hk core value - we should protect!

  • I believe my weibo in Chinese should have given some of you some insight of my thought. Core value I am talking about. As a nation, Japan may have been trying hard to limit their immigration policy. After more than 1000 years of unification and assimilation, Japan has made a very firm core value within her country. She has been working hard to protect such a value in order to make her country to be productive. With merely 127mil population in Japan, Japanese government recognizes she needs to work hard to protect her society to avoid dissimilation of her value.
    <br>Foreign countries have been complaining the immigration policies in Japan. I agree that it is very difficult and almost impossible to get citizenship in Japan. However, Japan has no other means but to limit the inflow of foreigners into her country to protect her nation. Without a good selection process, any random inflow of immigrants will destroy the value of Japan in one go.
    <br>This is exactly what is happening in Hong Kong. With merely 7mil population, Hong Kong has a very fragile culture and is ready to be destroyed by any inflow of bad elements. This is exactly happening at the moment. Before 1997, we had been experiencing some inflow of immigrants from China. However, those people were mostly educated and would follow the game of rules played in Hong Kong. During that period, Hong Kong was still in a good harmony. Everyone was happy and everyone would get their returns according to the rules.
    <br>However, ever since 2003, when Hong Kong was badly hit by SARS, Hong Kong SAR government decided to open up the travelling policies to allow more visitors from China to Hong Kong to save her economy. However, without precise computation by the government, Hong Kong government just let go all the restrictions and we had been flooded with a big portions of travelers with no education and no mindset of law and humanity. As such, many previously local citizens started picking up bad habits like smoking in the public, jay walking, splitting, etc.
    <br>Lately we have a Beijing University professor Mr. Kong making nonsense comments to attack the legal value in Hong Kong. There are regulations across most countries not allow eating or drinking in subway or trains. However, this professor was making a big case to attack Hong Kong using existing rules to not allow a kid eating on train in Hong Kong. Does this mean China has no legal system? Or no one ever needs to be obliged by law and regulations in China? If such a comment could be coming out from a professor in such a highly prestigious university in China, I can understand why there are so many Chinese travelers doing all sorts of rule breaking behavior in China.
    <br>With merely 7mil population in Hong Kong, if we have been flooded with travelers or people with no sense of law and regulations, I can see this is going to be the end of Hong Kong. Should this be the time for our government to stand up and let the world know we have a very good legal system to protect our citizens and business community? Or should we just let go and give up our world standard core value and get abandoned by the international community later on as we are forced to drop using law and regulations to protect our economy and our citizens?
    <br>People! It is time for us to know what is right and what is wrong. We should be united together and get ourselves together and be the role model to this new Chinese economy. We have the power to show the world and we have the power to tell the Chinese government what the international community is looking for.

  • 對不起!

  • 退一步看 - 陶傑
    <br>香港大會堂低座和尖沙咀文化中心,時有香港管弦樂團的演奏,蕭邦,原名 Chopin,不是 Chanel;莫扎特,不是他們熟悉的 Moiselle;有時候,香港鋼琴家蔡崇力演奏李斯特。蔡崇力英文名叫 Frederick Tsai,那個 Tsai姓,不必擔心,跟周大福, Chow Tai Fook,距離十萬八千里。

  • I dont really care much on how they can take over our physical land. what i do care is our people have only been picking up the bad habits from them. if we can remember where were we and how we were named as one of the 4 little dragon, i dont think we will lose anything.
    <br>Furthermore, i wonder why our stupid government cannot work like the germam nor like the singaporean government in handling the outlawers, we have the system! Dont you think so? we should think twice now on our value. and why wr cannot voice out when we have the rules and regulations.
    <br>In short, only the qualified ones can stay. the uncivilized ones or uneducated ones should go.

  • hope we can work hard together

  • 我相信下一代已不可以叫香港人,已混入太多人了

  • True. but you are talking at teh level of "race" only. HK is a piece of land with her culture. Hope our UK "gene" could be passed on and know how to respect our land and our culture and our society.
    <br>Those would like to join us can also be called as HK people. Dont you think so?
    <br>Those born in HK but dont follow this way should not be named as HK people

  • Core Value?!!
    <br>What are they in Hong Kong!!??

  • Host
    <br>Mind to share with us your "HK core values"?

  • most HK people (i dont want to argue we do have some uncivilized HKers )
    <br>1. respect law and regulations
    <br>2. will take what belongs to them and will not try to get what's not belong to them
    <br>3. will aim high and try to achieve
    <br>4. will obey underlying rules of each game
    <br>5. give out their love / $ to the needed one - in particular during crisis
    <br>certainly we are all here trying to make for our living and our family, but we will not try to take unnecessary risk and degrade ourselves

  • However, without precise computation by the government, Hong Kong government just let go all the restrictions and we had been flooded with a big portions of travelers with no education and no mindset of law and humanity.
    <br>>>> 點止以上咁? 仲有好多大陸女人黎香港生仔,搞到本地孕婦無床位生仔,呢啲咪多謝港男 "娶大陸女人" 後遺症囉!

