
  • <p>is it true?</p>

  • 佢想說你試?

  • jasmine,
    <br>how old is your bf? 3P? who is the 3rd lady?

  • Hi
    <br>[email protected]

  • <br> he wamts his friend (male) to join.

  • <br> He is 24 and younger than me. We're been together for 2 years

  • jasime,
    <br>i believe you two are not dating for too long...
    <br>mm... if he really loves you, treasure you, how come he want to share you with his friend?
    <br>sorry to say, believe he just like your body as a sex toy only

  • 咁你想唔想呀?

  • sound good wor ....MMF.....

  • jasmine, but u want to try also? or you dont like?

  • 我係男.~ 我只會同D 女SP 玩 3P 自己 果個自用就唔會囉.~ 呵.

  • jasmine
    <br>u take care,if he love u, he won;t find his fd to sex with you
    <br>and do u want 3p sin?
    <br>i know its very crazy for gal,but its so high for gal too
    <br>in fact,how old r u?

  • 你咪問下佢點知,同埋試過幾多次
    <br>如果佢話無試過,咁又點知好多女仔行呢 XDD

  • 咁後生,一試冇妨不過你自己需要承受後果,因為佢有可能話你連咁都肯同佢啲朋友試。如果佢朋友搵你1vs1,你好難reject

  • <br> we are ok except in sex. He said i can't satisfy him. I like sex with him but not as much as he likes sex.
    <br> He said he wants to try something new. Just once is enough if i don't like. Or attempt to try and i can say no if i don't feel comfortable. And it is common nowsdays he said.
    <br> So i am not sure. But i love him. that's sure.

  • jasmine:
    <br>妳同妳 bf 幾多歲 ar ?~

  • Jasmine,
    <br>might be we can try 3P as demonstration,
    <br>then u can try with ur bf :P
    <br>fire ([email protected])

  • well, you got to understand how you can face his friend in the future... do you love sex very much? how many times do you do with him? what does he mean "can't satisfy"?

  • <br> He didn't try before but his friend did. We are 24 and 29.

  • jasmine
    <br>妳有無試下其他玩法,用口幫佢果 d?

  • 利用性來留住個男人唔係辦法,你諗吓啦....just be careful

  • jasmine replied at 2012-06-18 2:58 pm
    <br> He didn't try before but his friend did. We are 24 and 29.
    <br>hi, let me try with you and teach you skills...

  • <br> He wants 4 or 5 sex per week. But i can't and sometimes i don't feel too high when i am tired.

  • Don't let your bf pressure you into it, which is what he is trying to do.

  • jasmine replied at 2012-06-18 3:00 pm
    <br> He wants 4 or 5 sex per week. But i can't and sometimes i don't feel too high when i am tired.
    <br>haha, I want 8 or 10 sex per week. So lets settle for 4 or 5. Besides, you don't have to do anything, just sit back and let me do all the work. haha

  • <br> He didn't say he will leave me f i don't want. But as i said i love him. but i am not sure i should.

  • <br> We watched AV with 3P and i am excited too but watching and with me doing it is quite different.

  • Actually, I know many girls these days are pressured into it by their husbands or bfs. That doesn't mean it is common.

  • 如果你當佢係老公的人選,係唔可以,如果你仲有其他選擇,而你又想試,你係可以架。

  • ha...
    <br>但係而家你黎問意思, 即係唔係抗拒得咁緊要, 心思思想試...
    <br>你問係唔係好多女仔都會3p??唔通別人會做的, 你都做就認為無問題???
    <br>29歲人都唔用腦諗野...自己想, 唔好將個責任推去別人果度..

  • 電影還電影,佢地係需要令人excited,唔係冇人睇啦

  • 29都唔係老,不過自己要承擔後果。佢試過一次,必須有兩次,三次,你肯唔肯先?
    <br>24一星期4/5次唔係好多,應該係好正常。我自己24歲就日日都要...once or twice a day...

  • Jasmine,
    <br>I think you need to make a judgement, whether he just loves sex, or he actually loves you.
    <br>I enjoy sex with my gf, and so does she. But I will never offer her to someone else. And there are many ways to find alternative excitement.

