Three months , Three Girls, Three different experience

  • 幸運地呢三個月來O係呢度識到三個女仔, 亦成功得手.

    第一個: 初相識係因為佢失戀, 第一次見面已經喊晒出黎, 我亦陪佢左佢一晚, 佢係我O係SHE 識既女仔之中最靚既一個. 之後連續幾日都陪住佢, 唱K, 飲野. 有一晚佢飲醉左話想上我度, 但我知道佢係醉左所以都送佢返屋企. 第三個星期, 終於約左佢上我屋企, 之後發生既事大家都應該知, O係O個兩個星期入面我地差不多隔日就相見, 仲去左LAMMA ISLAND 渡週末, 瘋狂既一夜. 第二個月佢突然話要清醒,唔想再KEEP 住呢種關係, 係開心但係唔係佢所追求既, 所以我亦大方地說再見.

    第二個: 人妻, 30歲有一個8歲既女, 仲保養得好好, 外表睇唔出佢係一個媽媽, 因為佢好後生已經結婚有仔女, 加上老公感情淡左, 所以想搵SL, 開始時佢有疑慮好唔好繼續, 因為佢知道自己好易投入一段感情已抽唔到身, 但最後都比我誠意打動佢. 第二次見面已經忍唔住O係條街度搵D僻靜角落狂錫. 第三次已經開房, 一入到房已經攬埋一舊, FEEL 到佢好渴求. 我地連續做左兩次. 好開心, 但因為O個段時間大家太投入, 成日WHATSAPP + 電話, 所以佢老公開始起疑, 而佢亦話好唔捨得但無奈要分手...

    第三個: 22歲後生女, 係佢主動ADD 我, 我都好SURPRISE 因為個THREAD 沉左好耐, 佢有男友但佢話想要一段特別既關係, 我亦好明白佢既需求, 雖然大家相差12年但溝通上冇咩問題, 同佢一齊有一種令人後生左既感覺, 第一次見面已經約上我屋企, 一上的士佢已經成個人挨晒落黎, 我亦知道今晚一定得手.....入到屋一陣已經攬埋一齊瘋狂地濕吻. 佢個身好香, SKIN 好滑, 好耐未試過咁瘋狂地錫一個女仔既全身, 因為佢好似糖一樣黏住我, 完全估唔到佢會咁主動, D叫聲令我興奮不已, 好難忘既一夜. 但呢個女仔忽冷忽熱, 一貫後生女性格.....而我亦繼續同佢玩緊呢個遊戲..

    純粹分享, 不信者請自行離開, 不用留低腳毛, 想分享彼此經驗既亦無任歡迎~

  • 你就好啦, 師兄!

  • looks like you are a romantic person...

  • 恭喜!

    證明she 都唔係一潭死水,只要你係nice guy有正確態度,一樣可以成功

  • 大家都要繼續努力啦

  • ... m months play 3 gals, this means that you play with me, also create other sex relationship with gals too....

    Poor me, you just a fxxking dog here only!

  • 你係其中一個 ????

  • 屌完唱, 正仆街.....

  • 人妻 replied at 2013-07-31 5:13 pm


    ... m months play 3 gals, this means that you play with me, also create other sex relationship with gals too....

    Poor me, you just a fxxking dog here only!


  • 人妻 replied at 2013-07-31 5:13 pm


    ... m months play 3 gals, this means that you play with me, also create other sex relationship with gals too....

    Poor me, you just a fxxking dog here only!


    why need to share your experience with others. just between you and the gals .

  • hey~ man, do you know what is your meaning for secret lover?

    if you served your gals as SL before, why share in here?

    This is why I don't want to find here, no one serious, just liar to look for free-lunch only.

    then many free lunch fxxker join together to look for you to share the poor gals's whatsapp, photo, personnel information, whatever they look for fxxk the gals in turn....


  • suki replied at 2013-07-31 5:52 pm


    hey~ man, do you know what is your meaning for secret lover?

    if you served your gals as SL before, why share in here?

    This is why I don't want to find here, no one serious, just liar to look for free-lunch only.

    then many free lunch fxxker join together to look for you to share the poor gals's whatsapp, photo, personnel information, whatever they look for fxxk the gals in turn....




  • suki replied at 2013-07-31 5:52 pm


    hey~ man, do you know what is your meaning for secret lover?

    if you served your gals as SL before, why share in here?

    This is why I don't want to find here, no one serious, just liar to look for free-lunch only.

    then many free lunch fxxker join together to look for you to share the poor gals's whatsapp, photo, personnel information, whatever they look for fxxk the gals in turn....



    咁我又唔同意你既講法, 第一呢位師兄冇開人名, 連SHE 名都冇開, 純粹想作為一個紀念既形式O係度SHARE, 亦唔見得佢會同人分享個女仔既INFORMATION.

  • 第一個: =>Shirley

    第二個: 人妻, 30歲有一個8歲既女, 仲保養得好好, =>Kat

    第三個: 22歲後生女, => Elaine or Ada

  • jpmorganhk replied at 2013-07-31 5:58 pm


    suki replied at 2013-07-31 5:52 pm


    hey~ man, do you know what is your meaning for secret lover?

    if you served your gals as SL before, why share in here?

    This is why I don't want to find here, no one serious, just liar to look for free-lunch only.

    then many free lunch fxxker join together to look for you to share the poor gals's whatsapp, photo, personnel information, whatever they look for fxxk the gals in turn....







  • haha replied at 2013-07-31 6:24 pm


    第一個: =>Shirley

    第二個: 人妻, 30歲有一個8歲既女, 仲保養得好好, =>Kat

    第三個: 22歲後生女, => Elaine or Ada



  • 路人 replied at 2013-07-31 6:29 pm


    haha replied at 2013-07-31 6:24 pm


    第一個: =>Shirley

    第二個: 人妻, 30歲有一個8歲既女, 仲保養得好好, =>Kat

    第三個: 22歲後生女, => Elaine or Ada




    我唔同意你既講法, 呢位師兄冇開個女仔既INFORMATION, 純粹想作為一個紀念既形式O係度SHARE.

  • 每個人都有一團火

  • haha replied at 2013-07-31 6:24 pm


    第一個: =>Shirley / michelle (wechat: weiweijingxiang666)

    第二個: 人妻, 30歲有一個8歲既女, 仲保養得好好, =>Kat

    第三個: 22歲後生女, => Elaine or Ada


  • suki replied at 2013-07-31 5:52 pm


    hey~ man, do you know what is your meaning for secret lover?

    if you served your gals as SL before, why share in here?

    This is why I don't want to find here, no one serious, just liar to look for free-lunch only.

    then many free lunch fxxker join together to look for you to share the poor gals's whatsapp, photo, personnel information, whatever they look for fxxk the gals in turn....



    1 同 3 嘅女主角好明顯唔係搵SL

  • 大家唔洗咁衝動...不要對號入座...幾時開始大家都咁認真...根本個story係真同假都未知...

  • 人妻 replied at 2013-07-31 5:13 pm


    ... m months play 3 gals, this means that you play with me, also create other sex relationship with gals too....

    Poor me, you just a fxxking dog here only!


    Oh ... you are the wife?

  • hehe replied at 2013-07-31 7:10 pm


    haha replied at 2013-07-31 6:24 pm


    第一個: =>Shirley / michelle (wechat: weiweijingxiang666)

    第二個: 人妻, 30歲有一個8歲既女, 仲保養得好好, =>Kat

    第三個: 22歲後生女, => Elaine or Ada



    the second one, I played phone sex with her before, she lived in Mei Foo, so wild on phone.

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