  • From macro pov, i think our core values are:
    <br>1. Freedom
    <br>2. Human rights
    <br>3. Rule by laws
    <br>4. Respect with each others
    <br>5. Democracy (though I doubt it's existing or not)
    <br>For point 4, I think one of the strengths of HKese is 求同存異,we embrace our strengths, but at the same time, we appreciate others and learn from them.

  • 沈旭暉:大熔爐與香港核心價值
    <br>筆者幾乎每月到內地交流、開會,遇過難以理喻的朋友,正如在國外,也難免遇過個別不快事件,香港也有極個別偏好人身攻擊的評論人。但理性的人,不應以偏概全,遇上一個美國人人身攻擊中國人,就把美國列為野蠻國家;事實上,筆者在美國入學的第一課,就是說明「hate crime」的破壞力,那才是留學予人最深刻的影響。同一道理,在香港個別內地朋友的作風,不能代表整個中國,而內地在港留學生的質素,就絕不比香港學生遜色;他們大多珍惜香港的核心價值,並對港人港地心懷感情。孔慶東教授的言論、對香港法治的不解,令人反感,但製造二元對立,也是缺乏自信的表現;若港人只以眼前案例來論證自我優越,以十三億國人為蝗蟲,何嘗不是缺乏自信的表現?
    <br>當然,以香港的面積,自不可能接納全國各地、乃至全球的移民。對孔教授的言論、D&G的政策、雙非人使用香港公共資源,筆者個人都不贊同。但對於希望如何制定移民政策、對公共資源如何避免被非本地居民濫用,香港市民自應直接發表意見,政府的人口政策也應該定期修正,這些都是理性討論足以解決的問題;若政府閉門造車,自會受到監督和批評,這裡針對的應是政策層面,不是人。對根據政策接納了的新移民,我們則應以我們的核心價值,盡力將他們融合在這個大熔爐內,這是香港人應該持有的信念,否則香港何以有今天?在這個「兩部曲」內,有根本方圓,不應有互相仇恨的空間,否則「hate crime」會變成常態,這是內地人、香港人都必須明白的。

  • 事實,港男娶大陸女人影響港人深遠,有些能力唔高的港男,聚大陸女人來港後,又無經濟能力,又要申請"公援". 另一些自以為是的港男, 以為聚到有學歷的大陸女人就無事,但咪又係唔識教小朋友,"自私自利","任由放緃","有錢都拿港人福利"等等,長遠影響本港的下一代,都是港男娶"大陸女人"之過,不知所謂!

  • I love HK replied at 2012-01-30 1:39 pm
    <br>True. but you are talking at teh level of "race" only. HK is a piece of land with her culture. Hope our UK "gene" could be passed on and know how to respect our land and our culture and our society.
    <br>Those would like to join us can also be called as HK people. Dont you think so?
    <br>Those born in HK but dont follow this way should not be named as HK people

  • centralol replied at 2012-01-29 7:42 pm
    <br>退一步看 - 陶傑
    <br>香港大會堂低座和尖沙咀文化中心,時有香港管弦樂團的演奏,蕭邦,原名 Chopin,不是 Chanel;莫扎特,不是他們熟悉的 Moiselle;有時候,香港鋼琴家蔡崇力演奏李斯特。蔡崇力英文名叫 Frederick Tsai,那個 Tsai姓,不必擔心,跟周大福, Chow Tai Fook,距離十萬八千里。
    <br>agreed.... thanks for posting this article.

  • 法治、人權、自由...
    <br>they are the basic core values of dignified human existence in any modern democratic society.

  • w
    <br>You are here too. I like the irony of 陶傑!
    <br>Reading his article always gives me a giggle!! ^^

  • centralol replied at 2012-01-30 2:48 pm
    <br>You are here too. I like the irony of 陶傑!
    <br>Reading his article always gives me a giggle!! ^^
    <br>yes, 陶傑 can be annoyingly sarcastic and sometimes borderline 無厘頭。

  • .

  • weirdo replied at 2012-01-30 2:47 pm
    <br>they are the basic core values of dignified human existence in any modern democratic society.
    <br>HK is a modern society, but never a democratic one.
    <br>Does it make a dent in our core values given the intensified cultural dfference? Let's wait and see.

  • centralol,
    <br>we live in a promised make-believe democracy. everything can change at a dime...but also at a huge cost to the ruling entity.