  • 腦殘 replied at 2012-06-18 3:09 pm
    <br>但係而家你黎問意思, 即係唔係抗拒得咁緊要, 心思思想試...
    <br>你問係唔係好多女仔都會3p??唔通別人會做的, 你都做就認為無問題???
    <br>29歲人都唔用腦諗野...自己想, 唔好將個責任推去別人果度..
    <br>i admit i am curious too. maybe influenced by the movies.
    <br>but i don't think it is illegal. I just don't know if i should satisfy all his needs.

  • 唔怪得話D女人易氹,可能妳而家已經3P緊^^

  • jasmine
    <br>if u hvn't hurt other one , 3p is ok
    <br>but i hv a question,u say he need sex more than u need
    <br>if he find one man joint ,then......two men sex with you, he hv little time to sex with u, so..it is not sense
    <br>if he need sex more, i think he will find a gal joint, u agreE?

  • dude_son replied at 2012-06-18 3:14 pm
    <br>24一星期4/5次唔係好多,應該係好正常。我自己24歲就日日都要...once or twice a day...
    <br>He does not only want more but wantsto be very high. I can't do that every time. He is younger than me and i am tired from work.
    <br> We tired quite fews things but it also take times to arrange so can't be perfect every time

  • eric replied at 2012-06-18 3:41 pm
    <br>if u hvn't hurt other one , 3p is ok
    <br>but i hv a question,u say he need sex more than u need
    <br>if he find one man joint ,then......two men sex with you, he hv little time to sex with u, so..it is not sense
    <br>if he need sex more, i think he will find a gal joint, u agreE?
    <br> He told me he is obsessed with the idea that makes him high. I think the excitement is more important. It just like he likes mee to dress sexy for sex.

  • jasmine
    <br>ur bf is a student?or go out working?
    <br>may be u can try other things to give him exciting feel......such as play little sm, sex toy,sex in front of fds ,sex in public place.............etc
    <br>i think it all these things after i try 3p....
    <br>i think u and him can try setp by step first.....

  • 妳即係想點不如用msn傾

  • jasmine replied at 2012-06-18 3:35 pm
    <br>腦殘 replied at 2012-06-18 3:09 pm
    <br>但係而家你黎問意思, 即係唔係抗拒得咁緊要, 心思思想試...
    <br>你問係唔係好多女仔都會3p??唔通別人會做的, 你都做就認為無問題???
    <br>29歲人都唔用腦諗野...自己想, 唔好將個責任推去別人果度..
    <br>i admit i am curious too. maybe influenced by the movies.
    <br>but i don't think it is illegal. I just don't know if i should satisfy all his needs.
    <br>首先, 我唔係指責你有玩3p呢個念頭, 我只係覺得你個標題, "我bf話宜家好多女仔都會試3P"
    <br>如果個個都答係呀, 而家個個女仔都玩3p ga la, 咁你係唔係會因為呢d答案而去同bf的朋友玩3p呢???
    <br>玩同唔玩, 自己決定, 自己承受啦...關而家幾多人玩3p咩事呢???

  • Only can say..............chi sin..........

  • <br>但係出自你男友口中就有d怪

  • i think the truth is: you want to try 3p, coz, u want to try 2 guys and u should be very high

  • <br> I said no to him lar. Now he suggested just let him watch.

  • jasmine replied at 2012-06-21 3:04 pm
    <br> I said no to him lar. Now he suggested just let him watch.
    <br>佢淨係睇住你比佢個fd 吊你????
    <br>or 佢想睇你被人3p???你而家想邀請人加入????

  • 自己女朋友都可以攞出嚟同人分享, 你條仔擺明當你係洩慾工具啦, 用吓腦啦.

  • Jasmine,
    <br>If u treated him as SP, it's fine..but I don't think he is so nice and think about the future with you...
    <br>forget it..girl..

  • jasmine replied at 2012-06-21 3:04 pm
    <br> I said no to him lar. Now he suggested just let him watch.
    <br>girl, pls wake up, you are not his gf, you are only a toy in his eye.

  • 我今年24歲~
    <br>[email protected]

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