TO : Lysanias

  • <p align="center"><font color="#999999" size="4"><strong>You broke my heart <br /><br /><font color="#ff0000" size="5">BROKEN ! <br /></font><br />I hate you !</strong></font><br /><br /><font color="#ff0000" size="5"><strong>HATED !</strong></font></p>

  • 版主好可憐!

  • 碎左既心...真係好可憐~

  • <p>不知道去那裡....</p>

  • What should I do , 好辛苦......T_T

  • 雖然心是碎了...但還在痛~~

  • 不知道去那裡....
    <br>--->什麼地方都不去, 好好執番個心d碎片, 再用膠布貼番好, 等d傷口埋左, 就可以自由了...

  • 心碎的感覺, 真的難受死了...

  • 亞宅 : 咁容易咩? 傷得很深,一次又一次, 現在眼淚不停的流...

  • 時間可以幫到你呀!

  • 日子總會過去, 可能會用上一段長時間; 日子過去, 傷就會好一點...

    1. either you try toi get drunk.
      <br>2. you try to walk under the sun to forget him
      <br>3. to go back to work and make yourself completely into work

  • <p>啊... :雖然心是碎了...但還在痛~~ <br /><br />真的不停地痛....</p>

  • 啊...

  • heart replied at 2010-05-02 1:02 pm
    <br>1. either you try toi get drunk.
    <br>2. you try to walk under the sun to forget him
    <br>3. to go back to work and make yourself completely into work
    <br>方法2是最好的, 我應該去曬曬太陽, 忘記那個錯誤的他

  • well. you cannot just sit down and do nothing. you need to run away from home and try to get something for yourself.
    <br>Walk under sun may work may not work. I am quite sure you can go back to work ...... otherwise, you could go to travel witha tour

  • <p>啊... : 係時間係可以沖淡的,但已經用了時間去忘記,可能我傷得深,眼淚不停地流~<br /><br />Heart : 1. to get drunk is not a bad idea <br />             2. How to walk under the sun ? where ? <br />             3.Jobless</p>

  • that's sunshine today...maybe i shd go out for a walk to forget the hurt from my mistake...
    <br>and get back on my study afterward...

  • 有一日, 你不在為他傷神, 你就可以自由...

  • 版主用左幾多時間呀?

  • 亞宅 : to love and not to hold .thats all I can do .I really hated him !!!! ever in my life!

  • hatedyou replied at 2010-05-02 1:07 pm
    <br>啊... : 係時間係可以沖淡的,但已經用了時間去忘記,可能我傷得深,眼淚不停地流~
    <br>Heart : 1. to get drunk is not a bad idea 
    <br>             2. How to walk under the sun ? where ? 
    <br>             3.Jobless
    <br>try to find a parttime job at a breadshop or any food store.
    <br>or you could walk under breaches. However, I do not like walking udner sun. Try to get a drink in a small coffee shop and hide yourself.

  • 啊... : 每天的24小時去想再忘記....

  • 亞宅 replied at 2010-05-02 1:08 pm
    <br>that's sunshine today...maybe i shd go out for a walk to forget the hurt from my mistake...
    <br>and get back on my study afterward...
    <br>if you have your study, you should not even try to think about him or her. Wasting your time. if you ever failed in your study, you would strongle feel very stupid about yourself.
    <br>Wake up adn go to stauy

  • heart : Thanks for your advise , I'm jobless started since Friday , I guess I need some rest .<br /><br />I am not hiding  myself , even though I am outside walking , sitting , eating , drinking  , shopping , it really doesn't help much .....<br /><br />As I am so stupid in Love and to let go  is not easy  for me .,

  • hatedyou replied at 2010-05-02 1:11 pm
    <br>啊... : 每天的24小時去想再忘記....

  • 恨的感覺又愛開始, 我不想再愛又不想再恨了...
    <br>yea..i shd focus on what i am doing and forget abt the mistake...

  • 啊... : 都未加那些,致電給他又不接電的感受....( 我相信我一世人, 打得最多的電話,而對方可以不理會.)

  • 用24小時不能忘記, 用多24小時...曾經用了n個年的24小時去忘記某人...

  • 亞宅 : 仲之,我現在很想搵人打....()_()

  • <p><font size="3"><strong>呀!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 好辛苦呀...................(佢都唔知) <br /><br />算了........</strong></font></p>

  • honestly i had that experienced as well. very difficult and veyr hard to get myself together again. HOwever, if you dont try to get off that feeling soon, you will have more problems to follow.
    <br>you will not concentrate in work and other things. AS well, he/she may not be that important as you think. He/she may be just a temp person in yoru life. Try to get off as soon as possible.
    <br>Can try to see if you need to buy some new clothes or pens, need to really walk under teh heat

  • hatedyou
    <br>留餘下既時間 識另一位

  • 亞宅 replied at 2010-05-02 1:18 pm
    <br>用24小時不能忘記, 用多24小時...曾經用了n個年的24小時去忘記某人...

  • 做人要搵開心....

  • heart : I know the feeling , but in my life , I guess this is the 3rd time i felt so depressing.......<br />I had already bought new clothes.....yesterday<br /><br />moon : he had a girlfriend before when I was with him ...

  • 做人開心唔容易的

  • moon; 我本是一個開心的人, 但講到愛情就是失敗耆....否<br />已經很怕去愛了.....T_T

  • hated you. what can we do to help?

  • 希望板主..
    <br>盡快搵番 屬於自己既開心事

  • heart : 佢唔關心我了....<br /><br />你們有心,我感到慨嘆....

  • moon :Thanks....

  • 感情輸掉了, 就認輸吧, 不要連自尊都輸掉~
    <br>痛痛快快說再見, 傷心夠了就好好做人; 不要再搵佢了...

  • hatedyou replied at 2010-05-02 1:13 pm
    <br>heart : Thanks for your advise , I'm jobless started since Friday , I guess I need some rest .
    <br>I am not hiding  myself , even though I am outside walking , sitting , eating , drinking  , shopping , it really doesn't help much .....
    <br>As I am so stupid in Love and to let go  is not easy  for me .,
    <br>完全明白你感受,因為我也曾有過這樣我經歷,但唯一能解決問題都只能靠自己,時間的確係可以令你傷痛無咁深,但唔係一朝一夕,drinking唔可以解決問題,只係短暫逃避,酒醒仍然是痛,不妨認識多d新朋友,這樣幫助更大..cheer up!

  • <p> 電話打得通但永遠都沒有人接聽! <br />試過我用133 佢接聽.....=___=</p>

  • 電話打得通但永遠都沒有人接聽!
    <br>試過我用133 佢接聽.....=___=
    <br>===> 算啦, 佢唔聽, 你打幾百個電話佢都唔會聽; 快d執番自己既自尊先, 要失去既始終會失去...
    <br>姊妹, 共勉之...

  • feelingblue :  He effected me very much , I dont want to do anything.....<br />to meet new friends? forget ,....doesnt help much .I  am very useless.....right?

  • hatedyou

  • I me phone  is useless and hopeless when someone dont want to talk to you ....

  • moon : you guys are nice and supportive ma

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