  • 閣下所列舉的例子統統是國家的政策, 香港只不過是一個城市
    <br>有一點我想指出是, 無論我們怎樣稱呼自己的地方: 香港特區政府..云云..
    <br>現實是…香港是屬於中國政府統治的地方, 回歸16年了, 不願還需認….
    <br>你在這高聲呼喊: 我是香港人, 不是大陸人, 人家冷眼望你一望, 心裡扔下一句: 中國人真係麻X煩…
    <br>香港有幸在1997年前在英國統治下, 加上香港人拚搏, 辛勤, 適應力強和努力底下, 發展成國際都市, 在回歸時, 中英聯合聲明底下, 全世界也在看中國將在日後怎樣處理香港問題, 同時中國正值對外開發, 與世界接軌, 中國實在是不願但也沒辦法的給與香港很高的自治權.
    <br>任何事都有好壞兩邊, 自從2003年起, 中國給與香港的經濟援助是有目共睹的,
    <br>現在有些人卻”輸打贏要”, 一邊大刺刺地享受經濟帶來的好處, 一邊卻投訴沒文化, 沒教育, 不守法律, 資源侵佔的什麼什麼, 卻忘記了自己的房子剛在去年高峰時賣出了給一個內地人, 賺了過百萬…..
    <br>情況就像…你的孩子需要你的保護, 需要你的供養,他卻一天到晚向你叫:別管我!!”, 要是你認為合理的話, 我祝福你年生貴子..
    <br>至於什麼香港核心價值云云, 說清楚一點, 可有一點自吹自擂, 自高身價的想法, 帶有濃厚歧視意識…..強國人, 蝗蟲…等等..
    <br>等等~~!!! 有否感到一點熟識?????
    <br>對嘛~~~!!! 1997時, 香港人就是其他人眼中的蝗蟲嘛….
    <br>當年移民潮, 英國, 加拿大, 新西蘭, 澳洲…..香港人爭著移民當地, 帶著財富, 在當地買樓, 投資, 間接推高樓價, 增加職位競爭..….結果我們受盡歧視, 咬牙切齒..….
    <br>今日, 我們某些人做著同樣的事, 角色調換而已

  • So the society needs no history, no civilizatikn,no rules?
    <br>Hen there is no need to overthrown the Qing years by mr sun yat sin

  • 利工民 replied at 2012-01-30 4:16 pm
    <br>閣下所列舉的例子統統是國家的政策, 香港只不過是一個城市
    <br>有一點我想指出是, 無論我們怎樣稱呼自己的地方: 香港特區政府..云云..
    <br>現實是…香港是屬於中國政府統治的地方, 回歸16年了, 不願還需認….
    <br>你在這高聲呼喊: 我是香港人, 不是大陸人, 人家冷眼望你一望, 心裡扔下一句: 中國人真係麻X煩…
    <br>香港有幸在1997年前在英國統治下, 加上香港人拚搏, 辛勤, 適應力強和努力底下, 發展成國際都市, 在回歸時, 中英聯合聲明底下, 全世界也在看中國將在日後怎樣處理香港問題, 同時中國正值對外開發, 與世界接軌, 中國實在是不願但也沒辦法的給與香港很高的自治權.
    <br>任何事都有好壞兩邊, 自從2003年起, 中國給與香港的經濟援助是有目共睹的,
    <br>現在有些人卻”輸打贏要”, 一邊大刺刺地享受經濟帶來的好處, 一邊卻投訴沒文化, 沒教育, 不守法律, 資源侵佔的什麼什麼, 卻忘記了自己的房子剛在去年高峰時賣出了給一個內地人, 賺了過百萬…..
    <br>情況就像…你的孩子需要你的保護, 需要你的供養,他卻一天到晚向你叫:別管我!!”, 要是你認為合理的話, 我祝福你年生貴子..
    <br>至於什麼香港核心價值云云, 說清楚一點, 可有一點自吹自擂, 自高身價的想法, 帶有濃厚歧視意識…..強國人, 蝗蟲…等等..
    <br>等等~~!!! 有否感到一點熟識?????
    <br>對嘛~~~!!! 1997時, 香港人就是其他人眼中的蝗蟲嘛….
    <br>當年移民潮, 英國, 加拿大, 新西蘭, 澳洲…..香港人爭著移民當地, 帶著財富, 在當地買樓, 投資, 間接推高樓價, 增加職位競爭..….結果我們受盡歧視, 咬牙切齒..….
    <br>今日, 我們某些人做著同樣的事, 角色調換而已
    <br>anything if given a strong dosage can be objectionable and hard to take.
    <br>and the feet often run faster than the mind. so it will take some time before they evolve to a level that is more palatable to us and the world.

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