
  • <p>希望自己更獨立, 但暫時修為還是不夠。<br />只想找個人能在陪我網上。</p>

  • 請問你係男定女呢?

  • 網上陪你已經足夠?

  • 對, 你願意嗎?

  • add my msn
    <br>[email protected]

  • Ting replied at 2013-02-24 1:16 pm
    <br>對, 你願意嗎?
    <br>只要你願意,我都無問題 ^^

  • vchkvc,
    <br>thanks :)

  • Ting replied at 2013-02-24 1:28 pm
    <br>thanks :)
    <br>msn見唔到你 email me plx

  • Ting replied at 2013-02-24 1:28 pm
    <br>thanks :)

  • SHE係上水平台可以有唔同人種同你解悶,上網時世搏享受

  • Ting, I am nearly to go. If you wanna chat more, you can give email to me and I will add you then.
    <br>My email is "[email protected]"

  • dd,
    <br>我MSN add 咗你啦 :)

  • Ting好~ 請問Ting是純粹找網上交流/分享麻? =)

  • forever_batbat,
    <br>係呀, 男女皆可, 你呢?

  • Ting~ 我在she.com都是找聊天拍擋/或分享.. 無聊時聊聊天時間會比較快過 =P 看似簡單的要求 但事實卻沒想象簡單!

  • hi, let's see if we match. I'm a 30+ guy, with decent look, normal build, very well educated, with flat and car. My hobbies include drinking, car riding, jogging, and listening to music. I also enjoy having nice meals with friends. My msn: [email protected]

  • forever_batbat,
    <br>同意, 很多人都意在出來見面, 特別是男人。
    <br>btw, how is ur day?

  • just finished 雞煲 with fds tonite...
    <br>how about u

  • wizard,
    <br>今日好懶, 無出街

  • Ting replied at 2013-02-24 10:16 pm
    <br>今日好懶, 無出街
    <br>我係欠人情債, 所以要焗住病好就要同人食..
    <br>我去個間係創興的叫至尊雞煲.. 係好食的, 但服務態度稍差咯....
    <br>懶... 都好的.. 可以休息兼諗下野.. 做自己想做的事又一日

  • Ting replied at 2013-02-24 10:08 pm
    <br>同意, 很多人都意在出來見面, 特別是男人。
    <br>btw, how is ur day?
    <br>Ting早阿~ 見不見面其實就很順其自然的事 男生總不懂這原理!! 哈
    <br>我喔 每天都差不多沒多大上落! 過很算優哉卻有點乏味的生活(自己的選擇)=P
    <br>Ting昨天好像收到好幾個留msn的 聊得如何? 找到你杯茶沒? =D
    <br>she.com要遇到長期有誠意的聊天拍擋非常不容易說! 這半年多時間 感覺自己一直處於迎送生涯!! XDDD 來來去去 人來人往.. 大家只不過貪圖新鮮感吧了!

  • 網上交流好處是快/即吃 一言不合可即閃! 缺反思/溝通/諒解 亦沒必要接受道歉/和解! 所有的都只站立個人立場=P
    <br>自己亦曾是這樣所以比較深刻體會! 不斷改善中 但說到底..緣份很重要咧! =D

  • Agreed, hard to find a chat mate that listens, they quickly jumped to asking you to meet up, esp as soon as they see your photo. An enormous chat would be nice without revealing too much personal info, people do asked a lot of questions.

  • wizard,
    <br>本來尋日有節目的, 去新界東北行吓, 但最後無到去...
    <br>我的生活同你的差不多, 唔願意比自己太忙, 但有時又想做番 d 野
    <br>昨天 msn 傾得一個 ja, hi 咗1-2句就無聲氣, msn show 佢 d 肌肉相, 懷疑都係想搵食嘅男...

  • Hi Ting,
    <br>Not well today, took day off. And how are you today?
    <br>Chicken pot is a bit too spicy for me, I get stomach upsets afterwards, nice though.

