
  • <p>我個情況係咁:<br />我男朋友43歲,我27。男朋友對我非常之好,算有錢,非常有事業,問題係結過婚,離過婚,有兩個小朋友,3歲同6歲,兩個小朋友都乖同聽話。前妻唔會話好煩。<br /><br />有時我覺得好幸福,但有時亦好介意男朋友既年齡同佢既仔女(我自己唔係太喜歡小朋友,但D朋友話佢地好快就會大,7/8歲就唔係好理人)。有時會覺得我情願有個男朋友無乜錢,但後生D同冇仔女。<br /><br />係正常嫁嘛?定係我係冇個樣,恨個樣?</p>

  • 係正常嫁嘛?定係我係冇個樣,恨個樣?<br /><br /><strong>Certainly NOT<br /><br />u don't know what u want<br /><br />1982 Dog girl or 1981?</strong>

  • 1981 - chicken

  • u should get some trouble this year, soon over

  • there is still lots of men around, why him?

  • Because he treats me VERY GOOD, and we get along very well, and we love each other.

  • so, forget other issues, then

  • so please leave that man . Dun hurt the 2 kids. bitch!

  • Well, I don't hate them, and I'm not hurting them. I played with them and do everything I'm suppose to do and they love hanging out with me...

  • so, do u know what u want?

  • P, you actually asked the best question. I guess I should map out what I want, and see if it is (close to) what I have now.... and decided.

  • stop all that bull shxts. you played them but not play with them indeed. they love hanging out with me coz they know nothing. they are just small kids! I hate those fxxking bitches murmuring here. No guts!

  • <font color="#666666">Ms ABC replied @ 2009-10-06 4:42 am</font><br /><br /><strong>Exactly</strong>

  • if u r still puzzled after considering everything, fetch me and see if i can help<br />

  • Thanks a bunch P!
    <br>Olsen, altho you're getting all worked up and saying all kinds of bad words, I'll take your comment into accounts. Thanks!

  • that's the proper approach

  • you are making the things going more complicate. but your goal is too simple. just to find guys to "share and sex and ee yup" . dun worry., so easy here !

  • I'm not interested in having sex with other guys. If I want to, I can get a bunch of those meaningless sex easily everywhere. But I have no interests in that.
    <br>So that's not what getting things complicated. P has a good point, I guess I just need to get my head straight and figure out what my goal of life is....

  • exactly<br /><br />forget those silly jerks messing around, they know nothing.........

  • fine. your must get your goal of life when in bed with P
    <br>good luck to that 2 kids

  • 有時會覺得我情願有個男朋友無乜錢,但後生D同冇仔女。
    <br>too easy to find here. young poor stupid single guys around . take your time to find

  • OLSEN, you get an excellent point here! You're right. The whole world is full of young guys without kids and without money! But a good guy is VERY hard to find! And now I have found him. I shouldn't complained!!! THANKS A LOT!!!!
    <br>I don't know about P and the bed, but I'd have to respectfully decline your suggestion as I have no interests in that :-)

  • fine. on behalf of the 2 little kids

  • Olsen, you have a kind heart. Thanks.

  • Welcome and forgot my rudeness

  • sounds a bit pity about yr situation, actually wat yr problem is not only about love, is about life; u r still pretty young and got plenty of choices and explorations. If you choose to live that way, it's talking about 50 more years; If you r gonna living like that way, is that wat you really want especially it's related with another kids? is that love can solve all the problems within?

  • Another Noone, the society builds up the idea that a good healthy normal family consists of a father, mother, and children. And what's normal is that you get married, you have babies, babies grow up ....
    <br>That's what my parents expect. (Traditional Chinese family). Sometimes I question myself how much I want kids, if I wanna live without having kids ever, would I really be totally alone if I never have children...all sorts of question. With this boyfriend, that is not an option anymore. That is a fact that I must accept. That's why I was confused.

  • I just wonder if u can really ignore all peoples think toward u and just keep doing wat u want, in case if u r that kinda person, sure it would be alright and that kinda of thoughts mean nothing to you as well. I just concern about if you really can accept that you would like take care the kids who are from another gal in the rest of yr life, and do you really understand this guy and the reason of his divorce behind? you really dun afraid he will doing the same thing to you in the future?

  • ABC, first be careful of p, he always ask
    <br>gal's 生肖 n really don't know what he's going to
    <br>do with that! Rather weird n scary!!
    <br>Second, another noone is sllly!!
    <br>U guys always says choices !!
    <br>That means u don't have to consider love!!

  • 離婚原因很多

  • 好明顯是犯賤, 得一想二

  • 冚家

  • ????

  • <font color="#666666">Careful replied @ 2009-10-06 8:02 am</font><br /><br />Nothing is weird if you know more<br /><br />見怪不怪,其怪自敗

  • 版主.

  • "如果真係唔鍾意就唔好拖人"

  • if you really like this guy, you should have probably accepted everything about him and not asking questions here. And obviously u are aware of his 2 kids from day 1 so there's no one to blame.
    <br>The fact that you have doubts reflects that you dun love this man enough. period.

  • to careful,
    <br>life is full of choices, love doesn't mean everything, living with the guy u love the most doesn't you life would be better even after, many peoples feel can't survived after break-up at the moment, but soon they will fall for another one again, and love always fade when it keeps being through period of times, the feeling you hold right in the moment doesn't mean accurate for another times in the future.

  • 嘩~~~ 有兩個細路添呀~~~ 死都唔跟佢

  • 好老實講, 我唔介意對方無錢, 唔富貴.
    <br>你到時如果真係同佢結左婚的話, 你就變左做0個兩個細0既呀媽, 咁你心理上能唔能夠負係呢個責任先?? 無啦啦多左兩件, 仲要唔係自己親生. 而你老公一定會旨意你去幫手湊細路, 你又得唔得先??
    <br>換言之, 我寧願無錢都唔要無自由

  • 我覺得唔係無拉拉做左人地糸媽咁簡單.
    <br>疼佢咩?! 又怕種壞左.

  • 所以樓主你自己好好衡量下.

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