owned by the tycoons.
    <br>You will never know what you can gain until you take action. But I sure know that I win nothing if I don't do anything. That's why uou should keep writing on this site. I never said you shouldn't. I was just trying to say that that's all you will do. Because you don't believe in any causes.
    <br>Many would say that the protesters are disturbing people's way of life. I see it differently. I think those who feel being disturbed are disturbing DEMOCRACY FOR HONG KONG.
    <br>ok, u talked about june 4, that's the lesson to be learned. bloodshed eventually but anything achieved? sacrifice just in vain. but can u imagine how deep their relatives were hurt? u guys wanna the parents of the hk students (& others too) to experience the same ?

  • 寫咁多字唔代表有道理,公道自在人心!

  • You Make no sense replied at 2014-10-23 6:56 pm
    <br>Many have told me that the movement is naive, and shouldn't expect any results from this movement. You are probably right 99% of the time. However, some people shoot for that 1% chance of achieving some goal, may it be getting that dream job, getting into that dream school, dating that dream girl.. or democracy.
    <br>Why did the student protested in 1989? When they knew that nothing could come out from it. Do they want to overthrow Communist China? Maybe. But they want a better life. Yes, we probably won't get universal sufferage in 2017. But we have already achieve so much more than if we did not protest. We made the government open a dialogue with the people. We made NPC nervous. We made global recognition. The most important, to me, is that the movement showed that there are people out there who also cares about Hong Kong. I honestly didn't know or cared too much, but through this movement, I started to care.
    <br>To those of you who are against the movement, you might have hated the action that has taken. Maybe your commute is 30 mins longer. Maybe you are making less money because of the action. However, I think what you have today is just scrapes from the wealthy, and whatever Chinese gov't allow us to have. Whereas we should fight for our share of the pie that's currently owned by the tycoons.
    <br>You will never know what you can gain until you take action. But I sure know that I win nothing if I don't do anything. That's why uou should keep writing on this site. I never said you shouldn't. I was just trying to say that that's all you will do. Because you don't believe in any causes.
    <br>Many would say that the protesters are disturbing people's way of life. I see it differently. I think those who feel being disturbed are disturbing DEMOCRACY FOR HONG KONG.
    <br>i m affected by the incident, but beginning to get used to longer travelling time or change of vehicle. but do u guys really how severe those ppl living in those areas? do u know some ppl's income are badly affected. if even the basic need of earning a living cant be achieved, what the fxxk democracy benefits them?

  • 等佢地搞到民主啲小市民都失哂業冇錢交租生活啦,班人無憂米更係啦!

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