  • Katie好~
    <br>找個認真聊天都不容易 更難想象其它在找SL/關系的會遇到何種對象/收場!!(好像說多了)=P 只想說明交聊天還好 認真找對象的.. 這裡不是對/合適的地方! =D 女仕們慎之! =D

  • forever_batbat replied at 2013-02-25 9:40 am
    <br>找個認真聊天都不容易 更難想象其它在找SL/關系的會遇到何種對象/收場!!(好像說多了)=P 只想說明交聊天還好 認真找對象的.. 這裡不是對/合適的地方! =D 女仕們慎之! =D
    <br>Hi batbat,
    <br>Yes agreed, but I think most of those looking for sp are just players so they know what to expect, just a quick fling. There are still decent people on the net and people do make real life friends this way, normally after chats for a long long time. One thing that's good about meeting new friends online is that they can't judge you by ur appearance, you can withhold your id and you can chat about certain topics only with people being bias. At the end of the day lets make it fun chats since the days are so boring, lol.

  • Ting~ 飽暖思淫欲.. 過得了這關一切好辦 =P 搞些自己喜歡的事情.. 清閑優哉的生活是福氣阿! =D 世間沒完美的幸福 當然各人不同取向無可口非! 但我很滿足了 哈~ 偶有認識到些聊友就錦上添花! =D

  • Katie,
    <br>今日有 d 眼訓,唔夠訓

  • Ting, I'm really tired but can't sleep and that's the worst. Maybe eat something to cheer yourself up.
    <br>Chatted with a guy the other day we had a good conversation going, talked for hrs, we got loads things in common, he asked to meet but I refused, I saw him again online after I said hi to him he ignored me, lol.
    <br>Then another one asked for chat mate, asked to see my photo, after saw photo then asked if I want to be his sp, lol.
    <br>Sigh, people tese days so desperate, no patience.

  • 開始要忙了~ 兩位慢聊! 有緣的話再聊 =D

  • forever_batbat replied at 2013-02-25 10:22 am
    <br>開始要忙了~ 兩位慢聊! 有緣的話再聊 =D

  • 我想 這"話題"如持續下去該滿"趕客"的!! =P
    <br>繼續忙碌! =D

  • Katie,

  • forever_batbat replied at 2013-02-25 9:40 am
    <br>找個認真聊天都不容易 更難想象其它在找SL/關系的會遇到何種對象/收場!!(好像說多了)=P 只想說明交聊天還好 認真找對象的.. 這裡不是對/合適的地方! =D 女仕們慎之! =D

  • 我靚乜鬼呀,吾嚇人咁囉, lol.
    <br>Not much, Internet, reading, cooking, beauty, shopping, driving, used to draw a bit.... How about you?

  • forever_batbat replied at 2013-02-25 11:08 am
    <br>我想 這"話題"如持續下去該滿"趕客"的!! =P
    <br>繼續忙碌! =D
    <br>Maybe. But just looking for net chat mate didn't attract that many people come in anyway, lol.

  • 如果只係網上傾計, 對方係男又好, 女又好, 單身又好, 已婚又好, 靚又好, 醜又好, 都唔係重點, 最緊要係大家可以溝通到
    <br>不過人就係咁, 當覺得同對方好傾, 就會對呢個人多左幻想, 就自然希望將網上既感覺帶到現實世界中, 但往往事實同幻想都有較大落差

  • Katie,
    <br>我都係睇書, 睇戲, 鍾意哲學 & 社會學。
    <br>前兩日睇咗 <<林肯傳>> 啦~

  • Ting replied at 2013-02-25 12:13 pm
    <br>我都係睇書, 睇戲, 鍾意哲學 & 社會學。
    <br>前兩日睇咗 <<林肯傳>> 啦~
    <br>I just watched that today. It's Oscars today, I might catch it later.

  • Katie,
    <br>我覺得 ok 而已, 不算 excellent.

  • Hi Ting,
    <br>I can't see your invitation. Can you give me an email then I add you on my side?
    <br>My email is "[email protected]"

  • katie
    <br>i am genuinely seeking chat mate and nothing more. add me to chat if interested.
    <br>[email protected]

  • hi all. nice to see a chat thread here as last~

  • dd,
    <br>send u tonight

  • fish,
    <br>hi, welcome

  • Hi all, everyone still in work?
    <br>Ting, Lincoln was so so movie but Daniel day- Lewis was really good. Oscars as expected, love looking at the dresses., cant imagine fitting into one though, ate too much lately, lol.

  • hi all~
    <br>thx ting~
    <br>wish to see Licoln too, but no time~

  • ling~ 這可能跟年齡層有關吧!
    <br>Katie~ Katie的興趣/活動不算少 感覺很活潑! =D
    <br>Ting板主~ 好像給我的直率嚇到? 我是當朋友般交流 難免流露出真性情 希望沒有不小心說錯話就好! =)

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