I have a dream

  • The dream is so realistic<br />The dream is so colorful<br />The dream is so beautiful<br />Everything is perfect<br />I found my wish<br />I wanna the dream will come true<br />Eventually a dream is only a dream<br />But I am still appreciated that I have a dream<br /><br />

  • hope your dreams become true very soon!

  • No dream come true, no more dream

  • 或許現在的你有點疲累~或許現在的你事事無法盡如你意~
    <br>給一個樂觀的鬥士!! Hugs!

  • Dedicated this song to you:

    <br>Nothing is impossible, may your dream come true!
    <br>Sweet, sweet dream for a breezy evening~~
    <br>Good night!

  • Have chosen this song for you, enjoy :

    <br>Good night!

  • <br>
    <br>Specially for you!
    <br>Good night!

  • <br />夢想或許是遙不可及, 不過人不能沒有夢想、沒有希望<br /><br />而且曾經有夢想, 總比甚麼都沒有好........<br /><br />努力   :)<br /><br />

  • 我都送一首我喜愛的歌給你 :)<br /><a href="

    </a><br /><br />蝸牛<br />歌手:<a href="http://hk.music.yahoo.com/celeb-profile.html?artistcode=jaychou"><font color="#f1b833">周傑倫</font></a> <ins>作曲:周傑倫 </ins> <ins>填詞:周傑倫 </ins> <ins>編曲:</ins>
    <br><p>該不該擱下重重的殼 尋找到底哪裡有藍天<br />隨著輕輕的風輕輕的飄 歷經的傷都不感覺疼<br /><br />我要一步一步往上爬 等待陽光靜靜看著它的臉<br />小小的天有大大的夢想<br />重重的殼裹著輕輕的仰望<br /><br />我要一步一步往上爬 在最高點乘著葉片往前飛<br />小小的天流過的淚和汗 總有一天我有屬於我的天<br /><br />我要一步一步往上爬 在最高點乘著葉片往前飛<br />任風吹乾 流過的淚和汗<br /><br />我要一步一步往上爬 等待陽光靜靜看著它的臉<br />小小的天有大大的夢想<br /><br />我有屬於我的天<br /><br />任風吹乾 流過的淚和汗 總有一天我有屬於我的天<br /></p>

  • <br>
    <br>Celine Deon + Elvis Presley (What a wonderful combination!!!)
    <br>Hope you like it~~
    <br>Good night!

  • U know who



    <br>Is it you? I know it is not you! It's another you.
    <br>No more dream and not dare to dream anymore~~
    <br>Goodbye my last dream

  • <p>I don't know what and why made you feel this way that you don't even dare to dream.<br /><br />But I know one thing for sure, if you dare to dream, dream might come true. ONLY IF YOU DARE to.<br /><br />What are you going through now might consume alot of your time and effort. However, it is only small part of your life. I know you know this better than any of us. And babe, yes, this, too, will pass like other challenges challenged you in the past.<br /><br />Have faith in yourself as how i have faith in you. Kisses and hugs!!</p>

  • The dream is so realistic
    <br>The dream is so colorful
    <br>The dream is so beautiful
    <br>Everything is perfect
    <br>I found my wish
    <br>I wanna the dream will come true
    <br>Eventually a dream is only a dream
    <br>But I am still appreciated that I have a dream
    <br>工作, 總會有完成的一天.
    <br>跟朋友享暢聚, 就會有離別時.
    <br>熱戀, 會變成感情.
    <br>悲傷, 會淡忘.
    <br>歡樂的日子, 總會過去.
    <br>困難, 亦不會天天伴隨.
    <br>每一件事情, 總會有一個完結.
    <br>有開始, 就有完結.
    <br>緣起, 緣滅.
    <br>有生, 有死.
    <br>無始, 無終?
    <br>有什麼, 會終生跟隨?

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